Not too long until spoilers for their next battle. Will it be as dialogue-heavy as the last one or will it completely consist of action? How hyped are you? W..We will get spoilers soon though, right...?..
Shingeki no Kyojin
Eren a shit
t. least powerful poster
How can one man be so based?
Reiner will BTFO shitren.
Only the 14th thread this week to say Spoilers Soon tm.
Annie within 4 chapters
Spoilers in 5, they're scanning now
I want to play music with them.
eren a best
based and chadpilled
cringe and marleydogpilled
When will this cute family of murderers reunite?
I wonder how they'd sound
Nothing too convoluted since they spend so much time on their war-related affairs/studies, but it's still very good with a lot of heart to it. Zeke's voice is pretty deep and I'm willing to bet that Pieck's voice is also on the deeper side. I really want to play with them, bros.
>file name
I hope they know how to swing. I'll join them on drums and we could play jazz.
Fuck yeah my negro, even if they didn't know you could always teach them if they survive this fight
I miss MGS posting
I wonder which thread will be deleted.
Annie is made for Bert cock
>if they survive this fight
As if that'll stop the jazz PATHS.
BASED I don't know why I didn't think of that
God I wish I was in Marley
that shirtless eren in the cell really makes him look tall as fuck
He is tall
post yfw Hange was wounded by the guns shot at her when she dove into the river and dies
Levi will wake up with a dying Hanji in his arms. Levi always lives and watches everyone he loves die, that's his character trait.
>183 is tall
t. manlet
>there will be a Reiner vs Eren happening next week in both anime and manga
Imagine waking up to this every morning
I would be horrified
I swear they plan this shit
I-It is
t.beruanism spic
>mfw both the new episode and the new chapter will have eren vs reiner
>imagine cuddling this every night for a year when going to sleep
Eren is a lucky guy
>you will only get confirmation on the father when anime shows pregnant Historia
user, you are too much.
So two years at least kek
If they are really trying to align manga moments with the anime then it is most likely that we will receive the confirmation when Eren has his monologue of not wanting to sacrifice Historia in the anime
rereading this manga is fucking gold
Reiner will job in the anime while Eren jobs in the manga.
I-is manlet alive?...
reminds me of that fanfic an autist spammed on Eren’s last birthday
>yfw ywn ever dominate then violate Ymir's sleazy body by impregnating her with your titan seed
>was wounded by the guns shot at her when she dove into the river and dies
I don't like it
literally ur a faggot
H-Hot, but MA is better
Woah. Such a pretti. Unironically.
Both are good, sadly there's not so much of MA content
That's what a beard can do to you, my friend.
I unironically go on pinterest if I want a shit load of MA content. My laptop folder has a few hundred.
Why couldn't Lolimir give him a shave?
Zeke still looks like a man, Eren is just straight up Frieda. If Isayama decides to give Eren a beard again I hope he grows it just a little more than last time - would be perfect balance.
based and ragtimed
>doujin for men
Handsome slut
>Taking a man's beard off
She was saving Zeke, not punishing him.
He should have a stuble like Grisha dos when he showed up on the walls.
It still fucks with my head that Levi is older than Zeke.
Damn, based Zeke must have a HUUUUGE dick for not giving a fuck about being naked.
He does
for me it's AA EM and LH
Cute and canon
Is that shit out?
Gabi a cute.
>I heard you're a lesbian, Historia. I'm a lesbian too.
In 5
Isn't it ironic that the community with the most autistic shippers has a yuri ship as the only canon one
don’t respond to the obvious bait
one EHfriend must be bored.
Cringe and horrible dialogue.
Zeke looks better with a beard. Without a beard he looks kinda like the Mong but with a stronger chin and masculine nose.
>Zeke must have a HUUUUGE dick
>no dick
Eren is a Hero. Historia agrees.
>two active threads
>no spoilers/leaks/anything
dumb fujo
We're not getting them until like thrusday at the earliest at this point. Might as well just take some sleeping pills while you can
EH is cute and canon
SpOiLeRs CoMinG SoOn GuYs
Eren is Annie's
He looks so weird without a beard
>mentally ill pedo is here
I have my sources too.
Damn it's growing on me even more.
Dat stache though
When is this shitto gonna leak? I just want to know if leaks will be late due to Ultra Golden Week or not.
i'm off to bed now /snk/, have an RE pic :)
they will
manlet would totally have some kind of goofy meticulously waxed mustache if he had any facial hair, like the full on kaiser look or something
Isn't the chapter out next week? Why bother making threads kek until then, or at least until the anime episode?
Calm down, Hisu
>Why bother making threads until then
You don't know /snk/ very well, do you?
Because autism
piku is talking in titan form soon what will her voice sound like
Like a man or a heavy smoker
Rent free
>retards expecting spoilers this early
>What is golden week
is the week when nip king gives gold coins to his slaves
Still no spoilers, I thought we was gunna get em early :(
hey, anime niggers. how are you doing?
>Levi can't fight titans anymore
>eren kills babies and hates mikasa
>his brother is the monkey
Spam during episode days, no animeonly stays here outside of that
how did Yea Forums react to grim reminder 2.0? was barely reading the manga at the time
EH confirmed in the spoilers of this new chapter
Revai isn't even dead. Hongo saved him
to be fair its likely that the speed of events and the apparent extent of his injuries will mean he won't be in any condition to beyblade during any upcoming fights
Cute and aryanpilled
absolute NUT
Anti-grim reminder cucks were unironically ASS BLASTED. When I say unironically I really mean it, they were actually mad. Before that we had months of shitty threads gong back and forth on why X and Y would never ever happen.
