He’s quite the film buff
And this is our sons room
Other urls found in this thread:
Get out of my room I'm watching 'Le Fils du Mask' (dir. Guterman, 2005)!
hehe oops sorry
>film buff
>rarely if ever watches anything before the 1990s
I think the correct term is lazy bum
This picture is indescribably sad.
holy crap!
I've seen this pic before but I never understood what all this black stuff in the background is?
A coworker just described to me a film, made in the 80s or 90s, 2 time travelling antagonists in an American city going around scaring people so they can extract their fear/adrenalin and use it to get high. One of the bads had long white hair. This is all the information he can give me, can any of you name the film?
fuck you.
Lois, get in here, it's the Son of the Mask!
Looks like plastic sheeting you put over dirt to control plant growth, or in this case, lack thereof.
how much money are ya earning, son?
Right but why put that in a basement??
>not locking your door
You guys aren't serious right?
Fungal growth, any random weeds/plant roots coming through from places outside, etc. Would be my guess.
So decadent
its not a basement its a crawlspace. Under that is dirt
Oh shit it all makes sense now
Holy fucking fire hazards Batman
I hope the owner of that rooms doing ok man
Me too. How does anyone's life get to this?
>While a crawl space cannot be used as living space, it can be used as storage, often for infrequently used items
>While a crawl space cannot be used as living space
That guy BTFO Wikipedia
imagine your life being so shitty, that "basement dweller" is a step up
I saw that movie.
I remember there was a lady really act her ass of while working on a a car.
Her shirt got ripped off before the alien,or whatever,killed her.
There's nothing wrong with being economically conservative and finding a space in your grandma's basement.
Name of the actors? Director? Anything.?
yes, but there's something wrong with being a step below that
Oh hi
What's he watching bros?
Give me a few.
I THINK Christopher Lambert was in it,but probably because he was in every crap movie in th 80s
My god, it's full of duct tape.
Its actually a vapor barrier to prevent the crawlspace from becoming humid. Helps with insulation as well as protection of the dwelling from moisture buildup rotting the wood and growing mold.
Not sure how I mistook Dolph Lundgren for Christopher Lambert...
h-here's the statement..
I hope she's ok bros.
There's something about this image, something that makes me yearn to be there, with minimal possessions and comforts, yet satisfied.
That picture makes me want to vomit.
Kek, based user
One this motherfucker did fair in at town. Leaned he too back and far through that rippen canvas him above cieling. It him guess fling I a block about before he away in somebodys landed yard.
Machine they the use still, a there's but a tapped huge patch duct one over of those in the triangles ceiling.
thats what the trash can was for!
rippen the fabric of reality
Are you ok?
Why are you bullying me for no reason
cute and comfy
Looks comfy
>Yea Forums on the lower monitor
oh lawd
look at this google translate using motherfucker
In the hall of the Rippen King.
This looks like an attic and that black plastic sheet is probably there so that the miserable fuck doesn’t damage the attic insulation
A story of hear good friend. Much acquired excellence.
well i'll be damned. this little guy doesn't looks based as fuck
I come in peace.
They say that right before they kill someone.
Yo what's with the bird flipping eh?
Livin' large
lucky for me my mother is a abnormal socially too and never has guests over. and in the off chance she does she knows not to bother me
Knock it off dirtbag
more like he BTFO out of himself
I finally remember the name of this guys movie and I dont even get a (you).
fuck you.
I got two(2) (you)s!
>sure come in i'll show you around!
I also like to keep in shape. No being lazy for me.
MOM, pls don't come in I'm playing vidya...
So much stupid shit in this pic.
Why is lady liberty even in there?
Thats one more!
That doesn't help.
Just makes me think that anybody we good handwriting can make a newspaper comic.
>that note..
>”Bring Monkey”
Stuart Little
>A bit cluttered and depressing, not that bad though
>scroll down further
>mfw that trash bin
I don't know if this is worse than having piss bottles around.
t. Sicko
What’s the story here?
It gets worse the longer you look at it..
It was an autistic femcel British tripfag named SK. She shitposted waifu threads and waifus, some of her favorites were Summer Glau and Felicia Day.
i'm pretty sure it's under a house
A girl who posted her room in a battlestation thread years ago. She used to post updates every so often but I believe that 2013 pic is the most recent one. The bin is because she had some stomach condition that made her throw up frequently. It wasn't too bad in the first pic she posted but got progressively worse which makes me assume she never cleaned the puke off the lid. I wonder how she changed the bag without even scraping a bit off by accident desu.
