A destitute young man raised by racist skinheads and notorious among white supremacists turns his back on hatred and...

>A destitute young man raised by racist skinheads and notorious among white supremacists turns his back on hatred and violence to transform his life with the help of a black activist and the woman he loves.

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so they literally copied neo ned? or the other way around?

This one's based on the life of Byron Widner. It's a biopic.

removing his tattoos was apparently extremely painful.

Attached: byron_widner.png (947x556, 536K)

why dont they make a film where a xenophobic jew from israel turns his back on hated and discrimination to transform his life with the help of a palestinian activist

I can seriously only make out one of his tattoos, everything else looks like it was picked after he shot up a 8ball of heroin.

he a hapa lol?


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>In 2005, Widner married Julie Larsen, who had three children from a previous marriage
The ultimate cuck

i mean real jew not lovable wacky jew


Why do so many Hispanic people call themselves as white? Reminds me of that Louie Theroux documentary where he's in a US prison and talks to the white supremacists...and they're all Hispanic dudes besides one young fella.

They're all covered in swastikas and saying white power, it's bizzare.

So he turns to one way gene flow black nationalism instead?

>Through his surgeries, Widner's family agreed to allow an MSNBC film crew to tape the procedures, sparing no details.

>Widner didn't care that his agony was made public. If anything, he felt that he deserved the pain and public humiliation as a kind of penance for all the hurt he caused over the years.

>Widner's neck and hands have suffered some pigment damage, he gets frequent migraine headaches and he has to stay out of the sun. But, he says, "it's a small price to pay for being human again."

Attached: bryon_widner_AP110801152858.jpg (1280x960, 430K)

You can't deny that kino fully covers the plot you describe though.

>Why do so many Hispanic people call themselves as white?
Because there's legitimate social benefits in America to being white. If you're a white-passing Hispanic, all you have to do is not speak Spanish and you're instantly granted the benefits of being white in America which include, but are not limited to:
- enjoying Cracker Barrel
- not being randomly shot by a cop having a bad day

I liked how the nigger activist who didn't do much of anything got the first epilogue spot.

I also liked how the nigger activist's actor was fit but they doubled the weight of the wife.

>soul vs soulless

And instantly being perceived to have a small penis

They did, it starred that dude from drive and was released in the 90's.

>Why do so many Hispanic people call themselves as white?
Ask /pol/ or ask Yea Forums. It's the same but they are all larpers.

Looks like a Jew lmao. Why so many Jew LARP as white nationalist?

>american "white supremacist" neo-nazi
>not even white

every single time

>Neo Nazis
>Loving a woman
Tad unrealistic, or is it a trans "woman"?

>- not being randomly shot by a cop having a bad day
Cops mostly shoot whites, probably because whites have no lobby in the US.
Source: Guardian police shooting database, the largest one that is available

>In 2016, The Guardian counted 1093 people[5] who were killed by the police in the United States. Out of these 574 were white and 266 were black. 95 of the white victims were unarmed, 42 of the black victims were unarmed.

because "white supremacist" prison gangs are just a protection thing from black prison gangs

there are far more benefits to being non-white. delusional shitlibs really still think it's 1960

For you

Race in prison is very different to race in regular society and prison gangs reflect that


He looks like that guy who does guitar covers of video game music on Youtube