Fucking glorious
ERZ alliance reddit niggers btfo
>no spoilers at all yet
I don't want to end up like the Anniefags
We won't. Unlike Annie, the chapter has to come out sometime.
i wish i would have read it along you guys. Truly a pivotal moment of the manga where eren redeems himself. I hope these next chapters are really well done
I realized the glory of being an Erenfag that day and I never looked back.
>months of shitty threads gong back and forth on why X and Y would never ever happen
the more things change, the more they stay the same
Basically, the best comparaison for anti grim reminder fags were "eren is not the father fags" so just imagine the "eren is not the father" fags are posting instead "R-RE alliance soon!" instead of "f-farmer fucked historia.
Don't really like AAr but this is cute.
I just realized that when Annie gets out of the crystal she's going to be seriously emotionally undeveloped compared to everyone else she knew.
>Annie gets out of the crystal
What did they mean by this?
When her spinal fluids come dripping out of the crystal*
she never loved you, Kieth
You had your chance Keith
Ant leaks
'Eren is the father of Historia's baby' confirmation is gonna be grim reminder 3.0
>It's a recap chapter
You're not even trying..
>recap chapter
Try harder next time
im not a shipperfag i dont care if he is or isnt but Eren is probably not the father. The only possibility is if eren tried telliing hisu to have a baby and she refused so he raped her for eldia thats why she has dead eyes. Its probably the farmer
When does the anime start?
>thick lines
This looks a lot like Season 1 or 2 artstyle. Wonder if this was made before the decision to change to a slightly different style.
>this whole post
>falling for the golden week meme
Leaks didn’t come early last year either
>ErehisuHaven still in denial
Please user, try harder...
doubtful. i think the ackermans can heal quicker better due to being byproducts of titan experiments. maybe not instantly or quickly as a titan would, so not quick enough to save kenny, or any other ackerman who was persecuted, or mikasas pussy ackerman father, but will still recover fully from life threatening wounds.
or he will transfer his wounds to his spinal cord
Historia was the one in control the entire time
are you blind? that's old shit
like i said i dont care if its erens but nothing would make me happier than seeing shippingfags BTFO
The rape meme is even more unlikely, to be quite honest. There are many reasons to explain Historia's dead eyes, but just speculations so far.
What the fuck was Reiner thinking? He couldn't touch Eren 5 years ago, does he think a friend or two is gonna have an impact on a 3 titan Eren that's actually insane right now?
if what you want to see is butthurt shipfags, then Eren being the father is a much better thing to root for, although there will be butthurt either way
don't be surprised if ackernigs can actually transform into sentient pure titans lmao
i'd believe that ackermans are more resilient and recover faster, but not to that extent. he was still on the bench for a bit after the ankle/leg injury after all
Eren will job but Zeke will save him
i think it would fit in the story to show how much eren really wants eldias freedom no matter the cost. It would just make eren more of a villain and prove marleys belief that eldians devils are raped and committed genocide and repeating history.
im a erenfag but i hate shippers more even EHfags
thats the only reason I wont say fast, just better than others, if not killed. like, they can be injured badly, and still come back fully healed. kenny was too bad though. I could picture that being written in to save levi or mikasa . or maybe they cannot and im wrong, their paths can connect, but since they cannot titanize, they cannot heal.
WHT isn't a super saiyan powerup afterall, eren is still a lanky 15m class, reiner just have to land a punch on his head to win.
>since RTS Reiner fought countless battles
Eren is finished
Tick tock
The real question is can Reiner even transform? He seems like he doesn't really feel like doing this shit again.
>jumps out of the blimp
>bites his hand
>nothing happens
>oh well at least I finally get to die
>lands on gabi
Don't overestimate Eren
I took a few listen, but yes i can confirm, this is the best OP for attack on titan ever.
and those female vocals come in, yes that's that good shit.
now reiner is the one with the power of his nakama
hard to land though when you can make spikes and shit come out tbe ground. I think the big question is does he get all the titans powers that he absorb, or does he need to turn into that titan to use its power. if he ate the colossus for example, he wouldn't be a 50 meter attack titan that can blow steam right? so maybe he needs to transform into the wht in the crystal to use the spikes and shit.
From the thumbnail I thought that was Historia.
Overestimate him? He took on an entire country, a brand new type of titan, and god knows how many innocent kids.
Pregnancy subject aside, in my opinion Eren never was/will be/is a villain, in fact there are not villains in this manga.
>god knows how many innocent kids
An often overlooked stat when estimating fighting prowess.
He almost got rekt if the SL didn't came to rescue his ass.
inb4 Eren uses WHT to make himself a suit of armor
reiner was still able to transform when he had literally retreated back into a cocoon to wait to die. that's the symbolic rebirth from the dark night of the soul, the abyss of the hero's journey. the character hasn't descended deeper into despair since then, it's clearly trying to intimate the opposite to the reader.
The marley jobbers arent even close to the warhammers power level
i agree owl
So what happens with manlet now? He can't fight, is that it? One of the main cast gets written out like that?
