Pokemon is evolving

>pokemon is evolving

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>The twitching at the end
Why is this cute

>Now that I've removed my heavy armor the real fight begins

Don’t you dare post the mantis one

Aliens do exist

Imagine removing your old skin in one clean sweep instead of shedding skin cells all day

Oh god

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"teleports behind you*

heh... too slow

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wonder if that feels refreshing

Post the mantis one.

Giant tropical centipedes share their territories with tarantulas.
This 10 inch specimen is no exception.
Despite its impressive length, it's a nimble navigator, and spends most of its life patrolling the ground for food.
Centipedes are among Earth's oldest terrestrial animals.
These primeval creatures have existed for about 400 million years, and some can be highly venomous.
Like the tarantula, this centipede is a predator... and even tarantulas aren't immune from an ambush.
As quick as lightning and with all its strength, the centipede fiercly clutches the spider and drives its fangs deep inside.
Just like the tarantula it's killing, the centipede has 2 curved, hollow fangs which inject paralysing venom.
The centipede is a voracious eater. When it's finished, only a few spider bits and pieces will remain.

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Sometimes I pull so hard I rip the skin!

didn't know they can do that, it's pretty cool and slightly disturbing
the holes he leaves in the old skin are creepy as fuck

>boss starts phase 2

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>weighted training gear

It's probably a great feeling, imagine just getting am entirely new skin all at once and feeling the breeze on your fresh, immaculate skin for the first time

based centiposter

I thought it was a painful process?

I want to see it.

>go to iron shirt
>pull sleeve out, black spider runns across my hand and disappears
>check shirt for more and find what appears to be an eggsac on my inner collar
>put it in jar and it hatches into 50 or so spiders

In my time I've seen plenty of disturbingly disgusting things. People flayed and burned alive in Liveleak, some unwashed black whore diarrheaing in some french guy's dick, you name it. But there's nothing more revolting than spiders.

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youre fucking weird


And gay dudes mouth kissing. It's pretty gross.

It does, it’s an almost sexual feeling.

What did you do with the jar

i hope he kept them and trained them for his growing spider army

That's literally nothing. You're either a giant pussy or just a teen

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Why should it be painful? it's stressful to the animal because it requires a lot of energy and they are pretty much defenceless while shedding the old skin but I never had the impression that it was causing them pain

Nerve gas

Does taking off a shirt hurt?

It’s blissful, their entire body feels sensitive again and they can’t handle the orgasmic feeling.

It’s not a competition you fucking incel

Go back to /u/

He cum on it