Which one are you supporting next gen?

which one are you supporting next gen?

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nintendo and sony like always.
fuck google and fuck streaming games as a service.

Nintendo, Sony is absolute cancer & deserves to die


Sony already said that they have no games, and have no intention of getting games in the future.

Haven't you heard? Xbox is going the way of sega.

None until there's a game I actually want.

Nintendo and M$. I skipped the PS4 already.

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I've been a sony fan since the ps3 so probably sony



Sony and Nintendo every gen because I'm not an idiot

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Whoever has the best games.

Sonytendo. Jewgle fanboys can eat rocks

The one that gets games I actually give a fuck about. I'm more inclined to say it's Nintendo so far

This, I'd you dont get nintendo/Sony consoles at this point you're an idiot

Xbox because someone needs to keep Sony in check.

not true, sega actually has games worth playing. microsoft only has awful western trash like sea of thieves and crackdown 3.

Sony. They have the games.

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Xbox hasn't been keeping Sony in check for 10 years, sony has publically stated pc is their biggest competitor

Laziest comeback I've seen all day.

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Seems like an obvious solution
>PS5 for your traditional home console
>Switch 2 for your handheld
>Powerful enough PC especially now that MS puts their games their now

Nintendo & a pc running linux

Song only because I want Bloodborne 2 or Bloodborne remastered on PC. Or both on PC

I remember when this gif was done with PS3, 360, Wii

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>3rd person punch enemies movie with RPG elements twelve different times
So fun

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Whoever has the exclusives I wanna play so probably Sony


Shit Negro that's all you had to say.

Gonna build a Pc I am so sick of Sony censoring Trish’s Butt was the last straw.

based and ancappilled

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Nintendo is just as bad.

I'm a ninten-drone through and through.
Not that i'm proud, but what can I do.

Its amazing how the PS4 destroyed every console in this gif.

Screencap this post, the Big 3 in 5-10 years will be Amazon, Apple, and Google.

MS will drop out of consoles and offer xcloud + gamespass, Sony will leave the console market and focus on PSNOW, and Nintendo will continue doing it's own thing but won't see the other video game companies as competitors. Most likely will focus on expanding their IPs to shit outside of vidya like the universal themeparks, more movies and TV shows with AR mobile and gacha shit on the side.

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Probably just Microsoft. Nintendo exclusives don't excite me anymore.

Why did you include Bloodborne in that unrelated picture of movies?

The one that isn't based in california

Can't wait to shit on Apple and Google fags on Yea Forums in 2025
Only Amazonbros welcome

"sony will stop making consoles in a few years, for real this time! just wait and see!"
- Yea Forums, 2006-present

>game has a cutscene longer than 30 secs
>Game develops characters back story or plot

ITS A MOVIE HAHAHAHA Mom i said it again!

Imagine supporting a modern slave owner. Although you probably work for him so I’m not surprised

>Seething Applefags

Except the current CEO said a streaming only future is viable for Playstation going forward, especially depending on how they do next generation. If they don't keep the marketshare they had this gen you can bet for sure they are dropping out.

Nintendo, Sony, and Pee Cee like usual. I would get an Xbox but most of the games I want on it are usually multiplats anyway.

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Who are you quoting?

I already run pc, so it’s the best mobile supplement.

I also take my anime tittys serously, so fuck Sony.
I’m skipping switch, maybe a switch lite. Google home is a hell no. Maybe an Android gaming tablet to replace my phone.

Whoever makes the game I want at the time nigger

Usually I buy every console. I'll be skipping whatever Xbox puts out because I already have a nice PC. Most likely will skip out on Google unless they do something extraordinarily impressive.

>supporting Google in any way

Nope. Sony and Nintendo are the dream team.

Microsoft Xbox Pro and Nintendo Switch, Sony is going to kill themselves and go full streaming next gen, Google and Amazon won't even be competition.

Nintendo mostly.

No, they're not.

Fucking based!

>Nintendo makes good games but they are only really capable of putting out like 3 truly great games a gen. Usually a couple smaller 'good' games but Nintendo developed games rarely get a price drop so they become less appealing.
>Sony gets good exclusives but I'm sick of their formula already and they've already stated they're doubling down on it. Low variety of games. Bloodborne is probably the only must-play for me on the PS4, the rest I could take or leave. I'll probably drop them next gen for the first time ever, they're just not that appealing to me any more.
>Microsoft ???
>Never touching google anything

I'm probably just gonna have to become a PC fag with Nintendo if they haven't completely fucked it mid gen.

xbox so i can play madden 2k20

The one that makes Bloodborne 2

Generally speaking if a game has cutscenes that are so long that my controller turns off, that's a very very bad thing.

that's not what he said at all, and microsoft is the one actually gearing up to force streaming games as a service next generation. nice try though.


you forgot:
>it's a sony exclusive
somehow quantum break, xenoblade 2 and pokemon sun/moon never seem to get included in the "movie game" discussion for some reason.

