Holy fuck there’s another new Star Trek series?

Holy fuck there’s another new Star Trek series?

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Nah, it’s just some shit with a brand name slapped on it.

More woke garbage in space.

This is our future. Kinda makes me wish the meme virus was actually the world-ending plague it was hyped to be.

I havent seen a second of Star Trek in my entire life. Sorry, I didnt ask to be born this cool

I've seen several eps on a screener. 10/10. Best live action Star Trek since TOS.

There's getting to be too much new Star Trek media that I'm actually tempted to see how awful it is for myself. Whenever I'm around other Star Trek fans I hardly know what they're talking about.

Pike and Spock are the only white guys and the rest of the cast is minority/female.

All your Sci-Fi belongs to us.

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TOS stands for, the original series.

Star Trek has always been "woke."

You sound like my dad unironically

Start at 3:11

Cool poster.

Surprised that I hadn't seen a single thread about it when the trailer dropped.

Looks unironically kino, it's based on TOS.

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Uh, that's all of Star Trek bud

You're using quotes because you find the term hard to say. You're finding the term hard to say because you don't really believe it applies to old Trek. You're just being disingenuous. Again.

>the cast is almost entirely all _human_
I cant even right now

The whole purpose of Star Trek is to be "woke", and it's in quotations because the word has multiple connotations, and in this context only the positive meaning is meant.

Why enter a ST thread if you don't even watch it?

There are at least 2, probably 3 aliens in that picture. Honestly, it's time for you to unironically kys.

there hasn't been one in 17 years

>one line from a defective robot somehow proves star trek isn't woke
lol. a better example would be to try to claim st isn't woke by pointing out the misogynist ferengi. but that wouldn't work either because you have no idea what you're talking about

star trek has always been woke, does anyone have the pasta from the cops talking about how every pedo they busted had star trek memorabilia in their home

every, single, time

you will never be a woman
you will always be remembered as a degenerate

>written by Akiva Goldsman, Michael Chabon and Alex Kurtzman


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TOS was before political correctness grabbed men by the balls. The Nomad scene was just a nod to what every married man knew at the time. Men have lost this knowledge and now just call reality, sexist. TOS was loaded with this type of humor, and it's why it's now hated by woke studio execs.

TOS era crews are supposed to be mostly humans as the Federation is smaller and less used to include aliens. Spock was an exception, a rarity who went threw the academy on Earth.

Look at ENT, all humans except a detached vulcan not in starfleet and an alien doctor only because they couldn't find a decent human one. Of course Discovery fucked it up.

No I don't want to be a woman.
>TOS was before political correctness grabbed men by the balls.
It had the first white black onscreen kiss, an all inclusive cast with an asian guy and a ruskie during the cold war. Compared to today it's not as woke but it was woke for its time. Just because there is a line about "women dumb amiright guiz" boomer humor doesn't negate all the social justice the show had such like tng with ferengi.

That doesn't really make it better tho does it? When Star Trek TOS had a black, a Russian and a Jap on the bridge that was part of the whole "humanity united" thing Roddenberry was going for in the midst of the cold war.
Where today it's the same box checking bullshit as every other piece of crap.

So it's not actually on brand for Star Trek, though it doesn't shit on it like other franchises, but if you're sick of it you'd be sick of it even if it was on brand.

Picard S2 has been incredibly boring and completely contrived, but I actually think Patrick Stewart had the right idea, Star Trek has done that and now it needs to do something else.

>but I actually think Patrick Stewart had the right idea

Yes, what the world needed needed was another condescending lecture from multimillionaires in the form of unwatchably boring and childish "drama"

>star trek needs to stop being star trek
then why call it star trek?

oh right, because its the only way patrick stewart can get work.

Find a new song you fucking loser.

The difference is Star trek after ENT is being woke for the sake of being woke to appeal to a newer demographic. There isn't nuance. It's hammering into your why the other side of things are bad without trying to say why. While Star Trek in the past was political but had its nuance and would show you both sides even if one was morally dubious and wrong and our main characters would point that out and call it out as being such.
>but I actually think Patrick Stewart had the right idea, Star Trek has done that and now it needs to do something else.
Then kill of Star Trek and make something new.

