Trump skips the talking in movies

Pleb or patrician?

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wtf i hate orange man now

You're telling me blornadf bordf watches movies TOO FAST?

Yea Forums will now watch movies in normal speed again kek

does he really do this

literally who?

Brainlets can't handle films at 2x?

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i play football games at speed 3x
i play tv shows at 2x speed
i play movies at 3x speed

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If a movie is not worth watching at normal speed it's not worth watching at all.
Just read the plot summary at wikipedia or something.

What you don't realize is that his genius brain thinks 500x faster than a normal human brain, so he can still understand and keep track of everything that happens in the parts he fastforwards through, and he only watches certain parts on normal speed in order to savor them

Utterly based and redpilled. If a film is boring you can skip it.

I would pay to experience the Trump Cut of modern movies.

I'm doing something similar. I crank up the playback speed to 1.5x so I have to spend 33% less time watching the same movie. If the movie is really boring I go up to 1.75x or even 2x in some cases.

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Anyone else read the plot summary before watching anything anyway so it doesn't matter if you get distracted or miss a scene?

>woman complaining or childbirth scene

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>not being aroused by childbirth

low test

If I read the plot then I won't watch the movie

Highest I go is 1.10x that way I'm still saving about 10 minutes per movie (and around 26 hours over the course of a year) but seeing it pretty much as intended.

only thing i watch on 2x is forgotten weapons

Might as well just stop watching if it's boring. Read the Wikipedia synopsis if you really wanna know how it ends

his real name is Drumpf and he lost the popular vote

I go the next level, which is basically reading the whole plot on wikipedia if I am interested in the movie, to get a hold of what is all about, and never watch it
I've been doing this for the last 5-6 years with fantastic results
a lot of movies plots don't hold up if you read a detailed description, and this way of "watching" expose a lot of filler characters and stupid shit they add

I only watch movies at half speed so I don't miss anything.

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it was the irishman

thank you

Basically like reading a really short book.

movies are three good scenes and lots of uninteresting parts in between

if you've seen one you've seen them all

Almost 90% of movies have about an hour maybe an hour and a half worth of useless filler to get a feature length time so jews can make easy money charging $15 a movie ticket. Trump is right. If you disagree you're a big fat hairy jew. No if ands or buts. You're a jew. Deal with it.

>not skipping scenes while having the movie run at 2x speed and then reading the wikipedia article
The majority of movies are filler. I don't feel bad about doing this.

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Now you are going to tell me people care about the Saw franchise story, instead of just skipping to the trap scenes

Whereas Bernie is half way through watching a film at normal speed when his wife decides to turn it off and watch something else.

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>10 minutes later a group of black people walk in and just steal his TV
>he does nothing and lets it happen


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I watch most tv shows, youtube videos and movies at 1.25x speed. I also often refresh Yea Forums and scroll down whilst media is playing on other tabs. Yes I am adhd and I am a zoomer. Get mad.

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Why the fuck would I envy this?


I skip scenes sometimes in films. The other day I was watching At Close Range and I skipped all the teenage romance bullshit with Sean Penn so I could get to the bits with redneck Christopher Walken robbing and killing.

I don't think I missed much.

>If I respond to everybody maybe someone will give me attention


imagine getting butthurt over which team of rich people gets to shart in the marthouse

That's it? All that time and thats the best you could do, a terrible ms paint composite?