> Cult classics that are irredeemable garbage
Cult classics that are irredeemable garbage
you didn't understand the depth of this movies underlying themes and homoerotic symbolism
gays destroyed male friendship for zoomers
watched pic related ... a total and complete snorefest no idea why it's acclaimed
Americans can't into brotherhood kino
No it's actually the "lol traps aren't gay" autismos who can't just admit when they're gay that destroyed male friendship. People go as far as to pretend to be women to pretend like they're not a gay guy.
Utah! Get Me Two!
> You’re a real blue flame special, aren’t you, son? Young, dumb and full of cum, I know
>soulless chinks (and women) will never understand this
The foot chase scene is great, Keanu always had great physicality.
Women and fags love Point Break though.
Point Break might be the greatest flick ever made. Kys OP
Your bloodline is irredeemable garbage, OP
Time to come out user
Let me guess you prefer the remake?
Bladerunner, i can see why its a cult movie but its slow and boring.
it has a redeeming quality called Gary Busey
>zoomer doesn’t like good 90s action movie
Imagine my surprise.
Literally his best movie. So fucking good except for the cheesy flashback shit.
for the wimminz
I watched for the first time the other week (so not motivated by nostalgia) and thought it was great.
Don't forget McGinley.
>Over the last two weeks, you two have produced exactly squat! SQUAT!
I watched it several times and i was entertained.