What did you think of this chapter?
Dragon Ball Super
I don't think about the manga.
So Bardock won using the heart of the cards?
Pretty good, the dragon didn't bother asking WHICH son Bardock wanted to thrive even thogh Raditz was mentioned last chapter. A little confused if that was supposed to be Bardock going ultra instinct to beat Gas or just a power up.
I like that there is a connection between the Dragon Balls and Goku beyond his grandpa just kept one in his house for no reason.
Shotachads RUN these threads.
Our role model.
The owner of the strongest ki attack in canon.
The humbled fighter
The last of his clan.
The super prodigy.
The first human to surpass an Android.
The first guy who was 2-0 against Goku.
The heart of the Z fighters.
The strongest human.
The FIRST human to surpass GOD himself.
The clutch master himself.
The legendary fighter.
The first human to reach Super Saiyan tier.
The champion of the 22nd Budokai.
The enlightened one.
The loyal friend.
The future of the Crane school.
The hidden hope of the universe.
Jiren will kill you.
Jiren is on our side
Was absolutely dog shit and they should just make it anime only. Dragon ball isn't deep or that interesting it's just popcorn. But now the art is shit and the story shitter.
bardock jobs to gun-sama
>I kneel
I wanna kill Toyotaro.
It might be the worst chapter in the entire series. I'd rather see goku and uncle moton argue over gohans paternity than this shit
Goku would kill you.
>Goku only strong because some Namekian made it so
Can't kill him though.
Don't FUCKING care about the promotional toilet paper.
I hate this arc so much.
>inb4 Toeifag
I stopped keeping tabs on the anime when I realized this movie was going to be moeshit. This entire arc has been crap. I'm praying for it to end. I'm not sure how, but they somehow managed to make Vegeta's new form feel cheap and boring. I unironically felt more soul from that black and blue eyesore form he got from Heroes. I felt angry and like my time was wasted with the Moro arc, but it at least had its moments, like making Yamcha relevant and adding both Yardrats. I was even hyped with those panels of Moro sensing Goku's IT.
What went wrong, bros... Make it make sense.
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is the #1 movie worldwide!
The Moro arc cemented the fact that Toriyama will never allow someone to write Vegeta to win.
Everything about gas from his name to his design disgusts me. He's just gross to look at. Even babidi or imperfect cell were more pleasing.
I told you already, OP.
The Strongest!
As expected
Worst part is the manga being monthly means this shit won't end for at least 3 or 4 months. Making DB of all things monthly was a fucking mistake.
HACKo is just a fanfic writer, all his contributions are fanfic-tier. He's not a professional mangaka, just a wannabe.
Not canon? Don't care.
I didn't read it.
>off-topic moeshit fanfiction
Oof, Madone!
>I like retarded needlessly nonsensical unnecessary retcons
Shut the fuck up, moeshitting piece of shit.
He's 9000 times better than Fart, from his design to his antics, it's extremely enjoyable to watch Babidi at work, Fart is boring piece of shit who was hyped up to be the one who's able to surpass Freeza only to be revealed that he lost to fucking SHITdock back in the day.
>ASW would rather add Gogeta but furry and moeshit 21 but with a labcoat to FighterZ over Moro
I chuckle.
Funny. On a related note regarding flashbacks, do you prefer if it was a single episode dedicated purely to the flashback or would you prefer if it was cut into multiple pieces with the flashback and the main story running side-by-side?
>Broly a780
>Super Heroes a782-a783
Huh?!? tranimebros... I think we are lorelets and can't figure out timeline shit.
Just be based like me and don't read the fanfic tracebook at all.
Moro and Granolah would have had to happen around 780 as well and yet the CANON movie literally states that NOTHING happened between it and Broly.
Learn english, Juan.
Make me, nigger.
Imperfect Cell is handsome.
Fart? Ugly as fuck.
What are your thoughts on Videl?
You first, BITCH.
>the CANON movie literally states that NOTHING happened betw-{HEADCANON DRIBBLE}
Also, Because they don't want to spoil the manga.
