Final Fantasy is a good game

>Final Fantasy is a good game

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What did they mean by this?

This is Final Fantasy SEVEN, you donut

ff7 is great

Why is it called SEVEN if it's the first game

Japan is weird like that sometimes

Are you underage? It's the fourth game

>no females
nice party, faggot.


Why is it called 7 if the last one was 3

Who the fuck uses Yuffie


You use a bad character with no redeeming qualities

I use yuffie to suck the semen out of my cock

Whos the strongest after cloud


that's a nice looking custom menu color

Tifa because she can suplex things

>Vincent or Yuffie
Depends on my mood desu.

Have you seen her stats, weapons and Limits? If I didn't rotate everyone on each playthrough, she would never leave my party.

>He didn't use Yuffie, Vincent, and Cloud

Yuffie objectively has the highest DPS ceiling.

>Not the absolute best character in the game in terms of limits and ultimate weapon, barring Cloud himself.

Yuffie can suck my dick

Cloud, Cid and Tifa are the only characters that get unique animations using the double cut materia. So they are the one I use.

Cid in FF7 is unironically one of the most based and badass characters to ever exist in vidya history.

>wants to literally be a girl
>calls others faggots

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She'll need a pair of tweezers.

Me, fagboy

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Barrett gets to never koing my party unless its a forced segment. Never hold materia unless its forced that he comes. God I hate that guy. Its cloud tifa and yuffie or red13

get in line dicklet

Best bro party is Cid, Barret, Cloud. Keep orbiting.

Was that a typo that was supposed to be "Gunarmax"? Could never figure that out and always assumed it was.

>Who uses the teenage ninja who doesn't button her shorts

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No she doesn't.

angermax it's meant to be

You're an idiot.

no that's cids highwind with 255 str i believe, but basing your main party on that is dumb anyway, you can beat every boss with any combo of people, it's mostly flavour in ff7

>He fell for the honey trap

Say goodbye to all your materia.

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It's tied with Ungarmax at 18 hits. hits are deciding factor unless we're talking about damage spillover.

has anybody finished the game with the fan translation mod? i got a few hours in, it seems great. even makes spells 'blizzard, blizzara, blizzaga' which i thought was a nice touch. i'm curious if the story makes any more sense when it's not in engrish