Queen Tyr'ahnee

post Queen Tyr'ahnee or be invaded by mars

Attached: tumblr_pio93o401p1t2q0nh_540.png (540x405, 201K)

Other urls found in this thread:


She should be in newer Looney Tunes material being in love with Daffy

Attached: 01e8a3278990b555b3e62f4f864562038ca16_hq.jpg (479x359, 23K)

THIS scene made me feel weird when I was 9. I know why now.

Attached: tyr_ahnee_38_by_whitecattheheroqueen_d3hc9cu-fullview.jpg (900x675, 46K)

b-but shes my waifu

Attached: tumblr_pio93nZE2Z1t2q0nh_540.jpg (540x405, 24K)

shes a big girl

Attached: tumblr_oi73gak0fz1uxgz02o1_1280.jpg (1280x1782, 316K)

For You.

Attached: hnnng-more-awesome-queen-tyrahnee-aaaart-_3-3763632.png (500x837, 60K)

I don't think Im doing this right

Attached: Miss Martian Queen of Mars.jpg (736x1047, 66K)

anyone else find the fact that she has less features to her face more attractive?like no mouth and the cute pink strip

Attached: tumblr_o88as4v5c61ug5r9ko1_1280.png (1091x1920, 452K)

i want more art of her molesting her handmaidens.

queens using their power to sexually harass people is my fetish especially if it's little boys they bad-touch

>when she sees your penis

Attached: cant sleep ducks will eat me.png (624x352, 108K)

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any chance anyone has a duck dogers hd rip folder?

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It's on Nandato, don't post links here obviously.

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>She will never be a part of the regular LT villains

Attached: 41958739_734144836952964_7289193930711199853_n.jpg (1080x1349, 130K)

Here's a torrent:

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t. Marvin

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i have erection from cartoon

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queen tyr'ahnee makes big peeny

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shame the handmaidens werent used more

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Yeah. . .

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Why isn't she in newer looney tunes cartoons? I want to see what she looks like in tex avery's style

Attached: 1485410306140.jpg (912x1078, 331K)

Looney Tunes comic issue 237 is her latest appearance in anything.

Forgot picture.

Attached: RCO006_1495639938.jpg (1041x1600, 335K)

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Wasn't she popular?

Attached: 1553724185980.png (500x800, 151K)

The simplicity is the major factor.
She's basically that "Just add bed room eyes to any objects and Yea Forums will fuck it test" put to practical use. Her face is literally just a pair of sexy eyes.

New characters rarely get used again. Lola is the biggest exception.

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Isn't Lola and Ty the only new characters in awhile?

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No, but they are the most notable due to their waifu status.

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Mars is dumb.

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Well, you could justify it in saying she's off being Queen of Mars. Reality is that she's too damn sexy to fit in today's cartoon climate.

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I wish black girls were less horrible. They could be good if they had any personality besides monster goddess and psychic evil queen. Ugh.

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Holy shit that filename lmao.


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Is it bad that I read her name as tranny before tyranny?

is she flat chested or well endowed

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She'd been great in the Loony Toons show as Daffy's still affectionate but understandable ex. She'd end up being the "straight gal" getting roped into his hi-jinks.

And at the end Bugs always wondering what she still sees in him.

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This is one of my favorite drawings of her.

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Stop post the Queen dammit, we need to get invaded!

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I am almost done.

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man thats a lotta the mars booby lady lol

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rewatching the series, would you?

Attached: 01 Duck Deception _ The Spy Who Didn.mkv_20190611_190921.304.png (994x1072, 771K)

Done for now. Enjoy the Tyr'ahnee pics.

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what does this mean

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daughters of the fat sucking vampire

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post more

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why is Katma Tui so fuckin cute in DD style?

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Depends on what they're going for.
If she's supposed to fit into something like Classic Shorts, then I'd go for her being ridiculously regal queen that Marvin trips over himself to impress or underwhelming queen who commands little respect from Marvin or Dogders.
If it's a Looney Tunes reboot type show she could work fine as Daffy's ex that nobody knows how he ever landed. Maybe Marvin is bitter about that.

