Not my Dunsterino

Will Dunst keep her Hollywood career after this?

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based Mommy Dunst, gonna bust a nut for her


I will never be mad at Dunst.

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I cannot even imagine betraying her for any reason.

I don't mind that she's backing up someone that won't win it just seems like a huge waste of time desu

Dont givashit, Dunst is my waifu

Makes sense. Bernie is a Socialist, and Kirsten Dunst starred in a very National Socialist film trilogy.

She can do whatever she wants. She's in my heart always

Good I'll take half of her shit

>courage and conviction

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Compared to most senators yes. Most of em bowed down to vote for the patriot act to screw everyone over because "muh terrism"

You can disagree with someone's opinions or even hate them as a person while also acknowledging that they do have some positive characteristics

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He's referring to how Sanders gave up and endorsed the people who screwed him four years ago and how he's going to do it again. No refunds!


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yikes, the average Bernie voter everybody

>I'll suck your cock for 20 bucks


Which is a result of the nature of American voting systems which forces people to choose between the lesser of two evils. If the only possible options were four years of Hillary and four years of Trump the vast majority of Sander's donators would have agreed with Sander's actions to throw in his lot with Hillary rather than run as a spoiler candidate

Good deal

I think you'll find more common ground between Bernie supporters and Trump supporters (except the boomers whining about socialism) then you will with establishment Democrats.

>I will personally fuck every Trump voter right in the mouth. You hear that, you redneck pieces of shit? I'm going to show you what it feels like to be shoved to your knees and used, and then thrown away. Then you'll know what it's like being a woman.
She may have gone a bit too far

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>tfw Bernie’s going to keel over to the establishment for a second time and his supporters will still come up with excuses for it

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It's pretty funny endorsing a guy literally half an hour before he loses

Tonight is great. The preemptive seething has already started.

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Fucking loser lmao!!

fucking based.

this show is kino

me on the left

is he sucking her feminine penis?!?

>Which is a result of the nature of American voting systems which forces people to choose between the lesser of two evils
Imagine thinking Hilary is the lesser of any evil lmao

that fucking delusion lmfao

>Will Dunst keep her Hollywood career after this?
Is she even in film anymore?