Gaston has charisma, looks and confidence

>Gaston has charisma, looks and confidence
>she goes for some hideous aggressive dogman because he has more money
The ultimate blackpill.

Attached: beauty-and-the-beast-1.jpg (1024x768, 255K)

Gaston got his ass kicked. She went for the obvious alpha. She'll probably give up on him now that he's a twink again.

Gaston got. Shitpunped by the beast but the beast is over 6’2 and Xbox huege

Gaston is a windbag, the beast is more sensitive and yet masculine, more Byronic. And plus he becomes human

Belle was just a furry fetishist. She dumped Beast shortly after he transformed back into a human and no longer had a big furry dick.

White women ____ dogs

>point of the film is to look past appearances
>beast turns into chad at the end anyway
Defend this.


Gaston has always been an annoying blowhard.

She was hot for the knot, like all art hoes

>no you really where Chad all along
I can't wait until the inevitable remak......

What does knot mean?

Have sex

>the concept of a reward is beyond my limited intellect

this:Also, Gaston is low-class, and while that's related to money it's not the same.
Female Hypergamy is far more about social status than wealth. Wealth and status are just often correlated.

Dogs' dicks expand/"knot" when ejaculating. It's why women love to fuck them.

I kinda see it as a whitepill. It's easier to make money than change your genes. What I wonder about is whether money wins over physical traits.
>Guy A
6'3"+, 8"+ dick, handsome/masculine, ripped, makes decent pay, is fun to be around.
>Guy B
~6'0", ~6" dick, good looking enough, is a "gentleman" due to his job, makes tons of cash.
Whom would the average roastie choose?

But it's similar with the dude version:

Guy has to choose between:
>Immensely beautiful fine woman that's kind of a bitch
>"Ugly" girl (means she wears glasses) with heart of gold who loves him

And the ugly girl ends up hot at the end of the movie.

He was hotter as Beast

>beast looks like a huge werewolf with thicc fur
>probably has a 2 foot wolf cock with a giant knot

>beast is more sensitive and yet masculine,
This. Women want their cake and to eat it too

Hars to say. One has money the other has a bigger dick

>Gaston is a windbag, the beast is more sensitive and yet masculine
This. Gaston is both inconsiderate and sociopathic with how he obviously gives no fucks about the feeling of other people... while also being so used to being an “alpha” that he immediately shrieks like a girl once he gets beat by a more masculine character.

Women love "the beast".