Looks like it's over for fatkino, bros
Looks like it's over for fatkino, bros
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he looks like he diddles kids
Too fatphobic for The Propaganda Channel?
>fatties kept dying after getting surgeries and not changing their lifestyles at all
>when they die their families see a cash cow (no pun intended) and sue dr now
>insurance finally has enough after a decade+ of this and drops him, TLC can't handle the expense
fatties eating themselves to death against his advice literally ruined his life, poor guy
This is weird. This sounds like he might have done some criminal shit that the public hasn't learned about yet
Stevebros... we WON! that hack fuck is ruined
Fatties are horrible self-indulgent gluttons who blame all their problems on others. This isn't really surprising that they would stab Dr. Now in the back for trying to help them.
he's had loads of lawsuits against him, but none have stuck
seems like tlc just doesn't want to risk it anymore, they'd probably be partially liable through insurance or whatever if a lawsuit by a person from the show is successful
Dr. Now sounds like a Mega man villian and shit
I'm sure he does just fine for himself.
he was too based to go on
he brook no bullshit at any time on the show and it probably made fatties extremely bunnnsblasted
That is sad because he seems like a great doctor it's just that Amerilards can't handle the tough love approach.
They can just replace him with dr. Smith or dr. Procter from 1000-lb Sisters. They're both bariatric surgeons.
>why you fat?
>well just stop eating so much
I love Dr. now kek
>constantly deal with colossally-fat people's bullshit excuses, whining, acting like it's so hard to not eat ten pizzas a day, and constant demands for instant weight-loss surgery
>get sued by some of them for not getting even more free surgeries
He's probably relieved
He didn't add much to the show outside of slowly waddling into the room, pointing out the obvious and leaving anyway.
fatbros… we finally did it…
Based Steve!
>it's an emergency 1200 calorie diet and weekend in the hospital episode
This is what I don't get, why is the diet advice so fucking poor on this show?
>I want to cut from 15% bodyfat at 180lbs to 170lbs, can I get advice?
>Bruh if you even think about eating less than a 500 calorie deficit then your body will shut down, think of your kidneys bro, based on that I recommend you eat 2,500 - 3,000 calories a day whilst working out 4 times a week
>I weight 600lbs and have lost all control, what do?
>I need you to only eat 1,200 calories a day
I guess that makes him Dr. Then
Maybe you're getting broscience advice IRL
Fatlords... I knew...
The american suing culture fascinates me
What's the heaviest you've ever been at, Yea Forums?
1200 kcal diet would be difficult for even a regular person to stick to, infact for men it's outright not recommended. So why is it recommended for someone who weights 8 times the recommended weight?
Because they have enough stored calories for the rest of their life.
probably has to do with the immense amount of fat they have to burn
They don't need the calories because they have 800lbs of stored energy and the faster they lose the weight the higher the chance it doesn't kill them. You can't compare it to your 10lbs beach body cut in that way.
>outright not recommended
Passive voice problems
It's a complete subset of existence here. Kind of like rampant insurance fraud in some other countries (here too).
> fatties kept dying after getting surgeries and not changing their lifestyles at all
Unless they die from surgical complications how the fuck is it his fault? They get a second chance, blow it all over again. Fuck them.
because it's a massive extended pain in the ass to prove they specifically died from being fatties and not because he bungled a surgery, their hope is that they'll get a settlement just so the matter is closed
if this real? no real articles coming up. would legit be devastated this is the best show on tv
>no more fatkino threads on Wednesdays
> infact for men it's outright not recommended.
By who according to what?
We know for a fact that a morbidly obese man can stop eating for literally years and be just fine. Because such an experiment was made and closely monitored. He took some vitamins, drank water, are nothing, didn’t poop. Lost weight.
Because that’s what fat stores were designed for.
how would you react if you got one (1) lil eggroll?
