Trailer for Jordan Peele’s Twilight Zone is out:

Trailer for Jordan Peele’s Twilight Zone is out:

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>Video unavailable
>This video is not available.

what a twist

Losing my dad was hard. Seeing the look on his face when they rebooted/ruined his favorite tv show would have been worse. At least you waited for him to die, Hollywood. You at least did that for me


dead on arrival

>Barron Trump episode
Holy shit fuck these faggots

>jewish establishment positive network
>black "creator" with no talent only has work because the jewish media constantly funds his racial divisiveness
>taking a classic TV series and turning it into being all about racial issues

>Black people

If your dad was such a faggot that a trailer for a tv show would have hurt him in any way then the world is better off with him dead.

who the fuck watches cbs all access


that’s super edgy brah ebin trumptard pwnage *upvote*

Unironically KYS /pol/rat.

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Found the user raised by a single mother

>tracy morgan
i'm in

>Jordan Peele
>leaves immediately

>CBS All Access

the seethe is real

could be good. Acting seems a little canned, Adam Scott takes me out of it

but looks like they're trying to go for the more low key horror of the original. Which is good. all the shots felt authentic

The fuck are you babbling about? Cry more faggot. its a tv show. I hope to god you dad wasn't actually as much of a bitch as you are making him out to be and this is just you projecting your own faggyness onto him. Its a fucking trailer, you like to imagine your dad having a tantrum over a minute and a half trailer. fucking pathetic.

Bitch I was raised in a middle class dual income white home, its why I'm not such a whiny fag that says his dad would have cried at a tv commercial. my dad wasn't a faggot.

Peele calm down. Have a snickers and be a nigger elsewhere.

seething about niggers

I am always down for new horror shows. Channel Zero was shit, hopefully this will be good.

this is based

cant take jordan peeel seriously as a horror guy, he has a weird chubby face.

>muh drumph


"fuck niggers and fuck jannies"

*loud applause

are they putting this on thier streaming service no one watches?


*standing ovation*

>Mobile link
>Jordan Peele's shit

What are the odds?

>boo hoo my daddy was a weeping faggot, feel bad for me

get over yourself bitch. your pops was just a weepy fag. you probably would have been better off if he was a nigger and just left you, then you wouldn't have grown up to be a whiny fag just like him.

You are so mad

Not watching that gay shit

about what? real question. you posted a story about your dad being a bitch so I called him a bitch. Where is the emotion there?

So mad

>read thread full of posters screaming "DRUUMFFT!!"
>finally watch the trailer
>there's literally nothing close to a Trump reference
>there is a few seconds of people waving American flags
seriously get a grip, you delusional faggots


can't wait

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keep crying about trailers bitch boy. your faggot dead daddy would be so proud you grew up to be a real cocksucker just like him.


U mad white boi?

lmao you’re not even arguing with the guy who made that post lmao shills are hilarious

So this looks like a combinations of retelling the iconic episodes and original stories. The napkin holder fortune teller thing is back and you can hear them saying "everything it said would happen, has happened." The kid in the white house will probably be like that episode where everyone has to listen to the kid or be exiled.

damn its such a crazy coincidence that the only black men who get propped up and find money for their mediocre projects in hollywood do nothing but push the racial divide angle and make stuff about how bad white people are

surely nothing to look into deeper, just a strange concidence that's all

>didnt even watch the trailer
lying shit

cry harder faggots. I'm so so sorry I invaded your safe space. I forgot you basedboy cucks need your hands held and dicks sucked 24/7

haha dont be silly go-guy!

Why are you so butthurt? Are you Jordan Peele?

Wut if white Bois was the slaves

>damn its such a crazy coincidence that the only black men who get propped up and find money for their mediocre projects
yeah that's why there's so many black directors out there. just so many of them getting welfare to make movies. just lots and lots. all directors are actually black. It's not like Villineuve keeps getting projects after waiting money on Arrival and BR2049.

