Does this show get any better?

Does this show get any better?
Watched three episodes so far and it's shit. I mean, yeah, some of Lucifer's dialogue and one-liners are funny, but I'm not sure it warrants suffering through these god-awful cases. I can't find myself interested in them whatsoever. And the overarching story is very weak and very repetitive. So far it's been repeated dozens of times how lucifer is supposedly changing. I get it. I don't need to hear it three times from each of the characters mouths.
And I don't like Chloe and all the actors, except for Lucifer and maybe her, suck ass.
Does it get any better, or will I be watching it just for Lucifer's quips?

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it's just a basic police procedural format with kooky quirk, same as the rest of them, if you like the lucifer gimmick you'll be able to tolerate it, if not don't bother.

I feel the same way about the majority of TV shows.
>It's good, but do I want to spend hours watching this?

Someone should unironically make 10-15 minute abridged versions of episodes for YouTube.

I said it's shit, not good. But I like Lucifer's character and dialogue. So the question is rather is it worth watching a show solely for one element in hopes it gets better?

Tried watching it. Turned it off when he went into the bar and the woman was getting eaten out. Cringe asf

for being the devil and all he really is just a whiny bitch

Just think how much better this show would be if Lucifer was cool and calculating and somewhat evil instead of just a bisexual queer numale who cracks jokes. The girl is hot tho, reminds me of Milla Jovovich

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Imagine having such an interesting character (the fucking Lucifer) and instead of doing something creative and cool with it you just go for the detective bullshit. What a waste of time. Is this how my parents feel about me? lmao

i think it's for girls

it remains about teh same throughout. First episodes and last episodes are usually good but its all cop drama bullshit in the middle. And lucifer is the biggest beta faggot
>detective I love
>detective oh I cant do that detective will be mad
jesus fucking christ you're the devil do

This show is for women age 30-50 retard. Wait a couple years.

lucifer isn't an interesting character though, just a spoiled child that threw a tantrum and had to be slapped down.

The whole point is that he's emotionally an insecure child

Same, I watched a few episodes and thought it was a pretty bad show.

And then, I accidentaly viewed some spoilers where Eve appears as:

>Eve is a energetic party girl who is bored of her marriage to Adam and is looking to return to a time where she found them unpredictable and exciting. Eve’s love for Lucifer appears to outweigh her affection towards her own children as she reunited with him whilst knowing he killed her son Cain.

It is like they got the Sex and the City writers for this.

It is awful. When I heard about it I expected it to be like the comic - I was so wrong.

Why is it’s font so similar to Supernatural

That's from the God's perspective but Lucifer is also a hero if you take the gnostic pill. Lucifer the fallen hero vs le Demiurge. Think about it.


I wonder who is behind this post...

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fuck off satan

Attached: fuck you Lucifer.webm (800x600, 2.15M)

It seems really unappealing. Every snippet I saw had Lucifer mugging at the camera and generally acting like he sashayed off the set of Queer Eye and ended up in a formulaic cop show accidentally but the camera was already rolling so they said fuck it. I love cop shows, I love spooky demon shit, but I hate this.

I'm scared for the Sandman show. The Lucifer run the show is very loosely adapted from is cool but the Sandman is arguably one of the best comics period, perhaps only surpassed by The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck

Lucifer is the good guy. Thinking God is any good is like praising Voldemort over Harry. He, the Angel of Light, will save us all from the darkness.

A movie/TV show about Lucifer fighting le Demiurge would be kino. Or at least more enjoyable than your average and boring detective show.

Attached: Lucifer.jpg (1300x1300, 166K)

That is a very based opinion and I think you're a gentleman and a scholar

>>It's good, but do I want to spend hours watching this?
These shows are best syndicated on regular network television or basic cable.

>a basic police procedural
What? Isn't this based on the comic spin-off of The Sandman? The one where the world was freaking out because there's an old primordial god awakening and Allah needs Lucifer to restrain it?

Yes it is. Also this is only the first arc of Lucifer you're describing, that barely counts.

I didn't want to post a synopsis on something I can barely remember. I do remember it ending in a positive note with Lucifer getting his own universe along with two lolis tagging along for the ride and becoming goddesses in it. It was a pretty decent ride.

Next, they'll probably adapt Books of Magic and turn that into a godawful sitcom.

That's still not the end of the run. I think you just read about half of it

It kept going? I thought they ended it there. Gonna pick it up again. Thanks, lad.

fuck I love her. first season especially, then she does something to her lips. Season 1 Chloe is peak female form.

as far as the show OP, if you are not liking so far you are just not gonna like it. First 3 seasons follow the same formula with some character developlement. Season 3 goes haywire though, lots of boring filler shit. Season 4 is Netflix's so the pace changes a lot.

It's my guilty pleasure though.

Yes. Season one is fine. Season two is picking up the steam. Seasons three and four are both KINO.

Hence why there was a movement and petition to continue the show after it was canceled.

Based Stormare. Can someone give me a few million dollars to develop a movie that's just 90 minutes of Peter Stormare hamming it up as a eldrich vampire demon?