Is it frahd?
people literally hate this fact, there are actual fatties who think they will somehow starve if they "only" eat a small amount of food a day
>present x as cure to problem y
>sell x to people suffering from problem y
>x doesn't actually help
>x actually makes it more difficult to solve problem y
>problem y continues worsening because underlying cause was not addressed
> prove they specifically died from being fatties and not because he bungled a surgery,
The evidentiary burden is reversed? Prove they died from surgery and not being an enormous fat blob. In fact I’m pretty sure people that size have to sign some liability waiver stating they know just being sedated can kill them because they’re a fatberg.
>The american suing culture fascinates me
it's a jewish industry
Genuinely curious to see the source for this. Sounds nuts.
i really wish they'd give him his own weekly show. would legit be the most entertaining thing on tv
I'm not sure losing weight is gonna help that one
>be monstrously obese
>eat less
>body starts screaming for food to support weight
>americans have no idea what fasting is
I wish I could say I was surprised
The guy looks like a shark
its an arab that was strapped to a hospital bed for months.
Must be stressful constantly having to worry about whether or not anything you do can get you sued into poverty
we didn't need to turn starving into a celebration/holiday to cope with it
fatties are so ignorant and stupid that they don't even realize all they have to do is not eat
it's literally that easy, no exercise at all, you can watch tv all day and jerk off but you just have to NOT eat (this is alien to them)
Use google you dumb cunt
I don't know but when I searched it 2 dead people came up
>We know for a fact that a morbidly obese man can stop eating for literally years and be just fine.
>Your reading comprehension
Not for average people. If you're somewhat affluent or business owner then I imagine so. I've been worried about fucking crazy chicks because of rape bullshit though.
I doubt dr Now gives a shit. He is loaded and TLC are the ones getting sued so... My 600lbs life stopped being kino some time now. It's all about 90 days and Amy and Tammy rn
>Paying tribute to someone on a show called 600lb life
Sounds more like that nigger news websites is just posting rumors.
>bruh just ignore the fact your body is screaming at you to eat
Is that lady on top the one with all the dogs in a trailer?
That's crazy, wonder what he did all year.
>muttlatos literally go schizo and hear voices telling them to eat if they go 2 days without a big mac
I respect thin americans so much more now, imagine enduring that kind of hellish torture
my man, are you really pretending you've never felt hunger?
>your body is screaming at you to eat
If you'd ever stopped shovelling garbage in your fat mouth for more than 15 hours you'd know hunger pangs go away, then come in waves. For extended fasts they stop entirely. Stupid fucking american garbage human please kill yourself.
Yeah in fact do just that
>this is how used to starving i am
It's not poor advice, you just have your head up your ass so deep you can't understand it.
One, fit bros who say your body "shuts down" on a 500 calory deficit are dumb fucks.
Two, 600 lb fatties have 400 lbs or more of stored fat to make up for their caloric deficit. That's the whole point of any 'diet", dumbfuck.
You want to lose weight, it's simple. Eat less calories than you burn in a day.
Ah ho ho ho
So sad
>One, fit bros who say your body "shuts down" on a 500 calory deficit are dumb
/fit/ will unanimously tell you that you should cut on a 500 calorie deficit. Well, not unanimously, half of them will tell you to go on a fast
It's also assuming that being 600lbs, you're not going to be doing as vigorous of exercise at the start, so your deficit has to start by cutting the amount you're eating.
Your body is gonna work entirely differently at high levels of muscle mass and when the objective is to preserve muscle while lowering bodyfat anyway. It's not even remotely comparable and the strategies will be entirely different.
A fatfuck just needs to lose weight. That's fucking it. Stop eating. This is the entire objective. Tape your fucking mouth shut until you have a human weight instead of cattle weight. Congraturation you winar
Fwiw, at that weight, a 2 mile walk at anything other than a light stroll's pace is exercise. You absolutely have to diet, but what you need to do to start caloric consumption isn't nearly as much, simply based on how much mass you're moving while doing it.
t. Former fatty
>cattle weight
best part of 1000lb sisters was when they had to go to an industrial dump to get weighed on their scale. insanely kino