I'm a white trump supporter, probably because my dad never cried about tv reboots.

he literally said
>the only black men

It's kinda nice to see Greg Kinnear in stuff again.

chill out man

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Suck on a shotgun you dickless cock, sorry not everyone's dad was an asshole like yours clearly was.

People keep trying to bring Peele down and he STILL speaks truth to power.


>Imagine living in a world where Drumpf is not in fact a bigot nazi racist, but instead is a brash president who focuses on pragmatic methods to accomplish greater things for America
>Imagine for one moment, that you have in fact been lied to about orange man for years, as though your entire universe has come crumbling down and that everything you knew was wrong
>Imagine, that you have stepped into this parallel world, the world of
>The Twilight Zone

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Jordan Peele actually has barely anything to do with it. He hasn't written or directed a single episode.

My dad and I get along great, we hang out, fish, and talk movies at least 2-4 times a month. He just isn't a spineless fag who would get weepy because they were remaking a tv show he used to like. Dude loves ghostbusters, guess what he did when 2 and the 2016 one came out, didn't see them and kept on living his life. Because he isn't a whiny faggot who bitches like a little girl about media.
>dickless cock
ok this legitimately made me laugh

shh you're going against the white man is constant a victim narrative.

>not shooting in black & white 4:3

You've never watched the original Twilight Zone, I take it.

Wow I'm so outraged bros. I'm literally being genocided right now.

It's really weird how leftists have resorted to pretending like anything white people have a problem with must be alright because it isn't literal genocide.

reminder that the original twilight zone literally had an entire episode dedicated to hating nazis

Oof. Bet you thought you were real cool typing this one out

I haven't seen the trailer yet, but I think it's bad because I hate minorities

What if I don't like media made by people who hate me?

Why are there so many comedic actors in this?

It's really weird how alt-righties manipulate every insignificant occurence in pop culture into a Jewish conspiracy to wipe out white people.





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So you're saying being weepy over some tv show because you liked another tv show doesn't make a person a faggot?

I didn't say anything about the Jews, though, but the post I was responding to did bring up genocide to dismiss any concerns anyone might have about anything.

Then you now understand what it was like to be a minority in America for the last few centuries

Looks good aside from the CBS all access bs, wish they'd just upload it to hulu tbqh

>taking a classic TV series and turning it into being all about racial issues

The biggest indicator that you never watched the original show.

I've never said they should like media made by people who hate them and that they were racist/problematic for not liking art made by people who hate them, though.

Please, explain the issues you have with this program that don't boil down to white genocide.

because this reboot is a joke

Peele just made Get Out and Us. As for Adam Scott and Tracy Morgan, no idea.

The original was all about racial issues?

>It's really weird how leftists have resorted to pretending like anything white people have a problem with must be alright because it isn't literal genocide.
Because that's how they act?

>black version of Time Enough at Last
>black guy all alone
>picks up book

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Meant as a reply to

I think Jordan Peele is pretty openly a hateful cunt who really doesn't like white people. I don't mind that so much, but if he's gonna be given a platform, I don't have to like it and I don't have to think it's a good thing. I don't have to think his platforming is acceptable.

>middle class dual income white home

You're an only child, aren't you? That would explain your lack of social graces.

Isn't his wife white? lol

I support this user. He's right, this is no place for sharing some gay story about your effete intellectual Dad

There was also that Pakistani guy

>Jordan Peele's
>executive producer and narrator of a reboot


Because peele was a comedian and probably knows hot to direct other comedians well.

Meant to reply to this guy

This. Fucking communist Leaf land.

this didnt give off a twilight zone vibe AT ALL

Have progressives spent years pointing out why 'I have black friends!' isn't a valid defense when you're a racist?


they had 1 race episode you subvervise kike

Most people dont cum inside their friends.

Deaths-Head Revisited
Quality of Mercy
The Encounter
Big Tall Wish
Those are just the ones that come to mind, but there are probably more

Still doesn't make you not a racist.

