Dose dmc5 has denuvo

dose dmc5 has denuvo
i want pirate

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>Incorporates 3rd-party DRM: Denuvo Anti-tamper

Straight from the Steam page. RE2's Denuvo was cracked pretty fast, though, so don't worry.

the fuck you know about money kid? your parents still buy your games

Likely be cracked 1-3 days from launch

>dose dmc5 has denuvo
>i want pirate
Just wait 1 day at most.

Anyone else buy it to support the devs but pirate it to not have to deal with Denuvo?

never ever piratefags

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you mean principled fag.

Just donate all your money if you want to "support the devs". No need to buy shit. Just give it all away. I'm sure they will be very happy. Probably will be like what the fuck is this shit. I get paid more in an hour than this.

so why do they still use this shit if it's getting cracked faster and faster

>there are retards who suck this much penis

The first 24 hours are all that matters.

right?! because it should have the exact same version of denuvo right? so i'm pretty optimistic.

IF you buy it with denuvo you encourage more Denuvo. just don't buy it and make it clear why you're not buying it. the devs have all been paid for their work and will survive just fine. but you need to pressure capcom to remove it like they did with mega man 11.

is it physically possible for piratefags to admit that they just want free shit

why does it matter at all? no retard can't wait 24 hours for a far superior version they'll actually own forever. they'd sell more if they just didn't have it.

Nah youre just a fucking poorfag

>uhhhh mommy i want free shit gimmegimmegimme waaahhh

>no retard can't wait 24 hours
you heavily, heavily overestimate people. week1 & 2 are the core parts, but if it manages to protect the game for even 24 hours, it's going to result in higher sales because hype makes people not think.

what difference does it make if two different games incorporate the same version of Denuvo? Does it depend entirely on the game?

but those people were going to buy it anyway. the amount of people who would pirate it instead without devuvo is far lower than the amount who will pirate it now that is has it. so they lost way more customers.

lol at all this sophistry
you want the free shit, if you actually weren't a jew you wouldn't give a shit about the vague possibility of your purchase being cucked. youd have that shit preloaded and not notice $60 missing in your life. meanwhile you piratefags keep coming up with mental gymnastics that don't even matter. you are talking to yourself. no one who isn't a piratefag is reading your latest new self-justification and thinking, wow he sure is right I should be pirating instead
fucking idiots, bring on the reeposting

there are general approaches to cracking different versions which from what I understand is 90% of the work

You're not fooling anyone kike..

Yea, I just want free shit. Deal with it, faggot.

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Fucking Handegg. Nobody wants it.

oh no, we'll have to wait a week like any other denuvo game released recently

shut it, wagie


kys underage faggot

Im a neet and i won't spend money to entertain myself which i can do for free

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It still has denuvo running when you pirate it the only difference is it thinks you have a real copy