>i think it would fit in the story to show how much eren really wants eldias freedom no matter the cost.
That wouldn't fit the story at all
We've seen the completely different ways Eren and Zeke have been brought up to see the world, both of them getting it from Grisha. He had both of his kids for a purpose, which made them lose their freedom. Eren's child being simply born out of love and having no burden would be a fitting conclusion, and especially if it's also with Historia, whose entire family line had a similar "children being born with a purpose/burden" instead of freedom.
>A couple city blocks full of kids vs. all the kids in wall maria
The tale of the tape.
In my opinion it's fitting plus other characters need to shine too. And his fights became boring
>Main cast
I don't hate him but he is not that relevant, this is about EZ/Marley/AM (well the last one...)
I thought it was great.
I did find it a bit disappointing that Eren's walking back on that a little. I thought the remainder of the manga would be "How do we win the Titan war". Instead, it's "How do we thwart Zeke's dumb, suicidal plan of making everyone sterile."
It would have been really awesome if Zeke was like "This is the chance to free our people from oppression, I'm totally with you, Eren" or if his plan was something like "Unleash the Rumbling! Cleanse the Earth!"
Either that or he gets some asspull recovery and dabs on Zeke with Connie's help
that's not a coincidence
You are underestimating the WHT.
Imagine being Annie. You wake up, thinking its ok, I'm captured but Reiner and Bert are doing fine, then Hanji walks over to you with her tranny ass and goes "Girllll Eren nuked your country, Bert is Armins bowel movement and Reiner will kill himself way before we get to do it"
>can't fight = written out
ya pleb
good idea, i'll save it for mondays
Hanjo will probably cure his ackerautism/ptsd
>0:37 when you can hear the devil's voice singing the lines about his deal with Ymir
it's 3 am here but before i yeet myself into a depression nap i just wanna say i love mikasa endlessly and i stan an overlooked strong gal
His "battles" were just throwing himself into gunfire.
Annie hardly gives a shit about Reiner or Bort. She is for herself.
Porco will break Annie's crystal and Gabi will eat her. Screencap this.
It's a good out for his character
>Reiner's a fag anyway, nothing lost. who's Bert?
>is my dad ok?
Have you even considered manlet fight will be mental now?
>Any last words, Eren?
holy shit
oh wow never noticed
idk, armored is fucking huge next to any shifter (minus colossal) and armored afterall. WHT ragdolled attack titan, but that dude probably can shrug everything and rush straight to win
>. if he ate the colossus for example, he wouldn't be a 50 meter attack titan that can blow steam right?
i think that shifters will obtain special traits of eaten shifter, and add them for their titan
Did she actually like Reiner or Bert? I mean, they were in the same boat, but she barely seemed to tolerate them.
He's got an army with him and he outnumbers Eren. Eren is going to fuck his shit up, but - on paper - it looks like a good chance at killing him.
>hfw she finds out he was trampled to death pushing reiner's mom out of the way
>Falco is Brendan
It's fucking perfect.
She will SURVIVE
Whats that in your picture? Erwin?
No idea which scene that is suposed to be
she hated reiner and blamed him for marcel's death speedreader
Erwin when he realizes he has to sacrifice his dream.
I wouldn't say stopping Zeke is the primary goal, which is still "how do we save Paradis from annihilation". It will probably end up being the final challenge of sorts though.
Yes, that's what I was saying.
Did we ever find out what the giant animals in the openings were about?
It was been stated that he risked his life on frontline, also the anti titan canons. It clearly required more than his armored skin to survive
>eren's real plan was world domination
>he's gonna start right here and now by killing Marley's general
Obito tier rusemaster
I can see Manlet fighting without limbs but if he lose his sight then is over.
You know, was it really risking his life? If you think about it, he was surprised when he ran into the anti-titan cannons. In general, it seems he wasn't really at risk for most of the battles.
This is a super saiyan 2 powerup?
Falcon Titan soon
Yeah good luck posting Eren if he's not father. Pretty sure cuckposting won't be spammed.
While I do agree with you that Zeke's plan is stupid and that a true EZ alliance would have been amazing, what we have now is more in line with the major themes of the story, that being: in the face of monstrous horror, insurmountable odds, gut wrenching guilt, and sheer hopelessness, what do you do? Do you lay down and die, or do you keep fighting and maybe win?
I believe the upcoming Eren vs Zeke conflict will reflect this perfectly.
Did I miss something, didn't he only lose two fingers?
I love my handsome husband Reiner! Nobody can tear us apart! NOT EVEN DEATH.
We're in the endgame now, we're stuck with the current cast.
There's no more time to train another new shifter, Marley has already landed in the north and now they brought their air superiority to bear, so and a mindless titan ain't gonna cut it, nor will anyone reading care.
Honestly, I thought the main conflict would be:
> Zeke: "Kill everyone with the rumbling."
> Eren: "We can win, but without using the Rumbling to commit global genocide."
I don't really understand Zeke's motivations, to be honest. His people are held in slavery, and now he has the chance to save him. They can do more than survive, they can actually win the goddamn World War to come.
But no, he's going to do the bitch thing. I'm just worried Eren is going to go all Code Geass Zero Requiem on us, which would be shit.
