Why did this piss so many people off?

Seriously it's so fucking inoffensive and harmless.

I know Redditors: The Animated Series was directed at people who think they're too classy for Rick and Morty but why did this strike such a nerve? Was it just the fact the show was being made fun of?

Attached: Bojack Was Cancelled Soon Thereafter.jpg (1280x720, 123.43K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Family Chad making faggots seethe as usual

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Unironically ten years from now who will give a fuck about the shitty liberal horse show?

why is this thread being made every day?

it's already forgotten

I don't go to Reddit but this is the only place that tells me people were pissed and I have never seen it anywhere else.

Only complaint I've really seen was the the sign not reading "Hollywoo"

It's just a bad opinion. I get that bad opinions are often jokes, but it's hard to tell because of the generational gap.

I've seen "people were so angry about this" a million times, but I haven't seen any angry people at all.

A lot of the initial responses got buried because nobody cares about Bojack anymore and Family Guy is memed on constantly.

Attached: oie5aa3va0u31.jpg (828x1057, 93.14K)

Because people have already forgotten the Reddit horse show while Family Guy is still memed about.

Attached: soy.jpg (3024x4032, 1.54M)

This entire clip is the cartoon wars two-parter for Wojack Horseman fans.

Funny still because Bojak was way harsher to Family Guy when it referenced it but nobody gave a shit.

Same when Family Guy referenced Rick and Morty.

Attached: 1621883273637.png (1339x361, 370.64K)

At least normal words but a horse guy is concise, effectively defining exactly why sad horse show sucks in only 6 words. They didn't need 44 minutes of episode and 16 minutes of commercial breaks. I'm mostly mad that Cartoon Wars could have made a really poignant statement about censorship and depicting the prophet Mohamed, but Trey Parker was more interested in sticking it to a show that absolutely no one respected

When were those other two references

noone was offended. There were a lot of people posting it trying to be offensive but noone gives a shit roflmao

First one was actually from some dogshit "fanon" wiki that I misremembered as being an official one so Bojangles wins that round.

Rick and Morty: youtube.com/watch?v=2PpAqP2ocYo

just because you keep posting it doesn't retroactively mean it pissed anyone off

Who is this?

Fucking kill yourself already

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it "pissed" nobody off
stop making up problems

because it gets replies

>but nobody gave a shit.
Becasue HorseGuy was actually good (or you know, better than "modern" family guy at least)
Same reason why people gave the Drawn Together movie a lot of shit for ragging on South Park. Because not only was the movie shit, it was also them whining about them being butthurt how they got cancelled and were blaming South Park, even though South Park had literally nothing to do with Drawn Together's cancellation.

>Seriously it's so fucking inoffensive and harmless
That's the problem. It's so inane and generic that it could have easily been about any other show with a minor dialogue tweak. The sketch doesn't say anything and it's clear the writers haven't watched a single episode of the show. If it had just been Bojack crying in a hot tub full of beautiful women screaming "IM SAD" it would have been an almost decent joke because it would have shown at least some insight into what the show is about.

What does "Normal words" even mean? Does Peter think Bojack should sound like Mr. Ed or have a stock neighy cartoon horse voice?


It's that the dialogue of Bojack is entirely superfluous to him being a horse, thus highlighting that it's a gimmick and nothing more

That’s a decent joke. Not insanely accusatory, but also not sugar coating it


It's because they called it Hollywood instead of Hollywoo.

Why do you fags care so much about le "Hollywoo" sign anyway
If it's supposed to be a joke then it's not funny at all

Idk because to me it just read as more insecurity from Family Guy. So many jokes on that show revolve around lashing out at other adult animation, especially Bobs Burgers, like they’re scared someone is going to surpass them as Simpsons #2 or some shit. I guess since BoJack did make an effort to be more than just crass jokes its fans felt threatened that a much more widely watched show was misrepresenting it. People want more shit with soul not less, and Family Guy assuring its audience that they don’t need to watch the competition read like sabotage to some.

>Why do you care
They didn't watch the fucking show.
Fuck you and Seth's microscopic penis who didn't finish The Godfather

So you're pissed about it. And the whole "Hollywoo" thing is actually cope.

This did not age well.

He must be seething his show was cancelled and FG is still going.

It's not that its shitting on bojak or anything, its just a bad joke, they didn't even bother watching a single clip to know anything about the show, if Peter just said "I'm successful but I'm SAAAD" it would at least be accurate, it just feels like a parody of itself at this point.

Saying normal words is based because it makes bojak fans seethe is like saying this episode is based because it makes Trumpers seethe.

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It most likely refers to the lyrics of the theme song. As in, Peter announces that he intends to sing "It seems to day, tha all you see is violence and movies and sex on TV, yadda yadda, Lucky there's a Horse Guy" because he's a horse guy now. But everyone is so lazy they don't want to even do that, they just describe it. The entire episode is about brainstorming session of shitty spin-offs ideas.

I still have never seen anyone upset about this... Please post screencaps.

>its just a bad joke
I just don't see a reason for the show to be animals, other than just because

which is probably what they meant

a lot of artists like drawing animals because "humans are boring" or "animals are funner to draw", it's the reason Mickey Mouse is Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny is Bugs Bunny, Sonic the Hedgehog is Sonic the Hedgehog, Bojak's horse person design is a design that is relatively unique

Because things touch a nerve when they have a decent bit of truth to them, and it made fans even more mad because the insult came from an "inferior" show.

>Fuck you and Seth's microscopic penis who didn't finish The Godfather

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Throughout human history the idea that discussion and discourse was a good thing has been prevalent, but that's only because normies and low IQ faggots were left out of discussions. The internet in general and Yea Forums in particular has proven that discussion without filter via intelligence and status is absolutely cancerous.
TL;DR: Shut the fuck up, you absolute fucking mouth breathing morons.

Pretty much. It just dropped off the cultural spectrum like GoT did.

The creator of Bojack Horseman himself, I'm sure you've seen the soi edit version of this image already.

>Normal words but a black guy

Attached: Cleveland_Brown_Jr.png (250x340, 73.92K)

Normal words but an alien guy

Attached: roger1.png (314x540, 33.8K)

Normal words

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Seth didn't even voice Klaus. That pic is so inaccurate it pisses me off.

It's very much a case of retards spamming it, getting called a retard for spamming, and then trying to counter with LOL MAD!

just ignore it if it's retarded, lol

No one gave a shit. Like two people on Reddit/Twitter bitch about it and the creator made one sassy tweet about it. I wish a meltdown did happen that would be funny but this is just a forced troll meme at this point.

Normal words, but a dog guy

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this entire picture emanates 'SoCal', from the cuck i'm looking at to the fucking bush that's behind him I recognize being prominent to the fucking purple lighting reflecting off his eyes making me believe without a doubt he was at Disneyland or the Convention center at the time of this photo.

Was it even really an insult, the show is literally normal life just with animal people, it’s not even insulting the show much

Wait Basedjak comes from him? Shit nigga that's way worse than a 2 second clip referencing your show


that literally applies to brian and stewie

That's not true, both Stewie and our dog Brian Griffin will randomly behave like a actual baby/dog depending on when it's funny.

that would be stupid reasoning coming from the guy whose show has a talking dog and a talking baby

theres no way it isnt the same people in these threads every single time its reposted