I didn't say you said that, I just said that now you understand how it feels.

One of the Charlottesville organizers has a Jewish wife. Does that mean he isn't an anti-Semite when he's denying the holocaust?

Mixed feelings about this user
On the one hand, your dad seems like fodder for natural selection if he would get so butthurt about a tv show, but I wouldn’t talk shit about somebody’s dad because I’d trade mine for a dad that loved and respect me any day

How do you know he is racist though?

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>I think Jordan Peele is pretty openly a hateful cunt who really doesn't like white people.
And what quotes from him can you provide that support this statement?

He's anti something alright

So this is the only credited writer so far and he has mostly worked on comedy's. Hopefully this isn't a steaming pile of shit.

Rod Serling was Jewish.

OK, I understand how it feels, so I have two choices: I can continue to act like white progressives want me to act, to accept responsibility for the failure of America to achieve perfect racial heterogeneity, or I can act like minorities acted when they were subjected to racism,, which is to organize around the interests of my ethnic group and tell white progressives to eat shit and die.

One has a successful track record.

Maybe he was sneaky enough to keep that shit under wraps until the woman was sufficiently comfortable with him

Or she's a self hating jew, who cares? The guy still organized a hate march that concluded in murder. And still he was ostracized from white nationalist circles. Lay off the feign outrage.

Yea Forums, are you seriously going to watch this?

it has fucking jordan peele as narrator. it's obvious who the target audience and what the agenda is going to be. please, Yea Forums just pretend that this show doesn't exist.

i'm not from /pol/ but fuck, the trailer showed only ethnically diverse characters, so we already know whats on the way.

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And based AF


>thread about the twilight zone turns into discussion of charlottesville "literally who?"

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So are they remaking Nick of Time?

The Twilight Zone has always been liberal, you shitter

This your dad is a pussy user

No, it will just be more Black Mirror type stories in which unsympathetic whites get their comeupance at the end.

I'll watch what i want fuckface

Jordan is also half white. There's no arguing with /pol/ lite.

Maybe Peele's wife is a self hating white :))))

/pol/ lite meaning the people who automatically assumed Get Out and Black Panther were anti-white movies without even seeing them?

I don't know if Peele is racist, but the majority of jokes on his show were about race and his movie is about race. So I'll assume this revolves around race.

So, no one else cares that this guy wrote/produced for big mouth and rick and morty?

black people being cast isnt a race issue you fucking jew

meaning people who accurately estimated the subject matter of those obvious race-bait films?

Sounds like we should listen to them

She's actually Jewish. Have you ever noticed how WASP-y the white family in Get Out is, though? It just merits pointing out that Peele is not engaging in any self-reflection of self-critique.

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12 Years a Slave was more race-batey than either of those movies. lol

Weird how my analysis aligns more closely with Jordan Peele's own analysis of his movie than all of the progs who are super desperate to claim it isn't actually a racist flick.

>child running the White House
Damn... makes u think.. about the parallels to reality..

It was not marketed as aggressively though and was actually a well done film.

Yes, Jordan Peele is half-white. If a black guy liked the KKK and said niggers were worthless pieces of shit, he'd still be a racist though, right?

>Jordan Peele
Fucking Christ. I'm not even going to bother clicking it

Yaaaaasssss! Capeshit and Groid Adventures are THE ONLY shows I watch.

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He isn't a writer or director.

Jews aren't white dummy. Plus her brother is even worse, he confounded Huff Post and is the CEO of Buzzfeed. Almost like all these elites are colluding or something....

>hire all comedic actors
>all tension leaves the scene as soon as you see their faces and expect them to say something funny
great idea guys

>ctrl f white = 30 matches
>ctrl f black = 16 matches

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Looks stale

Christ you sound like a fucking loser. Don’t bother responding to my post. Dumbass little faggot lmao

>hire the writer of big mouth and rick and morty
>memes ensue

Why Jordan Peele of all people? Why not someone who’s been doing horror movies for years

>You are now entering the Twilight Zone. A place where television is invisible

They weren't WASPs they were upper middle class liberals, not religious at all.

