Strawmans and then acts holier-than-thou

>strawmans and then acts holier-than-thou
pull this fucking show already

Attached: adamruinseverything.png (1000x562, 827K)

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Redlining isn't a strawman retard

did you know columbus was actually bad

Attached: Screenshot (137).png (1161x696, 641K)


Imagine looking stupid compared to Joe Rogan

>Adam Ruins Race and IQ
How the fuck is he able to get away with this kind of stuff?

he's based on the circumcision question

>ACTUALLY, the word "cuck" is derived from the cuckoo bird. The cuckoo bird is famous for laying its eggs in another birds nest, leaving them to care for it until it hatches.
>So you see, the "cuck" should actually be used to describe a sexually promiscuous man!
>I don't know about you, but I wish people called ME a cuck!

Yes he was a piece of shit

>killing a bunch of shitskins
I don't know man, seems kinda based to me.

I could legitimately see him saying this.
Did he actually say this?

Came here to post this. I'm surprised he still had a show after this trainwreck

He was a genocidal, rapist piece of shit but he was also a genius at navigating the Atlantic ocean winds to make the journey. If anyone else attempted the voyage first they would have most likely been lost at sea. Also he was a visionary to attempt the journey in the first place whereas everyone thought he was crazy for doing so.

>cutfag cope: the post

I liked the show till i realized he was literally just making stuff up and passing them off as facts and majority of his facts were from decades ago.

Has Adam ruined guns yet?

>He was a genocidal, rapist
how is this a bad thing

>He was a genocidal, rapist piece of shit
nice protestant propaganda

What did he say? I figured this idiot would be pro-circumcision, so I'm surprised if he's not.

I only watched a couple episodes and quit. I think the most retarded thing I heard him say was "Everyone's got herpes. If you don't, you're the weird one and should go get it." Then I saw him on Joe Rogan

Because he didn't finish the job
Bit he literally was. This is irrefutable

injuns don't even exist anymore so I say he did a job well done

Yeah instead we have mexicans and south americans. Not much of a trade off.

I watched an episode where he claimed you couldn’t tell the difference between different wines. I knew he was full of shit right then and there.