Attached: 09 The Green Loontern (1080p HD).mkv_20190611_204639.860.png (1912x1072, 2.12M)

While Bugs wants to get her but can't

Because she looks like Soranik Natu years before the fact, only less prone to being a bitch.

"hot recycling"

>short hair tyr'
oh god my dick

How come lola was never on dodgers? she couldve been like uhura

Attached: Secretary_Lola.png (666x372, 187K)

That was porky's job

He coulda been dumb spock. bing boom bang!

twas bored so

Attached: Boodikka nud.png (693x957, 553K)

Wish there was more art of the lardsuckers

Have mercy on my dick.

Anybody got the 'ovulating right now' pic?

>Just because I'm black doesn't make me a nigger

Literally had a black chick say that to me in high school once

I believe the name of the meme is No Way Fag

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It's just like the old threads.

Attached: 0aec5d76eb76deba5e3a48cb64890228e0ab86e2.jpg (755x857, 212K)

Which old threads?

Attached: 218654420-20DankoDeadZone20Duck_Dodgers_28series2920Looney_Tunes20Queen_Tyr27ahnee.png (1280x799, 1.67M)

Years ago every Monday, a bunch of turbo autists would come together and post Tyr'ahnee stuff.

>Years ago every Monday, a bunch of turbo autists would come together and post Tyr'ahnee stuff.
Ha ha ha, look at this old lonely bitter feminist angry at Martian Mondays and the superiority of Tyr'ahnee

And you think I wasn't one of the contributors? Well, I can see who didn't participate.

This should be resurrected

I see Cunny.
And I'm ok with that.

I won't tell anyone if you don't :3

>She's basically that "Just add bed room eyes to any objects and Yea Forums will fuck it test" put to practical use.
Well, in this case the eyes are added to a very conventionally sexy female body.

Every time Lola is out of the room he tries to put a move on her which she is straight up oblivious to.

As soon as Daffy walks in and does something repugnant she gets all doe eyed and looks at him wistfully. Bugs looks even more confused.

Mercy is for the weak.

For what purpose?

They cute

post more

Get a load of this guy. user, little secret. All waifu-fags are turbo autists, no matter the quality of their waifu. Tyr'ahnee4lyfe

I've ideas butvany requests?

Vagina Dentata

Was this real


Daffy x Queen

This but *dodgers

skinny queen

I was playing around with an Idea for space jam 2 where she is the sort of Queen of the court, like really aggressive playstyle and ballhog.

>skinny queen
So I see I'm not the only one who immediately assumed "it's definitely that /aco/ guy who always draws her thicker than a baobab"

Attached: 1427061797520.jpg (640x480, 32K)

How come?

Sorry, I meant skinny dipping queen


While I am here, the person offering art requests is not me.

The simple art style implies clean neoteneous features, lithe yet curvacious bodies, and well sized perky breasts. Most heterosexual men and homosexual women find these traits cute on a female.

Attached: where_do_you_think_we_are.jpg (400x302, 24K)

That indeed. I would put my hands on those maidens for sure.

Smart grill.

Just made this stitch the other day.

When I watched this episode I was massively disjointed that the robots weren't painted pink.

Attached: Agent Yoshimi.png (853x1432, 1.05M)

Are you sure?

Get in line

I am very sure, user.

reminder that she has nose and a mouth, but martians are LITERALLY pitch black

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Attached: 10 Quarterback Quack _ To Love a Duc.mkv_20190612_164259.427.png (392x990, 374K)

tfw you will never lick that belly button

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Goddamnit user I needed my sides for dinner!

Attached: 10 Quarterback Quack _ To Love a Duc.mkv_20190612_165019.249.png (1912x1072, 2.97M)

>You'll never be Queen Tyr'ahnee's designated personal fuck bot

Fuck this gay galaxy...

Literally BEST BOY

The bellybuttons annoy me. Martians are born from eggs.

tfw you will never have personal access to the queens secret maidens

Attached: 10 Quarterback Quack _ To Love a Duc.mkv_20190612_165055.426.png (334x887, 298K)


The thing about it is Mars wouldn't even need a violent conquest. Their women are top tier, they'd assimilate us culturally through interspecies mating.