>Jordan Peele
sounds like a nigger name. won't even bother.

He has buzz around him. He is literally just the host too. He has no writing credits (yet)

He made one of (or the?) highest rated horror movies of all time, Get Out.

>>not shooting in black & white 4:3
I don't even want to watch this now.

what was this guy thinking

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this but unironically
holy based and redpilled

Does this just seem like an American version of Black Mirror but with racial issues shoved in for no reason to anyone else?

Frenchfrog here, same shit for me.

>muh black mirror

We did it first and TZ had more than 2 good seasons.

black mirror is a british version of twilight zone though

>racial issues shoved in for no reason
>no reason
Why is making stories about racial issues a bad thing?

Alienation is a great theme for scifi. Plebs.

It's not, but there is no honest white perspective of racial issues in modern media and there hasn't been for at least a decade, so white people opting out of media that focuses on race makes sense.

because whitey is evil, no exceptions

>twilight zone but it's all about societal issues
they tried this like 3 times and each time it was a failure

>there is no honest white perspective of racial issues in modern media and there hasn't been for at least a decade
Green Book. It came out a few months ago and has been nominated for some awards. You should check it out

They cant't take the masks off or something, right?

I get it. Nobody likes to be shat on (especially when they've done nothing wrong) I can empathize with white people on that level. I like to think I've treated ever woman I've ever encountered with respect so I hate feeling like I'm being lumped in with men who haven't in this era of "Me too". It's funny how oppressed people claim to want equality when in reality they just want to be the one in driver seat doing the oppressing.

Only one ep in the trailer looks political or am i missing something?

Christ what if they do a sequel to the SEQUEL of "It's a Good Life" / "It's STILL a Good Life"? Jesus itll be Trump the son killing/cornfielding his way to the office...fuck you guys called it

I agree, I think they wcould really attract an audience by leaning on the noir horror part, seeing as how they can't come up with good OC stories anymore, at least it could be visually striking

I thought the whole of progressiveness was to make sure NOBODY felt that way?

Quality of mercy wasnt about race you faggot it was about war and dehumanizing the enemy - not another race
Deaths-Head also wasnt about race - it was about being haunted by the ghosts of your past and destroyed by them - also white v (((white))) so not race-based
How the fuck is big tal wish race-baiting?
The Encounter you are completely right on
>better example wouldve been The Shelter (based),

>am i missing something?
Yeah. Every so often /pol/ will aggressively invade and relate everything into how it's politically suppressing them and demand that films and tv shows cater to their viewpoints.

k then why post garbage bait if you’re gonna admit it’s not your actual stance?

The spoiler is that the masks change their faces into the grotesque faces in the picture. The picture is literally the twist.

fuck off back to /pol/ truptard and watch fucking fox news. Good television is not for you.




You mean people posting on Yea Forums will react with political dialogue to political art in a way that isn't just meek agreement?

No, the Trump Kid President won't be killing his way to office. He'll get elected and then him "exiling" White House staff who don't follow him like how Trump fires people. It's so obvious, Christ.

No, they'll strawman everything to try and support their fragile white ego's.

The writer of this is literally a jewish man just like Sterling.

Details for that episode:

John Cho (Searching), Allison Tolman (Fargo) and Jacob Tremblay (Room) have been tapped to star in “The Wunderkind” episode of The Twilight Zone reboot on CBS All Access.

I didn't realize you meant there are no white perspectives when these shows/movies tell stories that deal with racial issues in America.



There's a few callbacks there. The monster from Nightmare at 20,000 Feet in the water, the devil head from Nick of Time (both Shatner episodes btw)

The episodes look nice enough, but the shots and style make it look more like Twin Peaks or True Detective instead of The Twilight Zone. I'll hold off judgement, but seeing Adam Scott, Tracy Morgan, and Nanjiani in serious roles isn't inspiring a lot of confidence.