>Tfw manlet probably received mouth-to-mouth and Isayama had to offscreen that
Fingers alone wouldn't be stuck in the handle at the knuckles, it's a hand at least, maybe an entire forearm - we didn't get a look at that side of his body to say for sure.
I don't know what you are trying to say but the WHT is OP compared to other titans. Reiner can't simply get close, punch it and win. In the first place, WHT doesn't have to engage in a close quarter combat so it will be harder for Reiner to get close.
It's irrelevant either way, merely losing your pinky is enough to make sure you'll never be able to use a sword properly again.
Whats not to get? He hates himself and wishes he was never born, and projects this self loathing onto the rest of his own race. The sterilization plan is perfectly in line with his character.
It just seems really, really dumb.
Go to bed, user, there's nothing here but sadness
The smile that condemned millions to death
has there ever been another managaka more desperate to not fuck a woman?
He says shit like "Only you understand me, Eren." all the time. He's easily manipulated by Eren and the previous Beast Titan, and probably isn't Big Brain like he portrays himself. The majority of his plans against Eldia have been successful because he knows things about titans and his abilities that they don't. I legitimately think that he's really not that smart.
By the sound of things you have luckely never hated yourself, and I sincerely hope you never do.
Nicolo was banging Sasha and Eren probably came inside Historia
I think Isayama is just too autistic to show the main cast of the characters actually being close, more so when one is praised by autistic fujos (which i wouldn't be surprised that's one of the reasons Isayama doesn't reveal Hange's gender). If EH happened I'm more curious about how bad Isayama will handle it
it looks op when used on very fragile eren, but could it stop a bigger titan (his arms are like legs of attack titan) that is covered in thicc plate armor? Anyway i was trying to say, that while wht would increase erens offense power to some degree, it won't render him invunerable like in dragon ball, he is still a glass canon. One punch to head would finish him
He's pretty smart, but emotionally stunted, in that he craves familial validation. He never got that from his parents, but instead from Xaver, who he calls dad. When he learns about Eren, he thinks he found a blood relative who will actually understand and support him. When Eren calls him brother, he's moved to tears. Only such people can manipulate him.
I don't get the rape/forced meme at all, even less now that it's become even more unclear whether the pregnancy was originally part of YZ's plan to begin with. From the very start the only thing it did was protecting Historia from immediate titanization and Zeke from being eaten right away (and even that may have been avoided with the wine), it wasn't protecting anybody else nor guaranteeing Eren's freedom at all. We've been also more or less certain since chap 115 that Eren's ideology and goals (whatever they may be) were never aligned with Zeke's, so the idea that he got Historia preg/told her to get preg just so that he could protect his bro for the sake of some grand masterplan they cooked up together and that Historia being protected as a result was a mere coincidence is completely out the window as well: associating with his brother while being fully aware of that was a taking huge risks that weren't actually necessary.
Eren (and probably Zeke too) destroyed Reiner's armor by hardening his knuckles. I don't see why WHT can't destroy AT with its weapon made of hardening.
>I don't really understand Zeke's motivations, to be honest.
Read slower. It's pretty explicit.
Terrorists and lovers
If EH really happened, then Isayama is gonna do it fine since it remotely becomes more important then others ""romance"" subplot and he is obligated to show the setting (at least). But of course, still depends on many things
How did he handle Grisha/Dina falling in love with each other? In 1 scene.
How did he handle Grisha/Carla falling in love with each other? In 2 or 3 scenes.
And I don't even want to talk about Nikolo/Sasha. So don't expect much.
Based satan
Queen Victoria and Prince Albert
Add to this that Zeke wasn't sure that Eren agrees with him, so the possibility that Eren coerced Historia into pregnancy to prove his allegiance to Zeke is now discarded too.
Yeah, although OG Beast Titan manipulated him too, as he also read how desperate Zeke was for that validation.
Anti-christ confirmed
Did you know the height gap between Jean and Armin went from 12 to 22 cm during the timeskip?
No it’s not. He still wasn’t sure until he met Eren. Eren could have done the pregnancy as contingency still. We don’t know
I mean TEN months and still nothing and he is overdoing it with the ambiguity
>AMJC not reacting when Pixis said that
>Yelena's dialogues
Like if you really did EH stop being so afraid man
I'm more curious about the shy execution than anything kek
Literally who thought Eren coerced Historia into pregnancy? Eren would never.
Yes he would.
Araki can draw as many Mikasa's anus he can even for Marley season opening but I doubt he can avoid EH
Spoilers when?
there's no romance needed, I think it's a pretty poor word to use in context with SnK. We have seen no romance at any point (except very limited jokes about characters being teased for being in love which approaches romcom territory), however we have seen countless characters driven by their love of other characters, which is a completely different theme than romance itself.
Did you know the height gap between Jean and Manlet went from 15 to 30 cm during the timeskip?
When you stop touching yourself
What part of 'I want to save Paradis WITHOUT SACRIFICING HISTORIA' did you miss?
And, for the umpteenth time: Historia's pregnancy protects only her. Zeke could still be fed to a placeholder. The wine was the real protection for him.
>mr freedom autist would forcibly impregnate the girl he explicitly protected from being made into a titan and bred like cattle
yeah that makes complete sense user
You have to be retarded to believe that Eren would really rape Historia, is completely out of character and nothing that has been shown of him has made us believe that he would really do that, not to mention that if he had really rape Historia then she would have no reason not to tell the government what Eren planned to do
Jean boy is a big ass tree now. But Connie's growth spurt is more amazing
I'd say more: during the discussion with Hizuru guys Eren's position transformed into 'Fuck saving Paradis if it means sacrificing Historia'.