Cashman? SOUL.
SHITnga? Soulless.
It's not even the same set of Dragon Balls, you goddamn mangabitch.
Thots? I don't think about thots.
Goten and Spopovich’s used goods. Never fucked by Gohan.
Spopovich and Goten had her.
They'd ruin the tension and flow of the ongoing fight, so I prefer them not to appear at all.
Ultra Ego is NOT canon.
Nice G Gundam reference.
Don't you fucking EVER let me catch you speaking to a Jirenscholar that way again.
Raditz will be revived.
Nappa will be revived.
Bardock will be revived.
Gine will be revived.
Paragus will be revived.
King Vegeta will be revived.
Vegeta's mother may or may not be revived, I don't know.
Cell will be revived due to having Saiyan DNA.
The same goes for SS2, SS3, SSG, and SSGSS.
Always looks so cool. Too bad he can never win.
Dragon Ball Super was a shit series and it killed Hiromi Tsuru.
I don't care.
>The first guy who was 2-0 against Goku.
Lost to Goku in the semi-finals of the 23rd Budokai Tenkaichi, in technique, skill, power and speed, all inferior.
STUDten cleaned her out real good.
Bejita x 18 is the best pairing.
>spoiling an already finished product
You're doing a lot of mental gymnastics trying to justify the manga's canonicity, take a break.
Calm down, Tardkubro.
Too bad nobody cares about his bald ass.
The kind of flashback I'm thinking of is not shown during a fight but when the characters are travelling to point A to point B, at the stops the flashback is shown, like a story being told at rest stops.
Drunk driving killed her
It is fucking INSANE how much Cuckofucko copied the Cell arc. Even now it's still SHOCKING. The sheer AUDACITY of this tracing little hackroach.
Goku cheated.
Is Gundam SEED worth a watch?
Yup, YUP.
SSJ2, SSJ3, SSJG, and SSJGSSJ however? ALL canon.
>The Granolah arc is finished.
Ok, retard.
Sorry, Bejita.
>Refuted argument
Ten is stronger than Drum and beat Goku.
The J was a "fan" created myth.
>OuGoku Gooek
Is this the title of DBS 2?
>that guy at the bottom
I hope he killed himself once he was proven wrong
When Bardock won I got up from my seat and cheered. That was such an epic fight.
There's the J.
Moro arc has been finished for more than a year already. If the manga is canon, as you say, why don't the ads say "After the battle with Moro"? Exactly, fanfiction doesn't enter in the timeline.
I don't give a FUCK.
If I like it, I LIKE it.
>The J was a Toriyama approved FACT
Because the Broly movie is popular with normal Dragon Ball fans.
Cashman is CANON.
If I like it it's canon.
I see your point, but it's a waste of time nevertheless and often even contradicts with the story, rarely improving it.
Bardock special is okay, but that was a separate episode focusing on Goku's father and the fate of Saiyans.
>I hope he killed himself once he was proven wrong
You underestimate how delusional Toyocockroaches are. They will genuinely block out reality if they have to, and I mean that completely unironically. Being "proven wrong" doesn't exist in their minds. At best, they'll just stop talking about it and never address it again, and even when you point out the fact that they are ignoring it because they have no answer, they'll still ignore it. It's seriously bizarre to watch.
We were chosen!
>admits the TRACEnga isn't popular enough to be recognised by the standard Dragon Ball fan.
>Fart's main gimmick is something that a ToP fodder already did
You can't make this up
>jobbed to a knife
I see how you would think it's a waste of time, but it could shed light on characters who don't get that much of a spotlight and shows how cool they are. Do you want to hear the headcanon of this flashback?
Yes, the Broly movie is more popular than the manga, Broly has 20+ years hype attached to him. What does Broly's popularity have to do with the timeline?
I hope that doesn't happen to Macki
>huh those Kefla lightning bolts getting dodged while Tardku is charging a Kamehameha sure was a cool scene... I'll just copy it!
Who is Pikkon supposed to be?