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I bet its gonna be a retread of the kid who controlled the town.

hey fag

The Nightmare reboot of this season is named "Nightmare at 30,000 Feet" and Adam Scott walks past a "Mission to Mars" promo. The episode is gonna be about space tourism anxiety.

what was this a reply to? that post got deleted

Sounds neat enough. Adam scott is cool too.

>Okay get this, it's exactly the same as the old one but the twists are sort of different maybe

>"drumph is as kid" and life is a nightmare
>"video camera (probably a reporter's) captures an evil cop shooting a sweet boy (in drivers seat then running around the car), maybe can turn back time (focus on clocks & rewind button, "if we go backwards...again..."), how would this effect interactions with a world of racists at every corner (they're going through offices, sewers, diner like something is following them, kid looking over his shoulder - white cop)
maybe the cop is the inevitable racist end they cant escape (SAME COP catches up with them in a hotel room, and in that diner)

The writer credits on IMDb for that episode are for Rod Serling, so looks like their remake of the original.

$5 that the kid's father is the President and Barron wished him into office by terrifying the voters.


grampa, its time for your meds

>it's trump and not some Youtuber or Streamer that is popular with zoomers


It’s gonna suck

dude, just watch the trailer and pick out parts with the SAME fat cop - not kinnear - the black lady with the camera, and the younger black guy who was in the car with her - and you tell me what you think the story is. especially given she SAYS "if we GO BACK...AGAIN"

Attached: shad.png (605x523, 203K)

its actually MORE explicit - she says
dude you know I'm right


Reverse it


you just gave yourself away, fuck off and get out

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Terrible tryhard cinematography


I applaud you

>im not from /pol/ but let me lecture you with the most pedestrianly /pol/ appeal ever

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>tryhard cinematography
Are you going to call it dishonest next?

>it's nu xfiles cinematographer

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>Tracy Morgan is in it
For those who can't view it

will there be a theory that connects all the storys into an ultimate marvel infinity war?

I'm honestly surprised he's doing so well after that horrible car wreck

A Wonderful Life parallel about a black dude wishing white people never existed.

>He made one of the most overrated horror movies of all time that was awarded simply because of the current political climate in which is made but will be seen as mediocre and a product of its time in 5+ years


kinda like apartheid and post-apartheid South Africa

What other director is worthy enough? I can only think of the hereditary guy and he isn't recognizable enough yet.

Maybe they will do the episode where people went blind and it turned out to be linked to hateful ignorant behavior

>The Niggerlight Zone

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>some bullshit trap version of the theme song
I’m out.

Robert Rodriguez has proven he can direct anything especially with his immensely popular new cyberpunk action masterpiece Alita.

Playing NOW at a theater near you!

I think Trachtenberg would have been a good pick. Yeah, he did an episode of "wot if me mum wuz a computer", but he also did 10 Cloverfield Lane which was kino

Yeah or black people being against gay marriage (and gay people in general I guess)


Playtest was better than 10 cloverfield imho

>The Diewhite Zone

That's fair. I wasn't huge on the 10 Cloverfield Lane ending with the aliens and all that, but I think I just really enjoyed the tension with Goodman and the bunker, so deviating from that took away for me

the last several years have demonstrated a profound lack of ability from entertainment and media to explore race issues with rigor, nuance, and proportion

go choke on a dick faggot

Get off 4channel Donald, this isn't how you spend your executive time.

Fair enough. Goodman was great.

80's Twilight Zone was underrated.

Jordan Banana Peele

Rebooting twilight zone with a black man?
What next? Having Korn do the theme song?

Ill give it a shot. Look like it could be the answer to black mirrors tiresome bleak anti technology morality plays.