Spoilers why?
The pregnancy was an accident. Eren and Historia couldn't resist
This has to be bait
i'm not a historian, could you give us a rundown on them?
I want to know how tall the big girl is because I think she's taller than treeman which is hot as fuck
Eren only cares about protecting Historia and not Zeke... are you stupid? Eren COULD want to keep Zeke alive so he wouldn’t have to use Historia. We don’t know Eren’s notices yet brainlet
He's eating Reiner, not Zeke
eren never destroyed it though, only chipped. Destroying would mean penetration and damaging the titan inside, which never happened. And armored have like 3 times bigger arms
Read the fucking manga, brainlet.
Eren is literally saying it.
>What did they mean by this?
Um-m, that they are both female and drawn in the same style?
Chadner will make it till the end of the series
To be fair Eren and Historia already had a certain antecedent in matter of interactions/plot that we've known until timeskip, so, it's not like Isayama needs to do too much.
This scene confirmed Eren wants to protect his sister
Calm down, dude
So do we know anything about 116?
was the golden week a lie
Fuck off EHfat, that does not prove anything
Had an interesting discussion about Zeke's psychology with some other peeps a few weeks ago and how it contrasts with timeskip Eren's. He's easily managed to fool everyone around him for almost two decades but when something/someone actually reaches the core of what personally motivates him, he's incapable of lying and lets out his true feelings, even at the risk of raising suspicion: he did it in Shiganshina 4 years ago and actually did it again in Liberio when he straight up said out loud during the raid that Eren wasn't his enemy. The emotional stuntedness and desire for validation you mentioned as well as his desperate need to find a like-minded spirit of sorts must have played a major part in that behaviour.
In comparison, Eren is pretty much doing the opposite nowadays: he used to be very upfront about his feelings, thoughts and impressions back when he was still and in his early teenage years, but he's progressively shut himself off on an emotional level to the point that he's become almost impossible to read. He ended up displaying more honesty towards people he either didn't know (Falco) or was actually enemies with (Reiner) than towards his actual friends and superiors who've been kept out of the loop completely. And in direct opposition to Zeke's attitude, when things get too personal or come too close from unveiling his true feelings and motives, Eren starts lying, changing the subject and generally manipulating the flow of the convo in order to divert the attention away said true feelings and motives.
>never listen to the memed 'EH' song that was predicted to be OP5
>was gonna surprise myself and enjoy based OP 5 blind
>OP 5 finally comes
Of all the knives in my back I never suspected one would be LH. It manages to be worse than OP 4.
meant 117*
It doesn't have to prove anything, it literally _shows_ that Eren values his friend's life and happiness more than security of the whole Paradis.
>He ended up displaying more honesty towards people he either didn't know (Falco)
I think that was entirely because he saw himself in falco (no fuck off pedos) when he heard him say he wanted to save a girl he presumably loves from being made into a didan
No, people don't want to pretend to be retarded just to not hurt your feelings. Eren is probably the father
>however we have seen countless characters driven by their love of other characters, which is a completely different theme than romance itself.
Yeah that's why I use """ because I didn't know how to call it but now that you mentioned it, should I call it love then?
Me too user. It hurt my soul
30% probability, not more
Eren is gay.
>In before "He was under Grisha's influence"
Just so you know the source was never found
Look at this image and see how the initial punch moved into Reiner in the next panel. He destroyed Reiner armor. Even if Eren's hardening is weaker, there was no instance of Reiner destroying Eren's hardening in this manga after his hardening and hardening came in contact while Eren did it with a punch and a grip and WHT was capable of destroying Eren's hardening with no effort. It's safe to say that WHT hardening holds more destructive power than Eren's basic hardening which was enough to chip and penetrate Reiner's.
Ereh is pure
Eren is freedomsexual
I didn't say Eren destroyed Reiner as a whole. I said Eren destroyed his armor.
>And armored have like 3 times bigger arms
For what? WHT can easily fight from long range. What can AT do against that? If anything its bigger body and armor just made it slower.
This image I meant
Not really, more so with Zeke being anti-baby and Eren reacting like that to that phrase Carla said to her baby. You have to be retarded to not see the "twist". The father-son thing was going to affect Eren sooner or later, the problem is that people expected EM when Isayama said again and again that EM was not romantic
zeke is shit at the part of strategy and planning that requires you to anticipate and understand your counterpart's most likely moves and responses, which is really the most crucial part. like, the wine and the misdirection with the story about gas is a good plan, but his actual escape hinged on completely misreading manlet's character.
>stuck his dick inside a daughter of a whore
can you blame him
An irl yiifag
Historia is his freedom
How Grisha and Dinah/Carla's relationship came to be wasn't what mattered, the consequences of their union (Dinah joining the restorationists and GD having Zeke/GC having Eren) did. Same for Nicolo and Sasha: nobody gives a fuck about their burgeoning feelings, the point was that Sasha was a ray of light in Nicolo's life and the cycle of tragedies was perpetuated with her death and his resulting grief. EH would already different because the relationship in itself would be the focus.
Hope anime does justice to this scene.
