fucking kino
Fucking kino
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>openworld ubishit
Heh keep spouting memes kiddo, you have no idea what you are talking about.
Evidently neither do you. Far Cry is one of the most dull franchises currently on the market. You could miss five of them and you wouldn't be missing anything of worth.
Leave my thread simpleton
FC5 had a lot of kino moments. Although it does feel somewhat forced with the shitty kidnap mechanic.
Never played the game but always wondered where the fuck the police/government is during this game? Like why is this cult allowed to do whatever they want
they're in bumfuck nowhere. there's hardly any police presence
Kill yourself, retard.
yikes: the thread
You play as the police. Its implied there is a world war going on and the cult controls the whole country, so they cant call outside for help. Its ludo aswell, suck my dick
Too busy preventing ww3
go back to twitter
Reminder that Drew Holmes casually confirmed that Rook was the one opening the Seals. It's always been a popular fan theory, but Drew confirmed that at least most aspects of the "Rook is a Christ figure" theory were correct. It's a pity New Dawn kinda veers off in its own direction. What happens to Rook in New Dawn doesn't quiiiiiite fit with their role in Far Cry 5.
Agent Huntley says that the US government knows about Eden's Gate, but they believe the situation is under control. Also, superpowers are sabre-rattling, and that takes priority.
>Picture unrelated
Far Cry 5 had horrendous writing.
Far Cry 5's writing was absolutely sublime. The dialogue, the lyrics of all the songs, the text in the loadscreens -- everything.
It wasnt bad at all. I really liked the talk with Marshall on the boat. youtu.be
Too bad this series is anti-white leftist propaganda.
The OST was 10/10 in a 5/10 game desu.
I wanna torrent this but I just do not trust vidya pirate groups these days
Fuck off schizo
>Its implied there is a world war going on and the cult controls the whole country, so they cant call outside for help
did you play the game? because this is not even slightly implied whatsoever
>nailed it
Nailed what? Worst writing to date in an Ubisoft game?
Quite the "accomplishment"
eden's gate are multiracial communists tho
Did you? Did you listen to the radio? Did you see the fucking nuke at the end?
Have you ... have you ever stopped and looked at how your life’s turned out? I mean, what you’ve actually done with it? Ya know ... We’re told we can be anything right? A famous singer, a hall of famer, a movie star ... We’re all gonna be a success Rook. But no, that’s not ... that’s just not true. We live mundane lives just doing what someone else tells us to do. Day after day. Everybody thinks they have free will, but cmon, when was the last time you did something that wasn’t required? Demanded? No Rook. We don’t live our lives, we live theirs. And we think we have free will ... but that is just a lie. An illusion. Oh man. I’m so done with that. I’m done with being the yes man. I’m done with being the Errand Boy. And I’m done with being the garbage collector. I’m so done. Because ... if that is real life, then what is the point? This place gave me the chance to become something I thought I could never be: Happy. And in the end Rook, isn’t that the only thing that really matters? Happiness.
it's not implied that there is a world war going on, it's implied that there is a cold war going on
at no point is there ever any implication whatsoever that the cult controls more than a small enclave in Montana. They aren't being shut down with the national guard and shit because they're not considered to be a big threat. Do not forget that the beginning of the game is supposed to be you evaluating their threat level so you can call in government resources if necessary
I think you misspelled "best".
Far Cry 5's monologues were better, but Far Cry 4's Pagan Min can't be topped, IMO.
Fuck you and your supernatural bullshit
Debuty is not to blame for trying to get of domestic terrorists
Radio does imply something big is going on, expecially if you listen to it close to the final mission.
I liked Joseph, Jacob and Faith
John felt too forced
I'm playing New Dawn and it's dogshit, I don't know how they had great antagonists ever since 2 and fucked it up so hard with those twins
>I don't know how they had great antagonists ever since 2 and fucked it up so hard with those twins
its a mod that dropped like 8 months after the game
dunno what they were thinking honestly. apparently it sold close to zero units.
