Would you buy a game where you can date boomer girls and do boomer things?

Would you buy a game where you can date boomer girls and do boomer things?

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I mentally imagine boomers as smelling like cigarettes so no

Girls don't become boomers, OP.

They become cakes, then milfs, and lastly expaired.

#4 is for marriage and long-term love making.

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Why are they so short?

2nd girl is best girl. YOU CAN'T DENY THIS.

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>born in the 80s

Stop it.


Attached: Kaoru.jpg (700x1179, 180K)

>tfw 5'5"

>multiple choices in dialogue
>all choices are bad and punish the player

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Boomers suck.

>boomer girls
>boomer things
Do you even know what you are talking about?

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Kaoru is best girl, bur Sae is good for training in all kind of kinky cosplay shit.

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Ai is love

A fellow man of culture.

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Tsukasa is love, Tsukasa is life.

Huge thighs.

Child-bearing hips

Please post Kaoru