Nanoha official art is the best.
Nanoha official art is the best
why does yuuno look so phallic in his ferret form? do you think he would fit inside?
The fan art is pretty good as well
Imagine the smell.
wtf where are their dicks
They only used those to make Vivio
Aprikose is such a good artist, I feel like he mogged sanpon by drawing that fate since his Nanoha doesn't look as good.
I haven't watched anything Nanoha since Strikers, how it went from there?
They made Vivid (Vivio's sol/ combat anime) then they made Vivid Strike which takes place like 2 months before Force I think.
After that they made two movies which take place after season two. The first movie is whatever but the second is a little better, Nanoha saves it at the end.
Nanoha's little girl nipples
Average night in the Nanoha household
Fate doesn't have what it takes
Nanoha would grab her neck and pinch her nose.
But that's how Nanoha got infatuated with Fate.
Nanoha got infatuated with Fate when she met her on that night and found someone who can compete with her.
She has a perfectly feminine loli smell.
Nanoha is an M
Yeah a maniac
A bondage maniac!
Nanoha has the whip
Fate rides the horse
why do I always feel as if this manga was from the same author as Needless when it's not?
Impressive. Very nice.
Now let's see Fate's loli nipples.
Nanoha nude filters are god tier
this one is very good nude filter
I think Godannar has the best official art.
why are there so many official pictures of the girls topless sunbathing? is this midchilda culture? nanoha doesn't even look like she has a bottom on in this one.
She isn't
If you were as hot as Nanoha, you wouldn't wear clothes either.
Nanoha is too much sex
lol no
Here's your answer user.
Her wife is also sex.
Nah, it just doesn't fit.
Even if Nanoha tried to switch it would end up becoming domination loss. Nanoha's just too alpha.
Why are you lying?
>Nanoha's just too alpha.
>Even if Nanoha tried to switch
That's where you guys are wrong, is not Nanoha who is a switch, it's Fate that switches to prince-Feito.
Let's say it's true, how does Alpha x Alpha works?
And that's exactly why Fate's always the bitch on bed.
How would Nanoha react?
sex as usual
You mean sex harder than usual, this is an upgrade.
I don't have the webm so here's a screenshot instead
What a dashing, handsome prince.
Why is she so handsome? For me it's the red eyes.
Personally I don't really get a sense of loli Fate's original design or initial movie renditions as being handsome. That was reserved for adult Fate in my head up until Blaze Form became a thing.
Her facial expressions really play into it too.
>worst loli Fate form
>didn't watch S1
S1 Fate is far more pretty than handsome to me.
Blaze Form is okay, it took a while to grow on me and it gives a very different visual impression which does fit her change in character. I like her Movie 1st and early Movie 2nd designs the most.
Fisting ensued on the next page I hope?
Does Blaze form even change anything or is it just a reskin?
This form is so handsome, it melts pantsu at 100 yards.
Sadly there's no next page.
Wait a minute. You guys told me Fate has a legendary ass.
She does.
That entire set is drawn really weirdly. Look at what happens with Nanoha's body here.
long legs
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