I’m go in g to say this is bait. Right?

That's not accurate.
It is boring, there's no doubt about that, way too much filler, not enough plot, and the pacing is terrible.
The experiment is telling a more individually oriented story within a familiar framework divorced from any real world political bent, pretty much what the Mandalorian S1 did with good results.

And that's what people are really asking for from their fiction, their sci fi in particular. They're not looking for something that appeals to their particular political beliefs, they're looking for a break from the constant political shitfest that is the english speaking world in current year.

He's using quotes because he means progressive and because what is progressive changes over time, as is the nature of progressive politics. Yes Star Trek was a progressive show and yes progressive in modern language is "woke".

Well, posts the stories, then? Lots of (You)s coming your way.

Well it was pretty star trek from where I was sitting. Picard, Riker, Data, Seven of Nine, the Borg, and now Q.

>Then kill of Star Trek and make something new.
Look I'm usually the first guy to make that point, but in this case I don't think it's valid. This is the story of Picard in his later years. So they changed the format but they haven't retconned anything or changed the rules of the universe.

The fact is that the TNG model is stale, so if your point is "make more original stuff" I'm with you, but if your point is "just keep making TNG but 'Updated' for current year" then you're going get crap and not understand why it's crap.

>The experiment is telling a more individually oriented story within a familiar framework divorced from any real world political bent



Guinan is ranting about how racist 21st century America is. "This century took off the hood and put on a suit!"

The whole thing is, transparently and openly, a condescending lecture by powerful multimillionaires about how evil and racist things are, here, right now.

Yeah I was more referring to season 1.
Again, the execution hasn't worked, but the idea was there.
You can also look at the constant lesbian shit between "Annika" and the black one. Completely boring, totally irrelevant, doesn't need to be there, which really proves my point that it's not core to Patrick Stewart's idea of what Star Trek could be.

Will it be as great as Lower Decks?

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>social Justice
That doesn’t exist. There is just life. Find your own fucking justice.
Let the majority rule, outside minority groups like you homosexuals can and should fuck off

Why are they so afraid of going into the future?

OR the fact that for some reason the two latino characters speak spanish in the presence of a universal translator. That shit translates the languages of things that don't have mouths but it can't handle spanish?

That's immersion breaking.

>and yes progressive in modern language is "woke".
Perhaps it was meant that way originally, but that's not what the context is today. It's now used as a criticism to describe excessive identitarian messages. Idpol shit. That's what woke means now. Old trek was progressive. Not woke.

I guess this is why the lefties hate every Star Trek produced by Rick Berman and never go beyond memes when they talk about TOS.

>Yeah I was more referring to season 1.

Season 1 was literally Patrick Stewart's scream of outrage about Brexit, which he was very clear about in interviews before, during, and after S1 aired. With an overarching plot stolen from Mass Effect and then a desperate rewritten ending.

>which really proves my point that it's not core to Patrick Stewart's idea of what Star Trek could be.

Patrick Stewart has full creative control, which was his price for agreeing to do Picard in the first place. The story is exactly what he wants it to be. The problem is he's an actor, and actors are generally shitty writers.

Picard takes place after Voyager.

star trek is more than just character names, shillbro. the franchise and its appeal, the reason it created and sustained a fanbase for decades, is greater than the sum of its parts.

but its okay, that's difficult to understand and even harder to reproduce with the current stock of "creatives" working in the (dead) entertainment industry


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The idea about Star Trek is to show a far away future with an ideal humanity who managed to correct its flaws and face challenges one after the other using that new spirit.

TOS was during the Cold War, it had to insist on how all humans must work together, no matter the nationality, personality (feelings vs logic) or gender (competent women were new in fiction at the time).

TNG starts a few years before the end of the Cold war, the US supremacy is pretty much obvious and TNG try to show what to do with this supremacy. Episodes are about solving conflict peacefully and ruling over federated species with diplomacy and softer hand. Trying to understand foreign cultures instead of fighting it, pretty much what the world needed when IRL the US culture was stomping all.

