I just don't get how this series gained the popularity it has

I just don't get how this series gained the popularity it has.
it's not cute. it's not funny.
this series is just not good. but it is annoying to suffer through, trying to understand why people enjoy it.

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Americans enjoy it

the first two chapters or whatever were different, she is really cruel to that motherfucker. but after that author-kun went into every cliche he could think of

*latin americans


Join the club. This bitch really needs a slap in the face.

>retards spouting retarded retardation
A thread died for this, but it was probably some dumb shit anyway so who cares.

>I just don't get how this series gained the popularity it has.
where do you think you are?

I like it because it is probably the only shonen romance series I have ever seen that has the characters develop feelings for the other for an actually good reason. It isn't just some girl falling in love with a guy "because he was nice to me."
He is passionate about something, and she finds that admirable because she lacks the ability to become passionate about things. She is assertive, and he finds that admirable, because he lacks the ability to assert himself. There is actually some quality that they each find desirable about the other, and frankly, that is more than every other shonen romance series I can think of has ever fucking done.

The fanbase consists primarily of teenagers and young adults who lust over Nagatoro and the other characters in the series. It's shit but that doesn't stop coomers.

>it's not cute. it's not funny.
She has a fang.
She is cute.
Simple as.

Wish fulfilment for betas who want a cute girl to lust after them but are too weak and gay to see themselves being dominant or assertive in that relationship

>it's not cute
You're right. These two dorks are downright adorable

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>I like it because it is probably the only shonen romance series I have ever seen that has the characters develop feelings for the other for an actually good reason
This means Nagatoro is your first romance manga.

In Japan it's not that popular.

>not naming other mangas that have done it better
lol, lmao

You're implying they have a good reason in every single romance manga ever made.

>it's not cute
Gee Johnny, that's quite the shit opinion you have there.

>annoying to suffer through
In what way?

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How soft are Gamo's gamos?

Aggressive girl with a design that appeals to a lot of people in love with a guy who a lot of people can either self insert into or heavily relate to

Also people seem to enjoy the humor and derpy designs of the side characters. Not to mention it keeps getting translated and released in other language markets, which is baffling and hilarious at the same time, and only speaks to its wide appeal

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>He is passionate about something, and she finds that admirable
>She is assertive, and he finds that admirable
I don't even like it but you just described Bisque Doll.

I'm "implying" there are a lot of romance manga where the characters have characters fall in love for a good reason.
You surely were able to understand this, right user?


That's oddly specific there, champ.

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Is this bait?
It’s quite funny, honestly it reminds me of classic american comic strips. You can see this especially with the bonus chapters.
And it being cute or not is subjective, especially early on where she is meaner, but it I think it’s easy to say most people would find recent chapters in the realm of cuteness.

You must be a Nagatoro fan just looking for more Nagatoro discussion!

It's quite a common trope after all

>I'm "implying" there are a lot of romance manga where the characters have characters fall in love for a good reason.
Then name them

have you considered that you are an outlier in that opinion, OP?

I didn't reply to your first post asking about other romance series to shitpost. Do you seriously think I would name those series if you asked me a second time user?

>This is the only series I have seen where X happens
>"That means this is your first series"
For you to conclude this you are indeed implying X happens in every single series, logiclet. Otherwise, the possibility that it just wasn't in the ones he watched remains an option.

Yeah, that's why it clicked well with the audience during the anime run. It's a shame it focuses too much on the cosplay progression, though. Both it and Hina dolls are niche crafts.

Worth a shot, considering you're pissing in the wind otherwise.

>becoming interested in a guy after reading his cringey manga is totally not as bad as he was nice to me
Nagatards still delusional as ever, I see.


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I'm pretty sure most people read for the ecchi and the faces


Considering you just contradicted yourself I wouldn't say anything you did was worth anything user.

>It's not cute
>It's not funny
It's absolutely both of those things, unless you watch the anime where they play up Nagatoro's playful bullying as pure sadism.

The latest chapter was pure diabetes and incredibly based.

>unless you watch the anime where they play up Nagatoro's playful bullying as pure sadism.
it was that way in the manga too in the beginning

>it's not cute. it's not funny.

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I lust over her tight little brown body but I also think the nigh unspoken romance between the two is cute.

Yeah but it feels like the anime plays it up way harder, though that might just be because it's animated and they have a runtime to fill so some parts feel drawn out.

I need every single image you have of Nagatoro in a kimono/yukata and I need them now.

Waiting for the real 774 plot to start.

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I thought the anime was a bit softer, if anything. The first few chapters of the manga were just cruel and the anime never felt that way to me

Redditors like her because they think she's black and thus she contributes to diversity. I saw people post about wanting a romcom with a black guy and a white girl next.

go back

Could be, it's been a hot minute since I read the early chapters, but it also might be my natural distaste for anime over manga with a few exceptions (the biggest being JJBA, where the music absolutely makes it and the earlier parts look way better).

>to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly
Yes, user. You never stated directly it happens in every series but it can be inferred from your post as it is necessary for your statement to be accurate. Therefore you implied it. What are you even trying to say here?


Gamo-chan is best girl.

It's not even close to being popular in Japan, the anime barely boosted its sales

This is a dog shit opinion. Also why do you torment yourself with watching/reading something that you hate just because some user shitposters told you to?

I started reading Nagatoro because the main heroine made me hard. Now I read it because the blossoming romance between the two is really wholesome to see unfold.

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How are these two idiots not officially a couple yet

Hope the next chapter changes that

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>this series is just not good. but it is annoying to suffer through, trying to understand why people enjoy it.
T butthurt Watamote reading Tomoko fan

>The tripfag has an opinion

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>What are you even trying to say here?
Just two simple things user:
- 1 you pretended and are still pretending to not understand a very simple implication to shitpost
- 2 you didn't phrase yourself correctly when you shitposted using logic

soon brother

>It's not even close to being popular in Japan, the anime barely boosted its sales
That’s why Nagatoro getting a second season unlike Watamote?

Tribafaggotry aside, its a shame we'll never get to see Tomoko's Kyoto field trip animated. That was probably the highest point of a manga that was all lowpoints for our retarded protagonist before it went full retard /u/

In all seriousness. Why do Tomoko fans hate Nagatoro so much? There many anime and manga more popular than Watamote.