About to watch Endgame with my 29yo female friend tomorrow, what can I expect?

About to watch Endgame with my 29yo female friend tomorrow, what can I expect?

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You have to explain everything to her bc femoid brain


Not having sex later.

Sex Hopefully

an empty theater


Jesus. Is this shit still on theaters?

Being falsely accused of rape

To get shot and bleed to death while you hear her scream in pain as she also bleeds to death

I think you have a better chance of getting laid if you go to John Wick 3 honestly

Probably this.

Not gonna lie. That's a pimp ass tracksuit.

I love Brie!

>female friend

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a fun and funny action movie, just dont think to much about the plot.

why are movie theatre carpets always so fucking ugly?

>29yo female friend
please tell us about her

No, I don't think I will.

If you're interested in having your "29 year old female "friend" who has probably already hit the fucking wall" get turbo-initiated into the ruthless caverns of 4'th Wave Feminism and then punch you in the fucking balls repeatedly, yeah go ahead and go for it.

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a good pegging

Why do you hate women?


hopefully you score some pussy bro haha

Anything but sex I guess

lol @ having to answer this question.

Spotted the tranny.

You always think about trannys dont you?

Don't really have to think hard considering your degenerate influence permeates almost everything now.

>reddit spacing
>literally homosexual
like pottery

Reddit is pro-tranny you utter degenerate. kys.

you're on a website that had the meme "traps aren't gay" for a decade before all the Russians and trannyfaggots started showing up virtue signaling about how much they totally don't jerk off to tranny porn guys.

they have infested the site for several years and made their presence quite clear.
are you new

Hides the stains and dirt. Just imagine how many shit collects on it.

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