Suggest some kino crime films set mostly in court room

Suggest some kino crime films set mostly in court room.

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The Paradine Case

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Bros... redditors have informed me that this lawyer actually did nothing wrong... wat do?

me on the far right strait bussin fr fr JD gonna get dat paper on god

I bet he gets fired after this. That's got to be so embarassing, i'd fucking kill myself.

not better call saul related, take this to /pol/

not like this heardbros...

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He did. There's nothing wrong with saying hearsay to a witness statement if it applies, but the lawyer asked a question that was never going to sound good for the defense when answered. The lawyer should be asking questions that make Heard look good or make Depp/the butler look dishonest, but he asked a question that could only ever sound bad for his side - then he clumsily fumbled with that hearsay like a nervous kindergartener even though he fully had the right to object. But he never should've asked that question in the first place, or he should have allowed the witness to finish the statement and then say "your honor, the defense moves to strike that statement from the record due to hearsay" but instead he just looks like he spilled spaghetti.

He was objecting to the answer though.

holy shit america is committing death to america by cringe

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btw how drunk do you have to be to fuck a chick named amber

Why did the judge say "*You* asked the question..." like the objection was totally wrong? And then he was like "oh yeah" like he realized

hearsay was fine but the way he awkwardly interrupted and stumbled made it sound like he had pavlovian conditioning to immediately say OBJECTION HEARSAY when he hears "he said" even if it was his own question lmao

He fucking asked the question bro.

or mercedes

OP here. I am genuinely looking for some court room drama movies though. They don't seem to make movies like this anymore.

You wish

Body of Evidence

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That butler sounds so fancy

objection, hearsay

And he wanted an answer that wasn't hearsay.

call the amberlamps district attorney BMW
crossboard for sound

rottenborn objection was pure kino but I am still mad at that puke-green fuckup of a lawyer Depp had that left my man Benny the King defenseless during cross exam

Honestly feel real bad for the guy. His law career is over with.

Thats not how it works.

I think this guy is worse than Rittenhouse Prosecutor.

her defense is a trainwreck

Why was his problem?

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why did the judge point out that he asked the question then

>ottoman empire almost declares war on itself!

kek why did Amber hire Charlie Kelly as her lawyer

that's some better call saul shit right there

that channel is a goldmine, but you gotta really dig deep to find the good parts of trials
its an untapped source of original content for any willing to do the digging

this "law" business seems all fake and gay, the taxcucks would be better served by duels to the death

like holy shit if some fag lawyer talked to me like that i would just straight up slit his throat


I don't. Amber Heard is probably paying this moron a ridiculous amount. He's getting paid a fortune when he's shit at his job.

btw are all lawyers fudge packers?

Because usually when lawyers during cross examination ask a question, they're supposed to let it play out fully. If the witness said something wrong or made an error, the lawyer then asks the court afterwards to discard the statement due to hearsay or whatever else so that whole statement is dismissed in the eyes of the jury. It lets the lawyer set the pace and seem authoritative, “your honor, move to strike the hearsay response.” Bingo. Lawyers don't usually interject OBJECTION when their own question is being answered and this lawyer asked a question that could pretty much only result in hearsay, that's why it was weird to everyone and made it seem like he's been brainwashed into shouting HEARSAY at all times.

terrified of losing his house and steady flow of drugs and booze if he didn't play fiddle for Johnny just perfectly.


That's not how that works at all. If he thought it was hearsay all he had to do was ask to have the answer removed from the record and not placed into consideration for the jury. Then Depp's lawyers could object to that motion. But he didn't. He acted like a third year law student trying his hand at a mock trial for the first time.

you kno, talk like old women, just nag endlessly about shit that doesnt really matter, are incapable of basic arithmetic etc

The Verdict
A few good men
My cousin Vinny

BEG FOR MONEY, kind of pathetic

It's pretty wild how the one time society is willing to call out an insane manipulative female abuser is in the case where the man she was married to is also a fucking insane alcoholic abuser who probably did do most of the shit she said, if not all of it

like in the back of a volkswagen?

see, i can be a lawyer too

I have seen all of these. Good picks. Thank you, though.

Americans are basically fags and pussies and SNIPES, only the Anglos can muster this kind of brainpussy

imagine if someone was playing 'who wants to be a millionaire'
gameshow host asks question
contestant gives wrong answer
but instead of waiting for the correct answer to be revealed by the game systems, the gameshow spergs out, bumbling and awkwardly stammering "u-uh actually this is not correct" way too early

Some judges stab knives in the back of the attorneys and twist for sport.

Gotcha, thanks

Less than you think. Her networth isn't as high as you think it is - esp. compared to Johnny. The quality between the teams is clear on that fact.

She might be pushing six figures overall on payment for her team but that dude isn't like pocketing it. The firm takes a piece, the lawyers take a piece, and then the research lawyers. Don't get me wrong he's prob making good bank and this could've made his career but hes choking hard.

saying objection when you're the lawyer currently in control of the witness is just goofy as fuck and a sign of very poor cross examination skills

Prosecutors do more good than anyone else

like of ALL THE NIGGERS EXECUTED BY FIRING SQUAD in america, the media somehow had to focus on some illiterate criminal ape jonesing for a hit, and in doing so tried to pass off a fake 20 dollar bill FOR A BANANA and this fucking bullshit naturally became MY business a whole ocean away

how fucking pathetic can you people get, i'm really curious



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classic kino

>and you'd be right

I like how everyone involved in this shit is retarded

yea, I'm thinking deppkino is back on the fucking menu boys

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chinese communist execution squads in inner mongolia are more legit than you fucking worms