Like Victoria, Historia becomes Queen because all her predecessor's (Her father Rod Reiss/Vicky's uncle William IV) legitimate heirs are dead. Also like Victoria, Historia's currently overseeing what may be a gilded age in her Kingdom's history.
Prince Albert was Vicky's beloved husband who tragically died quite young of illness, which is obviously Eren's fate.
eren is bi and experimented with reiner while they were cadets
I feel bad for Reiner being used for this damage control and I don't even dislike yaoi
Can someone post the pregnancy was the accident image? I want to feel bad for ridiculing him.
Not him but it kindof is. It makes 0 sense for Zeke to doubt Eren agrees with the plan if he knew the latter already went that far just for the sake of it just because Yelena told him to.
Jii is for Yii.
what doujin is this from? looks like HEchad material
There is a HUGE pile of flashbacks still to be shown, will Isayama put them all in Eren's memories for Zeke to see?
I better fucking cry WIT, I swear to God...
This, they became worse than manletfujos, jesus
A whole fucking lot of people in these threads did, unironically, especially after 112 where he was mean to AM, which some took as proof that he probably raped Historia or pimped her out because she was "cattle" too.
And for torturing Flo
here, just ignore the last panel which isn't mine, I made it but it's on my other computer. you don't have to apologize cause it was a shitpost, it being true would be hilarious in hindsight
>A whole fucking lot
Kek no, just the Ymirfag and EMfag
>tfw no spooky giantess gf
Why am I alive
Just to suffer?
i want floch to realize he's been working against eldia by helping zeke and have his faith in an ideal shattered one more time
Will Pieck be voiced by Saori Hayami?
Last year spoilers came out on the 2nd. So maybe Thursday?
Yelena lost a lot of charm when she was revealed to be retarded.
Original anime ending coming soon
Then get eaten/squashed, right? Or, very devilishly, would you leave him alive?
>she was revealed to be retarded.
That just Armongs influence, there's nothing to be done about it.
You think he's invested in the ideal more than the violence he can commit for it?
The only possible way for this to have a good ending for Eren without a genocide is for him to remove the time limit and having a full powered FT to maintain the 50 years plan by himself which I doubt would happen but we'll see since we had asspulls before.
Thank you user.
Historia's child will be named Victoria. Screencap this.
That was just coping from angry shippers.
Her being a yandere zealot was unironically all I ever wanted from her. The ARF gets everyone, anyway.
that would be a great name, but I still think Ymir (if plot) or Frieda is likely the one
>The ARF gets everyone, anyway.
maybe on a subconscious level, but i think the ideal and the cause is important to him. i could be wrong but to me he seems like a character who needs something to cling to, and the fanatical violence against the systems and people of the old order is more a result of feeling betrayed by the lie of the glory of war and life as a scout than some kind of innate bloodlust now given an excuse and outlet.
All pages of Armong are so bad, I hate Isayama is such a big Arminfag but he really adds nothing, worse, the quality decreases everytime he appears
Another strange thing: Yelena isn't happy in the slightest when she says her piece about Historia being 'fortunately' pregnant.
Armong exists purely to enrage the reader.
what's the name of their baby?
He loved Armin so much as he was that he barely changed his design.
You think Isayama's wife wears a coconut wig?
no armin is there for the brainlets, they love him
double nigger
Does she ever look happy though
>If plot
Then should be Victoria since this child is supposed to be Zeke 2.0
Removing the curse wouldn't help since Eren can't use FT powers on his own, so they would need to continue holding other titans for royals to use the rumbling. Anyway, Eren's made it clear that he intends to end the 2000 year conflict which necessitates a permanent solution.
Which in turn enrages the reader. It's all one big ARF cycle.
>h-honey do i have to ag-
She looks pretty happy when she talks about Zeke and Eren
irl human heads are bent by the force of some strong punches, but easily returns to the default position, due to the formation of skull bones. If he would have managed to damage the head like in 104 chapter, then it could be called a armor penetration, but it never happened, he only chipped it.
Also this comparison of toughness is meaningless, reiners armor chipped due to concentration of force on smaller area of the fist, just like the needle could be easily snapped by anything yet it could pierce many things. Not like eren's case though.
>For what?
a several times more thicker object would require a lot more force to be destroyed
Inagine how Hangefags feel
True, she was even closer than Yii was to Armin when she got caught in the ARF.
>Maybe we should travel at night?
>Armin you genius!
reiner is a flushed and deleted chinlet, eren is going to deliver a spicy heem in the first
That's why I said having a full powered FT(by himself). It's crap writing but it's the thing that I can think of for beside Eren turning the wall titans into ice burst stone and "pay" all the countries to leave them alone with it.
This is the only place on the internet where you all don’t consider that Eren could have done something horrible to Historia.. and it’s because everyone here is retarded
>he used to be very upfront about his feelings, thoughts and impressions back when he was still and in his early teenage years, but he's progressively shut himself off on an emotional level to the point that he's become almost impossible to read
I think it's because Eren doesn't think his friends will understand him anymore. Eren wants to fight to achieve victory. AM, and to an extent Hange, want to talk it out peacefully. Eren wants to protect Historia. The military never found another option other than titanizing her. Once he found out from Yelena that Zeke has no intention of saving Paradis, he probably felt trapped and alone. Now, he's essentially going alone to accomplish who knows what.
