Great game desu

great game desu

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yah it was alright

Gtfo incel weeb.

are you retarded

I agree

Origins was better.


Just beat the Ezio Collection, only played the first two when they came out, and once again before brotherhood or revelations came out, though I never did get to either until now. I'm looking forward to beating the rest. I think the remaster for III is out at the end of March. I'll play it then.

AC1 is still the best and has the most soul.

fuck off shill
>Put microtransactions into singleplayer game that you will sell for full price
>design the entire game around said microtransactions so that players will spend more money to skip the shitty content that you force on them
>Silently Nerf shit to milk players better
Absolutely fucking disgusting

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to be honest senpai who the fucks plays an RPG without doing side content

I don't when the side content is as shit as it is in odyssey

Its okay tho? Like Oddysey is unironically witcher 3 in greece, its not bad.

These are my thoughts so far as well, in AC1 I was killing people on both sides of the conflict, in AC2 through revelations the Assassins are the good guys and the Templars are just plain evil.

I hope it gets better, I haven't played III yet.

AC1 shines in everything that in the end doesn't matter but failes miserably in the thing that matters, the gameplay.

It's bad and the one of the worst in the series.

Don't listen to this retard.
III is worth playing for the setting alone.

>nerfing shit in a singleplayer game just to milk money out of people

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The setting sucks what the fuck are you talking about son?

>Oddysey is unironically witcher 3 in greece, its not bad.
no its fucking not you absolute fucking retard. kill yourself

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>the setting sucks

Seething retard, its just a game.


i got it for free for playtesting that google streaming service a few months back but before that i pirated it and got bored, should i try again?


no, see it's even grindier than before

if you actually played both witcher 3 and odyss*y with all of their side content and unironically think they're the same, you are the most retarded person in the universe and should unironically consider killing yourself

Both are shit games.
I don't understand shitcher 3 babies and why they pretend their game isn't mediocre as fuck.
Even moreso when the first two games are better.

I'm going to anyway, senpai. I wanna play the whole series, plus Demond's story arc ends in III, I think, but I also thought his deal was supposed to end in Revelations, and it was just another cliffhanger.

The Lost Archive dlc fucking sucks.

I got that too and it runs worse on my rig than the streaming version. Don't bother.

>I don't understand shitcher 3 babies
exactly, you don't understand because you're retarded.

The worst part is shills on Yea Forums will defend this shit

Very good high effort posts user. You sure showed me.

no point in showing anything to a literal retard

It was ok, didn't pay for it though lmao. Couldn't believe that it had boss fights that were borderline good. Definitively my favorite of the AssCreed games, i liked Bayek's character way more though.

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Whatever you say partner.

It’s a good game.
>reee grind and microtransactions
Welcome to Ubisoft but if you actually played the game you would have to go through 2 pause menus just to reach the store (and its a small icon in the corner of the screen)

Do I need to finish Origins before playing this? I got it as a Christmas gift, but never beat Origins (maybe got halfway, didn't care for how they ruined combat and stealth with """loot""" bullshit so I ended up dropping it which is a shame because Egypt was top choice for setting) so this has just been sitting in my backlog pile unopened for months now. Kind of feeling like opening it and giving it a try though...

odyssey is worse than origins