Excelsior, you adorable bastard.

wait wut is that DD canon or like from one of the old marvin shorts

Attached: 10 Quarterback Quack _ To Love a Duc.mkv_20190612_165121.081.png (633x1056, 631K)

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Attached: 10 Quarterback Quack _ To Love a Duc.mkv_20190612_165733.625.png (981x903, 687K)

better quality

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Attached: 10 Quarterback Quack _ To Love a Duc.mkv_20190612_165901.665.png (1125x973, 764K)

god, the things these chicks must have seen

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What does Lola see in Bugs? that's the real question

Attached: 220269.png (2762x2295, 1M)

What an odd website name.

Attached: 11 Hooray for Hollywood Planet (1080.mkv_20190612_183014.322.png (574x953, 543K)

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If the belly buttons are a problem, the mammary glands should be a bigger problem. A random skin indentation isn't that strange for a non-placental mammal, but chest-level fat sacks are kind of weird if they aren't explicitly mammary glands. If they're just for storing water/nutrients/whatever, they should be dispersed over a wider area.

Yeah but my penis LIKES boobies. My penis doesn't give a fuck about bellybuttons so my brain gets to handle it. Maybe they are like the platypus?

My niggas. Extra points for posting Drossel.

>or be invaded by mars
Is mars the name of her penis

brings a new meaning to H.G. Wells' "Martian tripods"

>Former Miss Mars
I like to think Martian beauty pageants are just as much gladiator deathmatches as they are beauty pageants.

>tfw in 2019 no western kids cartoon has the guts to make a female character this unambiguously sexy

Attached: 1315419287327.jpg (850x478, 199K)

If she had a penis, wouldn't we be able to see it through her skirt?

By design they're not, but when the 2105 swept the talent portion by displaying her skills in traditional Barsoomian fencing and literally eliminating the competition.
Ever since then, the entrants refuse to be caught off guard.

Attached: ChristmasMartian.png (1280x963, 465K)

>My penis doesn't give a fuck about bellybuttons
Shame, bellybuttons are cute.

Attached: 2010-08-1720-23-28.jpg (718x814, 122K)


Short haired Queen Tyr'ahnee makes my heart go doki doki.

truly, this is the darkest timeline

what's your favourite style of short hair?

I want her to invade my boi pusy

Outfit aside, why do people like her?

She's a hot character on a really good show.
Design is sexy
Voice is sexy
Attitude is sexy
Why not?

Hot Villainess pining after the oblivious hero is my fetish.
She's also a bit of a yandere.


Any drawing requests?

....yes this pleased the dick


>actually means american

Watch the show and you'll know.

Some are over at

Attached: marvin.jpg (837x837, 52K)


lmagine being Marvin and always being that close to her but never getting it

>0 seeders

I'm not saying a bellybutton on a tight tummy isn't hot af, just that it's not immediately arousing.

I just want to see her armpits

Armpitfags are worse than footfags.

What's the appeal of armpits?

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You Tyr'ahnee waifufags are the best. +11 internets to you all

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Attached: 12 The Queen Is Wild _ Back to the A.mkv_20190613_140800.802.png (1912x1072, 2.03M)

Tits too big.

Attached: 12 The Queen Is Wild _ Back to the A.mkv_20190613_140806.986.png (1912x1072, 2.08M)

Attached: 12 The Queen Is Wild _ Back to the A.mkv_20190613_140836.232.png (1912x1072, 2.03M)

Attached: 12 The Queen Is Wild _ Back to the A.mkv_20190613_140850.096.png (1912x1072, 1.99M)

Attached: qt.webm (1920x1080, 1.32M)

no such thing as too big

Attached: 12 The Queen Is Wild _ Back to the A.mkv_20190613_141455.073.png (1912x1072, 2.26M)


Attached: 12 The Queen Is Wild _ Back to the A.mkv_20190613_135426.170.png (1912x1072, 2.83M)

boobs are ok and ass is great but that shit gets boring

nice warm place to shove your face into
also did you make this?


Attached: Queen Tyr'ahnee animation error.png (1280x718, 1.16M)

Attached: TwJq65W.png (1456x819, 1.05M)

Attached: Queen Tyr'ahnee sauna 1.png (1280x720, 743K)

Attached: Queen Tyr'ahnee sauna 2.png (1280x720, 725K)

Yea Forums: the post

This is a lie. She goes commando.