What if Eren collects the nine titans? Can he become the new royal?
All nosefags will be destroyed
>Hans praising Armin
>Annie there for Armin fapping material
>Armin will outsmart Pieck
Yelena's dignity just got raped by him too even though characters like her are supposed to be delusional yet really smart, that was the dangerous part of her
>I'm gonna pay you 100 titans to fuck off
is because it wouldn't serve any purpose at this point
no one literally has any clue. for all we know, in the 2000 year long history, grisha could have been the first person ever to combine two titans into one titan shifter
based chadren
There's still no indication that collecting all nine titans does anything special.
Isayama realized the noses are too powerful, he's trying to stop them.
She gets really happy on the next page, this is why I noticed the difference by the way.
Then why didn't he just let them titanize Historia?
that actually would explain why he's so in the edge since returning to paradise
I think Faye is more likely than either of those.
BASED, now you should add Reiner
All the shit that is currently going on started with Eren not wanting to sacrifice Historia 4 years ago. You have to be a brainlet to think he would hurt her.
It would because Isayama is trying to show us “eren is the bad guy” even though he’s not really
Whenever she brings up ZE.
Wrong, someone vowed to always be his ally
Eren can't force Historia to cooperate if she doesn't want to, that's why stuff like raping her or forcing her to fuck farmer make no sense. On some level she has to agree with whatever he's planning.
eren’s kid will be named eren because shifter memories are stronger with name bonds which is why in grisha flashbacks, we see eren sit in the same exact position as kruger and told the story from kruger’s POV. with that, he can remove the will of karl fritz and pass on his own will to his child
The child is literally supposed to be part of the generation of Eldians who will be truly free, user.
>Historia, the fujos destroyer
The child isn't going to become a shifter.
Then she shouldn't be named after those who weren't free
Don't remind me, and rip Yelena, she couldn't escape the retardation aura
This is SnK. He was most likely telling her about herself and telling her that she needed to stop sacrificing herself for Paradis. Brutally honest... OMG LIKE HE WAS WITH AM. Everyone here stop being retarded and think Historia is immune from Eren’s freedom boner
>MPs think Historia got pregnant to protect herself and Zeke
>Yelena thinks it was for the 50 years plan
>It's just a child born out of love
She won't be forgotten. I'll pour one out when the time comes.
there were so many smug faggots posting before it that eren grim reminding would never happen it was amazing seeing them get BTFO in extraordinary fashion
Seems like he was completely honest with Falco when he said he didn't wanna go back home.
fuck off. chadren’s kid will be based as fuck and another chad founding titan
Fayes death started this story and Fayes birth will end it.
I highly doubt it since he had many chances to do it before, but he didn't
True, which is why I think that after meeting with Yelena, Eren went to visit Historia and told her everything that he learned. If Historia learned that inheriting the Beast wouldn't actually save Paradis, she would never accept it.
Whatever Eren is trying to accomplish, Historia knows it.
I was reacting to your Zeke 2.0 comment, not to the names discussion in general. I personally don't think the baby will have a name we know, Ymir feels too on the nose on top of being at the root of a millenia long history of painand suffering.
Arguing with her would still mean attempting to convince her of whatever his alternative plan is. He can't just tell her she's not being true to herself and expect her to magically see the light.
She'll get that blimp ride in the end, im6sure of it.
Source for this image you teasing fuck
A direct scene where Eren raped Historia or forced her to be pregnant would effectively convinced us that Eren's 100% asshole, which is what Isayama has been trying to tell us, but he didn't. So yeah, it's retarded to think rape happened
A day to be remembered for sure.
Eren think's being a shifter is bad. He wouldn't burden his child with such a fate, unlike Grisha.
>Historia leg locking Eren forcing him to cum inside of her
Stop pretending to be chadrenfag. You don't even understand Eren
it's a preview
Does December always get the best chapters?
what has to be done is what has to be done. grisha made sure eren was respelled before subjecting him to be a titan shifter and he wasn’t told about titan aids for zeke
>LH and EH
>So much fujo art
Negro, it's his free will
a-at least she gets her serumbowl speech
>inb4 its cut way down and all the shots focus on mikasa instead
>what has to be done is what has to be done.
Eren vehemently disagrees with that mentality.
If he believed that he would have just allowed Historia to become a shifter and broodmare, but he was adamant about finding a different way.
That one smug poster got btfo'd so hard god that was a glorious day
>He couldn't touch Eren 5 years ago
Actually, they were evenly matched during RTS. Eren had the upperhand the start but he realized he cannot get a decisive move because of Reiner's physique (he can break the holds when he doesn't have a limb/tendon missing) and the lack surprise factor (unlike last time).
And vice versa, Reiner realized that he couldn't cheese the fight anymore (because his armor is useless) and had to be careful, but he didn't have the skills to score a decisive hit either.
And Reiner knows Porco is on another level of being skillful, on top of being the only bad match up for the WHT. So he has all of the reasons to think he can win.
Bros...they're too cute
You really are this delusional aren't you. How long have you been memeing about Eren being the father? It's been almost a year now you turbosperg.
why can't shipfags especially EHfags just gas themselves?
Impregnating a lesbian is a sin.