How new?
thats shit on the bin isn't it?
is she cute?
Thanks my dude that's the one!
She was kind of cute I guess, can't really judge as I'm a homo but here
>female incels don't exi-
what the fuck i was expecting a lardwhale. is this really her?
Iwata really ties the room together and turns the pic from cursed to blessed.
She was bulimic, that's why there's puke on those bins. So maybe she used to be a landwhale.
t . doesnt get kelly cartoons
did she died? (hope not)
what exactly am I looking at here?
ah yes have a seat and let me play a movie
we are also serving crab legs for snack
t. knows and cares about kelly cartoons.
>no cute girl who feeds you with her puke like a mommy bird
It's satire
It's only called satire when it is garbage or the person responsible for it creation is so untalented that only morons prentend to get it.
This is bad comedy.
You sound like some kind of sicko.
*blasting hard R n-words become unmuffled as door opens*
No,its shit.
smells like summer
God I wish that were me.
Joji really let himself go.
You idiots still say that?
You know the "summer" never ends and has zero effect,right?
Anybody that uses that term is way new.
False. He is being stored there. Wikipedia wins as always.
>You idiots still say that?
>Anybody that uses that term is way new.
Whatever you say, big guy.
Imagine this person seeing the trailer for the first time and thinking "yep, that gorilla was exactly what my life needed"
mfw I've actually been here since 2004 and everything is a blur, so I don't even notice when I'm sarcastically shitposting anymore
>pic was by a female incel
read the thread retard
blessed af
Calm down, sicko
that garbage can tho?
Rat race?
that trash can needs a bigger cleaner trash can to be thrown into
dude what the fuck
And as always... FUCK NIGGERS AND FUCK JAN- oh didn't see you there mom
Didn't the one guy throw CDs as his weapon? If it's the same movie.
Mouse hunt
Is that Luigi's Mansion? lmao
>Cleans Yea Forums on the daily, can't even clean his own room
Sad life for the tranny janny
Definitely an ever present sour milk smell on this one.
Pretty damned based.
God I remember this thread. That trash can alone is burned into my memory.
My room is starting to smell and quite honestly, I don't care anymore.
Yeah, well... You know.
you joke, but now whenever some actor/director is discovered to have said something racist, or is exposed as a sexual creep, or just retweets the wrong thing, everything they ever did gets pulled from streaming "libraries"
a decade ago, this picture wouldn't have been half of creepy because dakimakuras weren't a thing in the west yet
Edit the article to reflect this new development, put as the source.
I always lose to this webm kek
I am a salaryslave and literally worked until midnight tonight because I have to handle the caseload of a co-worker on maternity leave. Then I got home and had one of the girls I’m seeing meet me over, but because she got there first I didn’t have time to clean up and she saw another girl’s shoes and got upset. Fuck Mondays, bros :/
Something is escaping out of the bin.
It’s plastic sheet for moisture control. This isn’t a basement, this is a crawl space under the floors of a house; even sadder than a dungeon basement
Fuck off normshit
Kiss my ass, misanthrope
ooOOhhHH mAnNN... life is SOoOoo HARD 4 uuuuUUUUUuu
The more carefree whitest problems I've ever heard. Go back to bleppit
>uses "carefree" and "white" as pejoratives
no user... you're the reddit
>mfw i was staying in a trailer that was a good walking distance from the house so instead of pissing in public i would piss into gallon water jugs and then dump them at night
>fell into an even deeper depression than normal
>trailer had +20 jugs of piss in them at one point
Now i just keep one piss jug since i moved.
I haven't watched a full length movie in 5 years dude I am just here for cute and funny
>cute and funny
is that a euphemism for cunny
What movie?
>that empty plastic box along the wall
he uses that as his restroom, dosent he?
If you werent in /pol/lack defense mode you could have separated the two by context instead of combining them for a weak-shit rebuttal.
*Kill Bill sirens playing loudly*
Probably started taking dick and left this shithole behind
that towel made a world of difference
You can tell whoever sleeps there sure gets up to some monkey business in that room.
imagine the smell
I think this is how son of sam got started