I just watched it. I don't think it was race-baitey at all. I think it is interesting that in some places long ago blacks and whites were coexisting like that, taking strolls through the parks and shit.

Next well have a jew running the twilight zone. Serling would be rolling in his grave

Jordan Peele already has a sci-fi horror anthology series called Weird City on YouTube Red. It is even more SJW pozzed anti-white than you can imagine.

Oh and Yea Forums l00kout for his big budget Showtime series Lovecraft Country, about blacks in the 1950s driving across the spooky spook-hatin white South. Monsters with nooses saying MAGA country in before MAGA was a thing.

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Jew corpses don't roll, they're cremated

More like

>White guy is last person left
>So he thinks
>Out walks a gang of niggers
>"Ay white boy, yous all alone and ain't got no privilege to save you"
>Violent rape scene

The VVitch is the best modern horror movie and the only one worthy of an Oscar and it didn't even get nominated. We know why that is and we know why Get Out won a screenplay oscar and the VVitch which was painstakingly researched to be period-accurate, was not.

especially nuance

ironically one of the best movies made about racial issues and tensions was Three Billboards because it actually had a pretty balanced pov
even The Shape of Water was mostly somewhat balanced aside from a few too many on-the-nose contrived scenarios like the diner scene

"Do do de do - do do de do..."

That is bullshit.

>Zoomers don't remember scare tactics.

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Showtime has to be the most anti-White premium cable channel and that's saying something
Smilf is an abomination of propaganda, there's no way people watch that shit and yet it gets renewed anyway

Poor white people eat that shit up

My dad died last fall and he loved TZ. It was the first thing he bought on DVD back in 2002. I have fond memories of being a kid in the 90s with those TZ Sci-Fi Channel marathons.

fucking based

True though.

Trump is objectively a bad person whereas Black People (a made up interchangeable term) are a neutral mix of varying people.

wtf how come twilight zone libatrd now?!??!

Kill yourself you wimp

>Trump is objectively a bad person
> objectively
It's does not work like that.

Why are you disrespecting your dead dad by using him randomly to force a point? That’s what Hillary did in 2016 with that one dead soldier

Totally tasteless

Incels btfo

He’s an asshole, but he’s not “bad”; if anything Hilary was the greater evil and I say this as a guy who literally does not give a rats ass about what crazy conservatives or libshits think

>not in black and white

Wtf is the point?

>Americans are literally THIS pathetic
>still shit on far superior Canadians

Your country produces shit tv shows

Your country is fucking garbage

his could ONLY happen in USA.

There's a good reason why Europeans laugh at you and think highly of us CANADIANS, amerifats.

I feel bad for these poor blacks, because if they were in Canada they'd never have to live their lives in fear.

Fuck America.

You people always claim that you're "better" and that were "irrelevant", but look at this fucking video you fuck tards.

You can't even take a are of your own people.

In Canada, where we aren't FAT FUCKS, we have socialism, and not SHIT FOR BRAINS capitalism.

We would have taken care of these people and made sure that they never would have ended up like this in the first place.

Fuck America, and fuck every single American reading this.

This is undeniable proof that Canada IS better than your 3rd world country, and that you're all walking tubs of fat and hatred.

You fat pieces of shit

You disgusting mongrels


Fuck you America.

Fuck you for systematically oppressing the blacks that you forcibly enslaved into becoming this.

Fuck you for the wars in the Middle East.

Fuck you for spreading your shit culture everywhere.

Fuck you for putting estrogen in the waters.

Fuck you for the migrant crisis in Europe.

Fuck you for people like RYAN FUCKING LOCHTE who literally piss on other countries properties.




Lol, you fat fucks have poor """""American education""""" though, so here, let me translate my superior English:


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>a fucking leaf

this but unironically


Tracy Morgan just breaks the immersion. But it actually looks good. I wanna know who the writers are.


Yea Forums


Out of how many episodes/seasons?

>Jordan Peele

Into the trash it goes