You can't marry your imouto.
You can't marry your imouto
Won't stop me from trying.
kirino a shit
laws let alone public opinion won't matter when societal collapse/civil war hits current SOCIETY.
What if we're not blood related?
you tell me
Just go someplace where no one knows you are siblings.
I just finished season 1 and it ended with Kirino not going to America. I'm confused because I clearly remember reading threads about her coming back from America
Why would you want to? You don't have a Nee-san?
Who says you have to get married to your imouto. Just wear rings and introduce yourself as such and no one will think about it.
like Ohio?
This user speaks the truth and the dubs agree.
They weren't sure if the series would get a second season so the last couple (maybe just last?) episodes of season 1 were anime original. Watch the season 1 OVAs for the real ending then move onto season 2 and then the season 3 OVAs.
>not being a Muslim
Too late
Who's gonna stop me?
Then why the government is promoting this then?
shit government. my government is promoting throwing out the trash into the trash can.
They didn't actually move, they went back later.
You are right, I cannot marry my imouto.. because I don't have an imouto!
But you can impregnate your imouto.
That just means I can't divorce her either.
Uta a cute
I was thinking more on Russia but that works
Try and stop me
How do you move back from the after life?
I think it's about time to end this meme already, user
It was just the last episode. Anyone watching the show now can just skip the final TV episode of S1 because it's not canon and bears no relevance to anything.
The proof is all there, user. How do you explain all the evidence that they are dead? How do you explain the fucking bunny?
What I don't get is why people hate her and still watch her show
There's no "evidence", it was all always just a stretch of a theory. There's evidence they are alive however as last year some PR guy involved in the series said they were to make more of it (maybe adaptate Haruka na Sora?) and called it off because one of the conditions for it to be approved were to make them NBR.
I know someone who is going to marry their imouto by proposing to her on a cruise next month.
Did their ghosts send the mail?
Explain the bunny to me.
they dont die in the VN
case fucking closed
She did nothing wrong
I would rather behead her ISIS style