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I hate consoleward, but you're not helping Sony's case.
You just posted stills of cutscenes.

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Probably no one. I have everything this generation and I'm terribly disappointed in all 3 companies. Sony hurts the most, I've been onboard since the PS1, but the fact that they bleed exclusives, don't care about the japanese market anymore, got infested by cultural marxist kikery and started to impose censorship on lewd games is impossible to brush off.

I think I'm just gonna catch up with my backlog and play older games and occasionally pirate the hot new release on PC. Also play less video games and do something more productive with my free time

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Well, the CFO of Sony said basically the opposite a few weeks ago and even said that streaming is a "threat" to their business
There are several factions within Sony who want to push for different things, this is not a unified vision like Microsoft with Phil Spencer calling th shots by himself

since i quit pc gaming ill need either an xbox or a ps4 and seeing as how ps4 has a decent gamut of exclusives, while xbox has the same lineup of AAA-genre competitors, ill have to go with sony. especially since xbox randomly doesnt get japanese games sometimes for no reason.

nintendo is in its own category, useful for exclusives only. so its a matter of time when it becomes worth buying. switch isnt there yet, 300+$ for mario-laylee and breath of the bad combat. ill wait for a low price like i did with the 3ds

I don't even own a PS4, but this gif is so wrong lmao. The fucking Wii U couldn't lay a finger on the PS4 hahaha

Whichever company is the most consumer friendly. So definitely not Microsoft, and definitely not Google.

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All three of them flushing the cancer that is Cuckbox down the toilet.

>All these seething Xniggies ITT
kek, kill yourselves already

None of the above.

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Yeah dude totally. I mean, why play the console with the biggest customer install base, or the best first party exclusives. I'm a giant dingbat.

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Streaming is not gonna happen people

Sony really is Snoy

this didn't age well buddy

Wait why does pokemon sun and moon have that many cutscenes? I haven't played a pokemon game since gen 4 but the story was basically always just 'you're a kid who wants a lot of pokemon and there's a bad fella who wants to use a strong pokemon to do something dumb but you stop him'. How could the story in sun and moon possibly be complex enough to take longer than 4 longish movies to get the point across?

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Xbox is unironically the most consumer friendly at the moment. Nintendo is unironically the least consumer friendly, abusing their fanbase, charging extra for old ports, asking outrageous amounts of money for accessories, introducing yet another online paywall with very few value in return.

because ohmori (the new director) is a hack who wanted to shill two certain characters and shove them in our faces over and over again. the entire region is designed as a linear hallway that moves the player from one unskippable cutscene to the next.

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Yikes. I can't imagine even caring about the story in a pokemon game.

You know what, you're right about that, but I can never forget that Microsoft tried making the XBOX One unable to play used games, and with a constant DRM internet connection to play it, no offline mode. They are walking everything back NOW, years later, because they are getting absolutely, positively, massacred on every other front, so are only now falling back on the "we can't beat 'em, so let's have better service". They will walk it back the second they take the lead again, if that ever happens. Remember, they were the only company requiring you to pay for online multiplayer the last 2 Generations. Fool me once...

I can't imagine even playing a Pokemon game.

soulja boy

>"we are not leaving consoles" -quote from inside xbox episode today

Not as long as Microsoft is in charge of the brand.

if the story was good like gen 5 or explorers of sky, the constant interruptions would be bearable, but it isn't.
oh, i almost forgot to mention - the "cinematic experience" didn't just affect the region design. it affected the gameplay too. you see, ohmori spent so much time making his cinematic cutscenes that he ran out of time for the actual game. that's why gen 7 doesn't have any actual gyms - it has "trials" instead, which were added at the last second as a watered-down substitute for gyms. they also got rid of the national dex and replaced it with nothing, and postgame is still pretty much nonexistent as it has been since gen 6.
ohmori is also directing sword/shield, and judging from they showed on the direct, they made a straight-line region with the same linear hallways as gen 7, so it's going to be another "cinematic experience." people will continue to ignore this because it's not sony, though.

>supporting jewgle

yeah, the idea that microsoft has seen the light and is pro-consumer now is just laughable.
microsoft has spent the last few years fucking over everyone who was dumb enough to still buy an xbone after e3 2013 by cancelling most of its exclusives and porting the rest to pc. speaking of pc, windows 10 is an orwellian nightmare of an operating system. they're gearing up to force streaming games as a service next gen. and at the end of the day, they're still the company that introduced toxic business practices like paid online, paid dlc and microtransactions to the industry.
unironically, console wars aside, nobody who actually likes this hobby should ever want microsoft to be on top. just look at all the damage they did to gaming last gen just by coming in second place, and imagine how bad it could be if they ever won a generation. i'll take sony and nintendo's annoying quirks over microsoft's greed any day of the week.