Does Amazing Grace play during Faith's segment?
>apparently it sold close to zero units.
It outsold Metro Exodus. Likely a few hundred thousand copies sold across all platforms. It probably made way more money than story DLC would have made.
No. "Help Me Faith" is her theme, along with We Will Rise Again.
It's just a shitty mmotier grindfest and ruins everything that was good about FC games
Great performance by Josephs actor youtu.be
New Dawn is just a "more of the same" game and it's clear that the real story (even though it's quite rushed) is about Joseph and his son rather than the twins. Honestly I liked the game, sure it's short but it's also quite fun.
why did video game companies think we needed like 12 "AAA" games in february
I felt like Rage 2 was pushed back conspicuously far now I understand, they did it like a movie and delayed it on purpose so it wouldnt hit with all this trash
based on gameplay thats been shown Rage 2 is probably way better
The cult infiltrated the outside police force
It's nothing like the other games in terms of gameplay, what are you talking about
I wasn't using "more of the same" in a bad way, as I said I actually enjoyed the game a lot. Beside I don't really see any big change from FC5 beside the fact that both enemies and weapons have tiers now.
>it's nothing like FC5 in terms of gameplay
>looks literally identical to FC5 in terms of gameplay
come on man
I haven't touched FC since 3 before playing 5 but I'm wondering why Yea Forums hates 5 so much. As an open world game it's much better than rdr2 and spiderman which felt dated in comparison.
isnt it funny how they had a hate boner for FC5 here while simultaneously chugging the horse jizz of spiderman which is basically the exact same game as "the prototype"
Last good FC was original Far Cry.
The one with mutants that insta-kill you.
4 was better
>can't throw melee weapons
that's a big nope
This game is just some anarchist's wetdream, probably one of the hippies (or multiple even) who developed the game was involved in such shit plot
Is new dawn any good?
Solid follow-up. Kinda like the Dying Light: The Following of Far Cry games.
Did 5 had a stronghold you need to upgrade from taking the same outposts over and over but only after you upgrade your weapons and perks because all the enemies can't be killed by level 1 weapons and can't use the same takedown on enemies unless you upgraded the perks
Want to fast travel? Upgrade the stronghold too
Can't customise your weapons, only buy news ones with FO4 pipeweapons designs
Even reloading your weapon takes longer
>Grinding to upgrade shit
Oh boy, relevant gameplay change
the game is functionally identical to 5 from a gameplay perspective
So play 5 first? I never played any of them
>Both games are open world fps games so they're the same
should probably just get new dawn since it has the most features and replay value, giving you a built in reason to redo areas, which was sorely lacking from FC5
if youve never played any of them youll think its fun as fuck
well no, both games have functionally identical mechanics so they're the same
its the same game. theres a reason it didnt sell. new dawn is what we used to call an expansion pack.
>the game is functionally identical to 5 from a gameplay perspective
New Dawn has superpowers.
How is that the same game if the core gameplay of grinding that wasn't in 5 and completely changes how you play the game?
I hope you're a New Dawn shill because otherwise, you're a massive brainlet
yeah of course it does they ripped them all off from Rage 2 also
doesnt change the fact that the game is mechanically identical. superpowers are basically just another weapon. flow of combat and type of missions are same. execution is same
>ride around different areas on a map
>do little insular missions in that area or moving around between 2 not far locations
yes totally different, completely different gameplay because a meter goes up in one instance
growing up on 7th generation has rotted your brain and made you think all video games are the same
I could be wrong but I think he meant they control the county not the country
No, they control the whole C-O-U-N-T-R-Y
>playable character from 5 is now Joseph's guard and wears a mask and never talks in new dawn
>Sometimes you can hear them crying because they know they are mind broken and couldn't save anyone
Remember when this was advertised as "kill whitey" simulator and all the games """journalists"""" were upset that it wasn't that when it came out
Joseph Sneed
Both "journalists" and the average nu-channer threw shitfits when they discovered it wasn't Whitey Genocide 2k19. Horseshoe isn't real u guize