Post your favorite PS2 games.
Post your favorite PS2 games
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Sony's answer to zelda.
Rayman M
Have you even played the game? They're nothing alike in terms of anything aside from the MC has a cap. What the fuck?
That's the joke. Pic related
Devil May Cry 3
>I feel transgressed and violated!
downloading ace combat rn
Only exclusives? Then this.
persona 4/katamari/godhand
When will ps2 emulation become good?
2 had a better combat gameplay, 3 make it retard friendly for kids.
Like 10 years ago.
God Hand
Silent Hill 2
The Bouncer
Both Zone of the Enders
Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3
I used to like FFX a lot, but not as much anymore, I can't shake it's feeling of linearity now
Shadow of the Colossus
Those are just the ones of the top of my head.
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga
Super Monkey Ball: Deluxe
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Gitaroo Man
Deus Ex: The Conspiracy
Street Fighter EX3
Time Crisis 2
Better on the wii
and The Warriors
Kaido Racer 2, a game where you can actually DRIFT
i have this game, should i chase down a crappy ps2 wheel to use with it?
>only got true crime by convincing parents it was a game where I was a good cop
>still have my ps2
>best friend has a copy of it before I even met him, let's me borrow it since my copy is scratched to fuck
I love my friends to death, we connect like nothing else
shame fromsoft wasn't aware that analog sticks existed in the ps2 era
I love the first and second more or less equally. the tiniest of preferences toward the second though.
this could have been one of the best games of the generations if it wasn't rushed and bugged as fuck. GTA IV does a lot of shit that this game did first. Learning different fighting styles and going to underground street fights was great.
JC 1 was better but JC 2 was still good
I had one until it broke and was really nice, my favourite map was Haruna
what game is this? i can only read the hiragana :/
we love katamari
I still played the shit out of it. As bugged as it was it was very ahead of it's time within its release years. So much potential just thrown away. Sleeping dogs did it some justice I suppose but something about LA and NY just had this unmatched charm you simply cannot find anymore. Since GTA was off limits for me this game was as close as I could get to open world crime shit and I loved every second of it. It holds a special place in my heart and make me think of what Activision could have been
>that debug menu
>that Redman side mission
>those VAs
>those indoor options
>those hilarious glitches
Somewhat of the Black Sheep within the Tales series. But I love it.
One of the few PS2 games I've replayed after beating it.
My nigga.
Waiting for the monthly thread now
Loved the enemy biographies in this game, but I had a tough time with the actual gameplay
it's easy mode once you learn where all the special traps are.
One of the best sequels ever
I dunno man, maybe RE4. I could name like 50 games from this era that I absolutely loved. I was in the right state of mind for gaming back then and I just liked everything, in my favourite genres at least. It was like bad games didn't exist, everything was new and exciting, every game had a charm.
It's fine if you have a good rig
They're in there.
Here you go mate.
I have a list of nearly 700 PS2 games I've played or always wanted to play that I'm going to go through in order of release and play all of them.
I got SMB working with free mcboot but man does PS2 look rough on modern tvs. I am tempted to try tracking down an old crt at a goodwill or something
i'd say its worth it, ps2 games look way better on a nice 4:3 crt
Is that bad luck bootsy?
Guys, recommend me some good action rpgs on ps2, something like dark cloud or threads of fate, mana series, i love games like that.
Clearly the superior one
Clearly gba one was superior
What makes ps2 version superior to xbox?
Only stating that 3 was better than Tricky. An unpopular opinion, but the correct one.
What? Tricky sucks compared to 3, everybody knows that.
the ps2 is shit
the games are fine though
This bug refers to audio plugin and can be fixed in two clicks.
>both zone of the enders
As if everyone didnt just skip straight to 2
My nig. And RtA
>buy ps2 because of the fake hype and a good number of games
>the only one that ever gets played is katamari
>afterwards the system and all the rest of the games gather dust because they're mediocre shit
PS2 was an overrated pile of shit.
This and Dark Alliance took up so much of my free time.
Nostalgiafags everywhere (maybe not here, I barely visit the chinz anymore) hold that opinion, despite 3 having more character in every way. The same type of people that hold Smash 64 and Mario Kart 64 and Super Mario 64 as residing at the pinnacle of their respective game franchises despite there being superior entries some games down the line. I know tons of these fags
I didn't play 2 until the remasters.
1 is better DESU.
Does anyone like red faction? I’ve been playing it the past few days and keep getting lost and confused on what to do. Combat is great and fun though.
What was the game with the weird music? Some jap rpg. Is that good?
Ruuuuumbleeeeeeee Raaaccciiiiiiingggg
>still cant beat the Spoonman to this day
any tips?
What's the point of this fake? You can just play soundgarden cd on ps1
whats the point of ur post when u can also not be such a fag but u choose to be anyways lmao fuckin pwnt
Feel the rhythm with your hands. Steal the rhythm while you can. Come together with your hands.
I'm being real, dude. And you act like a child that can' accept his defeat.
>I'm being real
yeah, real gay lol
I'm not the one who mentioned soundgarden, maleasslover
well how about this one then
That's good.
Def Jam Fight for NY
TimeSplitters Future Perfect
Onimusha 2
Steambot Chronicles
Raidou 1&2
Persona 3&4
Ape Escape 3
Good album.
Never cared for Maiden as much. What else you got
just this but nobody has a sega saturn so who cares
Powerslave is one of the best british metal albums and i'm not even a metal fan
My friend had a bunch of PS1 and PS2 games while I was a Nintendo kid, the ones I remember most were Eyetoy, Tekken (forget the number, maybe 3) and some third-person shooter (I think it was James Bond-themed but my memory is admittedly spotty). Oh yeah and Spyro.
Being a non-metal fan that likes Iron Maiden gains you admission to the ocean of other people with the same "quirk." They have broad appeal beyond their genre due to their legacy, but their sound aged poorly in my eyes.
fuck yea. I never got through that level in the underground lab though because the final boss was a fucker
I have the SCHP-50004 PS2 model that is modchiped with some shitty old mod that I don't know of. It's not an infinity or something but it got the job done back in the day. Now I want to softmod it so I can have the ability to load games when my lazer inevitably goes to shit(maybe it has right now).
I burnt a DVD+R with the ulaunchelf thing and it doesn't load. I also burnt a digimon iso on a DVD+R and it still doesn't load. The thing is I don't have any DVD-R discs so should I assume that my lazer is already shit or it's because the model I have doesn't load DVD+R ?
I platinumed this and it was shit. I hope 2 is better
>remastered never EVER
>I hope 2 is better
You're about to play it?