DS9 aired during the first balkanized conflicts, gulf war, yougoslavia. It's about how religion, culture and wars don't mix well and good ideals aren't always enough to fix a situation. It was also appropriated at the time. Voyager did somehow the same but the message was more confuse, more "let's do what needs to be done" and therefore less Star Trek.

ENT had very little message or I missed it. The temporal cold war doesn't match the political situation at the time it aired. The Xindis are... third world uniting against US ? It's vague.

Discovery is about accepting the uniqueness, the exceptions, reflecting today's struggle of cultural and sexual minorities.

Picard is about caring for the weak, realising the damage the powerful can make without knowing it.

It's today problems and it feels cringe because we are living in this period. I'm sure maybe people at the time felt having a russian on Enterprise was cringe.

Idpol is part of modern progressive politics. Splitting hairs

that's a lot of text to say nothing but
>star trek is about the future of humanity, and currently humanity has no future

>Patrick Stewart's scream of outrage about Brexit
Really? How?
I know how the press spun it, but I didn't see any of it in the show.

>The problem is he's an actor, and actors are generally shitty writers.
I'm not disagreeing, though there are many exceptions (it's actor/directors that fail at both), but that doesn't detract from my core point which is the core idea of Picard, exploring the star trek universe at the individual level without any reference to real world politics is the best way to go, in fact it's really the only way to go if you're going to do it at all.

identity politics is a system gamed to get people to divide and conquer themselves into microdemographics of one, where the most important thin in their lives is their differences from every other microdemographic.

star trek was
>get over your differences, go to space
identity politics is
>your differences are all that matter. stay on earth forever and serve your corporate masters.

Picard was Picard, Riker was Riker, Data was Data and Q is Q.
The transporters were still transporters, the phasers were still phasers, the tricorders are still tricorders and warp drive is still warp drive.

You're complaining about the change in format, and the old format is:
1. Not core to what Star Trek is.
2. Stale af.

>fair and balanced representations of BOTH sides is somehow political

being about politics = being political. Stark difference, retard redditor

you seem utterly incapable of understanding anything more than surface level, as viewed from far away. is this the result of a traumatic brain injury or were you born that way?

>being about politics = being political. Stark difference
enlighten me without arguing semantics

Post voyager tech is problematic. With Borg tech, android tech, dominion tech... how can you imagine new threat not immediatly solved by already invented technology ? Even Picard struggle with that, season 1 had many issues because of that (why don't they just...etc) and Federation stomps all. All new threat must be either from another galaxy (requiring too much world building) or time travel (picard season 2).

Even early TNG federation is already tech gods level and they kept improving.

It's easier to set it in the TOS era with rules like no combat or transport at warp speed, no transport threw the shields, no cloaking and firing, etc...

Nigger I am way deeper that you are. All you've got is
>It's not herpy derp because I said so

yes, the federation after ds9 is basically a decade or two away from being a type III civilization.



its okay tardbro. its cool to be tarded. a lot of tards live really bitching lives.

No. Currently humanity as a future but you don't like it because you're too reactionary.

You enjoy past Treks because their message is ok for you, it's not transgressive to you because you were not the target. You don't need convincing the cold war is bad or occidental culture should rule the world using force. That's a given to you but that was not at the time it was made.

Modern trek message is going outside of your confort zone, telling you white men took too much place and conformity to them hurts the minorities. You don't like the message but that's what Trek has always done, put people out of their confort zone.

It's why I think detail is more important than scope at this point.
You could take a Sovereign class vessel, put it in a single system with multiple warring factions as well as an external threat and give it a task like "ensure the completion of a transwarp tunnel" and get 8 solid episodes out of that, then move it to a new system, swap out two or three of the crew, and give it a new task in season 2.

so where are you getting this from?

Or you could just fuck off back to whatever subreddit uses that sort of vernacular and get some updoots instead of talking shit.