When watching a trailer, what actors immediately let you know the movie will not be kino

Pic related

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Ryan gosling

The Rock surpasses kino.

He's the epitome of bro-cringe

The official ranking is litty>kino>cinèma>film>movie>flick>joint

>immediately let you know the movie will be kino

Pic related disproves your theory

Fuck forgot it

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Seth Rogen

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fuck his gay ass cult following in (((TV)))

Nice bait.

it mostly is true with few baits

I don't want any of those faggots in my movie.

>my movie

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Ben Stiller makes comfy movies desu.

James Marsden is a kino-killer

highest paid actor on earth, has literally never been in a good movie. pretty wild honestly

Zendaya, Anne Hathaway, Teresa Thompson, Emma Watson - basically any woke retard with a deformed face.

Ryan Gosling, Andrew Garfield and Daniel Radcliffe because they’re mediocre-repulsive and their roles should go to more beautiful men.

I liked the new jumanji, fite me

Tessa* sorry, autocorrect.

Tiffany Haddish, Melissa McCarthy, Diane Keaton, Patton Oswalt

I dealt with a holocaust denier today and you still managed to be the most incorrect person I speak with

>swiss army man working with someone attractive
Daniel Radcliffe literally doesn't give a fuck what roles he gets anymore.

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there are exceptions in there, but take a look at all the "kino" he's put out in the past two decades

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What the fuck

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Good, he was always awful.
