Salma or Penelope?

Salma or Penelope?

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The Spaniard

Why is she already aging like shit?

they discover yesterday she has a negroid bf, that's why

Salma shat on Trump. Fuck her

You choose your mating partners according to their opinion on Trump?

Not him, but if you meet a woman who has a very strong opinion based on what the news lied about this week, then avoid her.

Don't shit on The Philanthropist.

solid point

huh, she told her ad she does not date

salma is the high test option.

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That happened to me once, it was after a curry

Based reasoning.

Penelope 1998 or Cruise 1998

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never really liked Penelope she's pretty bland desu

Mexican genes

that's Salma you moron

This. Either one of these is fine.


Was this peak Cruise kino?

They're both insufferable liberal cunts, so none.


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both of them with strapons and me tied to a bed with various torture devices attached to various bodyparts

WHERE did you find this picture of my mom and aunt?!

both of them, pregnant at the same time taking turns tiding my dick

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All three

Penelope is literally married to a communist
trust me Salma is the safest option in that regard

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Cruz Cruise

I still crey everytiem

literal who grannies

she's almost 18. She hit the wall 2 years ago

>Penelope is literally married to a communist
>trust me Salma is the safest option in that regard

Judging by her filmography, Selma also likes communists.

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Y’all ever see the film bandidas

salma has the bod but I've never seen any evidence of penelope having a bod.

I've always loved Salma. It took me years to find Penelope attractive.

Becky Selma
>has a unibrow
>muh taco flavored keeses
>lets t*rantino slobber on her feet
Stacy Penelope
>top pitslut
>shitlisted for shitting on israel; dgaf

Attached: penelope pitstop.png (888x480, 463K)

>>>shitlisted for shitting on israel; dgaf
this explains why she just disappeared, thanks user

>that bandidas fanfic where they fuck their horses

Penelope is the better actress imo

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Penelope is prettier and seems like a nicer person.

Always Salma

Mommy Salma.

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Salma, has the best tits, ass, feet, dsl's just the complete package

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not even close

Open your eyes

>Sofia X Salma

>being a trumpcuck
Get off my board mutt

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