>a lesbian
You still haven't addressed mr. dubs right here
eren raping historia would be unironically based as fuck.
almost every Reiner/Eren encounter ended in draw, except the first one, where Mikasa won
Because they only got serum after going to Marley and Zeke wasn't really planning to be eaten by her
>eren raped historia
is this the newest cope?
>implying it's only one person
I mean, if it's just meme you shouldn't be worried at all, in fact you've quoted some discussion posts there that have nothing to do with your shipping paranoia.
>except the first one, where Mikasa won
>two (2) posts about eren raping historia
>”omg emfags new coping mechanism OMG U GUYS R SO SAD ”
>Because they only got serum after going to Marley
i wish i could read that fast god damn
She cut Reiner's tendon during Utgardt, which was the reason why Reiner couldn't break Eren's hold (as stated by Armin and later proven right in RTS where Reiner did break the very same hold by lifting Eren).
Seems like you do, especially that scene with Pixis and Yelena
>It's not cope if it's just two guys
This is a new definition of cope that I didn't know about.
Although that user is wrong, since it's not new at all. The "Eren rapist" theory is as old as the "sad impregnated lesbian Histori"a one.
How is that a Mikasa victory?
remember, when she cut tendons on his legs, so he lost balance and eren started doing damage with his hold. Otherwise, it would have ended like this
Annie is the cutest! Her wonderful smile gives me strength! I want to hold her soft hand and give her little kisses on the cheek! I want to tell her sweet things so she knows how much she means to me! I couldn't go on without her! I love Annie!
I love Annie, I will only ever love Annie, I could only ever love Annie, my heart belongs to her!
>The "Eren rapist" theory is as old as the "sad impregnated lesbian Histori"a one.
And the detective memes
That was user's way of saying that it wasn't Eren's victory.
t. Old men
I may be wrong, but you will be too
pic related, it's foreplay
Annie a shit. A SHIT!!
Spoilers never ever
i was calling him obsessed because it was literally only two posts, not that it wasn’t a coping mechanism for EMfags to get over their dead ship
I'm not saying that Eren won the fight but that gives too much credit for Mikasa. That was her only contribution to the fight and without Eren, she won't be able to cut Reiner's tendons.
>People seriously think Manlet is going to kill Zeke even though he's heavily injured
Can fujos be more delusional?
based spot
i hope we get another one on one slobberknocker slugfest with eren & reiner at some point, without all the wht gimmicks or backup or whatever
yeah. some of them think levi is actually dead because tons of people are natural speedreaders and glance over simple shit like floch asking to check for a pulse.
Actually, if they just smuggled serums instead of smuggling Zeke himself, thing would have been much easier. But he went and smuggled Zeke himself. Just smuggle one serum and change Historia into a pure titan, and it's a win.
If they could easily smuggle Zeke's wine in, or go in and out of Marley as they please, then they could easily do the same shit with a single bottle of normal fluid. But they didn't because they wanted to specifically use Zeke and not Historia.
>That was her only contribution to the fight and without Eren, she won't be able to cut Reiner's tendons.
True. It really was a cooperative result, but people tend to forget that.
Mikasafags are delusional just like their favorite character.
Hitch only does sexual favors for old men
did you forgot that reiner crumbled leg plates intentionally?
it's odd because that's a recurring theme in most, if not all, of the series' big setpiece battles
Yeah, to fight Eren.
most likely were going to see eren job with zeke’s arrivals probably either near the end of the chapter or halfway through
Eren is the reason Reiner crumbled his leg plates intentionally. If he were fighting Mikasa alone, there's no reason for him to do that.
I'm saying that she turned odds in eren's favor, without her assistance it could end with powerbombing eren or similiar shit, eren was defenseless at that point
Golden week was a meme and we all fell for it bros...
Well, I'm not denying her assistance. I just want to show why
>except the first one, where Mikasa won
is bullshit.
this but unironically. i was so hyped about getting my manga chapters earlier, and it worked for a lot of the series i was reading. the main problem is snk is literally the story i care most about and REALLY wanted an early chapter
Don't talk to me or my wife's daughter ever again
The cam will focus on Mikasa's anus
Because they don't want him to be with Hanje
I actually would not mind this subversion, because it would contrast nicely with Grisha having Zeke and Eren solely to use them for his cause
This thread is deader than manlet
Rip thread.
>actually trying to discuss shit because I don't see how the rape argument makes sense
>"OMG stop memeing stupid EHfags!"
You deserve all the shitposting you'll get.
That's actually an old one. Was pretty popular around 110-112 alongside "Eren pimped Historia out".
Again, Zeke not wanting/planning to be eaten could have been worked around if the government actually fucking knew about it and tried to figure out a way to circumvent the wine stuff, but Eren chose not to say anything and go his own way to work with Zeke on his own while being fully aware of what it entailed: his own government being overthrown, civil unrest on Paradis, Paradis soldiers possibly dying because of Zeke and all the while the whole world coming for them sooner than expected. Just like Zeke wasn't certain until the very last moment that Eren would accept to cooperate, Eren couldn't have been certain until the very last moment that he'd manage to play Zeke, and yet he still took the risk to cross the ocean and go solo for that.
Jessamine and corvo 2.0 (eccept this time the empertress/queen is alive....for now)
Reminder Anniefag got btfo'd, stop making more threads you useless cunt
The winner of the shingekib owl
Is this entire season just going to be a massive fight?
Nope. 3-4 eps will be dedicated to the aftermath.