
Everyone's playing the blame game.

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Duane needs a strong drink and a stronger hug

so the khert fire was intentional and being used to smuggle roger in, is that what I should be taking from all this?

Out, more likely
He was already in the area from what Lemuel saw and is probably taking this opportunity to slip back out to Cresce. Or doing so soon, at least

Probably going to keep the curse from connecting to him, letting him do whatever fuckery he's come home to do. Then he can bounce, unharmed.

That's gotta be the spellmaster Duane fried, and if it is then the plats maybe couldn't control the spell he was guiding.
He looks like a plat too, a much older one.

forgot pic

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>Dual chin wielding
that's not in my core AD&D rulebook
must be from one of the splatbooks

To be fair, Duane protected almost all of his kids.

God, Duane looks so broken here. I want to give him a hug.

Poor Duane's setting himself up to get owned on the next page.

Duane looks like such a bitchboy

>t. Shitty Spellmaster

>Claggart telling the other guy to stop trying to start shit with Duane

nicely shows that despite his bitter asshole tendencies, Claggart really is a good commanding officer.

I'd be surprised if he wasn't bitter and at times asshole-ish. Looks like he spent a lot of time on the front. Plus he's a jet, he can't help it.

I get the feeling he's the one Duane's remembering here.

>Biscuit-bellied city toff, got all your leaning from books.
>What did you think you'd find out here?

Attached: ch13_46.jpg (600x900, 250K)

Sounds plausible, though Claggart wasn't the only one voicing their disdain for the circumstances of Duane's rank and for his background.


Isn’t he like 17 here?

He protecc
He attacc
But most importantly
He snacc (on Crescian brains)

He’s 21.

It’s a Madishane expression
