You're going to play as a Nelf in classic, right?

You're going to play as a Nelf in classic, right?

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Troll Shaman all day err day

non-lore abiding class/race combos can get fucked

No, because I'm not a disgusting filthy Alliance baby.

Human warrior so I can quest in Elwynn Forest for maximum comfiness

I am not a sissy so no. Gonna bash your head with my based dwarf warrior you knife eared scum


No, druids are trash and I'm not a tranny so I don't play female characters.

fem nelf warrior ofc

nope undead holy priest

only closeted fags and cucks play Nelf

She's swimming in her own period blood?

Hell no. Go gnome or go home

>I'd rather see a man on my screen for thousand of hours and I'm not gay I swear!

What class/race combos were non-lore abiding in Vanilla? As far as I understood, they got sillier later on, with NE's being mages etc.

>I'm suffering from autogynephilia

user please think of the poor advertisers!

No, undead warlock or mage

krysdecker has a serious sameface problem, all her(?) women look the same.

>t. buttblasted discord tranny

Tauren Druid,Undead Priest,Dwarf Paladin

For me anything that looks or feels retarded i don't care if they can technically do it in the lore

Dwarf priest, troll mage, gnome warrior, etc.

>I'm not pretending to be a girl and flirt with male players, I swear.

but dwarf priests literally look the best of any race with priest tier 1

also troll mages fem nelf druids male nelf everything else all warlocks

I thought taurens were druids?

Night Elf mages didn't break the lore, the remants of the Highborne came back and were, begrudgingly, accepted back into greater Night Elven society.

All undead priests were supposed to be shadow spec.

no there were no tauren druids in any of the warcraft games, only night elf druids

I'm not a faggot so no. Humans, dwarves, orcs and undead are the only acceptable races TO THIS DAY.
Everything else is degeneracy, furries, faggotry, retardation etc.

>playing the opposite sex/gender

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furion befriended hamuul during wc3 and taught tauren druidism according to wow lore

>bush version of that image

Who said anything about playing opposite gender?

This leads to porn right?

>tfw still no Shadow Hunter class


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nelf druid

im gonna fuck some bitches

Male Nelf hunter babe

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Really making it too obvious what these threads are actually all about.

>no Burning Crusade
Into the trash. Fuck blizzard.

What ever do you mean?

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My man

You make it sounds like WoW is good for anything but the porn, user.

>Male Nelf hunter babe
I've never met a male night elf hunter who wasn't a total faggot, both literally and figuratively.
Objectively, player wise:
Dwarves > Humans >>> Gnomes > Night Elves
You know it to be true.

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Dwarves in WoW are almost always played by gigantic fucking faggots and sissy livers that get pissy over anything. Only rarely have I ever run into a dwarf player that wasn't a cunt or a fag.

>Above anything
The biggest sissy here is you, user. The only cool dwarves are the Bronzebeard Brothers.

I won't deny I like being a fag in WPvP, that's mostly the reason why

I played human tho.

mommy gib milkies pls

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Nah, orc lock.

>Dwarf Paladin
Nice headcanon

Then go to the porn boards or any pornsite.

Most Dwarf players I've met were people who tried to project a "totally cool and chill" vibe but were almost always really obnoxious to hang around with.

t. lorelet

Yeah, pretty much. They're literally the Alliance equivalent of troll players. I would take a fourteen year old undead or night elf over these shitters any day of the week.

She cute

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wow is shit, I'll just fap to nelfs, void elves and Azshara instead