I love lucky star!

I love lucky star!

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Other urls found in this thread:


so do I

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How come Konata's dad never went full-Kinzo after seeing Konata grow up to become a spitting image of her mother?

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he doesn't have loyal servants and the threat of blowing them all up

Kagami > Miyuki > Konata > Tsukasa

someone post it

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I'd rather like to know how they got away with depicting a major character as a literal pedo. Azumanga was at least somewhat ambiguous about it.

He is not just a pedophile, if you were to ask him he'd say he is also a pedophile

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Cute desu


Spookasa > others

When is he actually shown to be a pedophile? It's just a recurring joke.

What a cute daughter.

This thread, lacks something

something LEWD

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You guys remember Kuronata?

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More like



What the fuck is up with all the idealized, sexy, sultry Konata fanart? She isn't a Venus, people. Consider the kind of activities she engages in and the shit that goes into her (once again, not in the context of your shitty art). First off, her figure. She's abnormally short and skinny, with a chest like a wall. Probably isn't going to change, either. Second, hair. She has dark, messy, probably frizzy hair down to her (flat, see previous) ass. Third, face. She has the goofiest face any of the characters have ever seen, them being brought to raucous laughter with the mere sight of it. She has an IRL catlip. Pic very related, that's her normal expression. On top of that, living off of chocolate cornets and other junk and staying inside for eternity probably hasn't given her a particularly vibrant complexion.
All this, combined with the fact that she probably fucks like a minx, make her over nine-thousand times sexier than the way you ingrates depict her. Picture this goofball at her monitor, in a dark room, with stoner-eyes from solo hunting for 7 hours straight, smelling like instant ramen and bed B.O., butt-fucking naked and horny off of some ero game. Her mouth tastes like the cheap, salty residue at the bottom of the styrofoam cups that litter her bed, and her hair sticks out every which way as she sticks a filthy finger into her dripping cunt, one hand still on that nasty, mucous-covered mouse. A few double clicks later, the chair where her plush, pasty pale ass is situated is sprayed with cum, and she STILL smells like morning mouth. That's the Konata I want to fuck.

be honest Yea Forums
would you date a konata?

I would date most anime girls.

I don't know how I would date a person

Where is the meatball girl

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Ask her husband, he hasn't appeared in a while.

Sure. One of the reasons I'm pretty much undatable is because of my interest in manga and anime but with Konata it would be a shared interest

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Tsukasa is thinking.

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>having a cute messy otaku gf

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Sure, why not. What do I have to lose anyway?

I want to creampie konata and cuddle her all night afterwards.

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Misao is thinking

Same but to Misao

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>Not wanting a cute genki boyish gf

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Konata is very cute.

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I've been gone from this board for a few years... Did creepy tsubasa poster have some kind of schizophrenic break and convert his entire image collection to fang girl?

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Creepyposting and comicposting are both diminished. It's mostly pastas and Misato guy in many threads.

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>'It really stinks, doesn't it?'





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Especially creepyposting ruined lucky star threads.
In the beginning those things were kind of funny, but they just got repetitive and boring.

Here's my answer.

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Sorry user. I even thought in my head "Make sure to type Misao and not Misato" and I still messed it up.

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Good, never forgetti

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>I'm pretty much undatable is because of my interest in manga and anime
Do girls actually care? Get a gf user.

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would you play a game of pretend with a konata(male)?

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Based Misao poster

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nichijou is best kyoani
season 2 when?

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Rucky sta.

>Azumanga was at least somewhat ambiguous about it.
what the fuck was ambiguous about the pedo sensei?

Datte va!

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thank you based misaoposter

undeniably the best girl

She truly is


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I'm not complaining. Those threads were dead. I mean it was pointless to even post discussion in a LS thread because it would obviously get spammed down. I'm glad things are better now.


best girl is Kagami

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Can kagami do this?


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Onii chan baka senpai

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Hello user, I hope you had a good day! I can't ask you about it, but I hope it was great!

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Please if you see Misao tell her i love her and that i will keep loving her. It's been around 12 years since i fell in love with her and i will keep loving her for many more.

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Holy fuck this pasta is great

And by the way, it's been so long since i saw kagami user, or takumi, asking for our days, don't play with my heart.

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Make sure to spread it user

I need your opinion on this, anons. Who is cuter: Misao or Misaoposter?

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Good night lucky star thread.

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