She's wearing a different outfit in that picture though.

She put them on just so she could take them off. It builds anticipation.

thank you, you are nice draw friend

No problem.

what about giant tyr'ahnee?

Attached: 220613.png (2562x5165, 2.77M)

I'm pretty sure I have it, I'll be seeding it again after the fuse-blowing transformer-exploding thunderstorm blows over.

I prefer her to be regular sized.

but why? Why would you turn down a giant gf?

ayyliens in casual human clothes gets me going more than any sexy lingerie

Because she would be violating the square-cube law and that upsets my autism.

wait king cheetah is dead ?

Attached: 13 Enemy Yours _ Duck Departure (108.mkv_20190613_191333.956.png (1095x965, 546K)

>when she sees your duck

Attached: 13 Enemy Yours _ Duck Departure (108.mkv_20190613_191336.736.png (891x1072, 473K)

Attached: 13 Enemy Yours _ Duck Departure (108.mkv_20190613_191429.209.png (1912x1072, 2.23M)

Attached: 01 Pig Planet (1080p HD).mkv_20190613_192453.531.png (1920x1080, 1.96M)

Attached: 01 Pig Planet (1080p HD).mkv_20190613_193915.574.png (443x963, 443K)

Attached: 01 Pig Planet (1080p HD).mkv_20190613_193918.670.png (642x967, 618K)

Attached: 01 Pig Planet (1080p HD).mkv_20190613_193937.862.png (1920x1080, 2.31M)

Attached: 01 Pig Planet (1080p HD).mkv_20190613_193640.757.png (1122x1010, 898K)

Attached: HS73xqg.png (1456x819, 1.06M)

I'd cuddle the life out of her and then hold her hand as we watch the Terrans give in to Martian superiority.

Attached: 04 Talent Show a Go Go _ The Love of.mkv_20190613_220319.070.png (1920x1080, 1.16M)

Attached: 04 Talent Show a Go Go _ The Love of.mkv_20190613_220337.115.png (1920x1080, 1.99M)

Attached: 04 Talent Show a Go Go _ The Love of.mkv_20190613_220417.974.png (1920x1080, 2.2M)

Attached: 04 Talent Show a Go Go _ The Love of.mkv_20190613_220422.340.png (1920x1080, 2.03M)

Attached: 04 Talent Show a Go Go _ The Love of.mkv_20190613_220431.092.png (1920x1080, 1.83M)

He's confident, highly successful, also a rabbit, and has a great personality that attracts most girls in that universe
She can also easily dom him

Attached: 04 Talent Show a Go Go _ The Love of.mkv_20190613_220439.075.png (1920x1080, 1.29M)

Attached: 04 Talent Show a Go Go _ The Love of.mkv_20190613_220445.362.png (1920x1080, 2.27M)

pure space sex

Attached: Untitled.webm (1920x1080, 2.75M)

Attached: Untitled2.webm (1920x1080, 2.08M)

Attached: Untitled3.webm (1920x1080, 343K)

Attached: 04 Talent Show a Go Go _ The Love of.mkv_20190613_221500.388.png (1920x1080, 1.98M)

Attached: Untitled4.webm (1920x1080, 2.54M)

Attached: 04 Talent Show a Go Go _ The Love of.mkv_20190613_221725.164.png (1920x1080, 1.21M)

Attached: 04 Talent Show a Go Go _ The Love of.mkv_20190613_221752.523.png (1920x1080, 2.58M)

Attached: 04 Talent Show a Go Go _ The Love of.mkv_20190613_221819.880.png (1920x1080, 869K)

Attached: 04 Talent Show a Go Go _ The Love of.mkv_20190613_221828.794.png (1920x1080, 2.16M)

Attached: 04 Talent Show a Go Go _ The Love of.mkv_20190613_221834.495.png (1920x1080, 1.49M)

Attached: Untitled5.webm (1920x1080, 2.26M)

Attached: 04 Talent Show a Go Go _ The Love of.mkv_20190613_223701.984.png (1920x1080, 2.15M)

Have this image without the autism?

new background/obscure waifu accquired

Attached: 04 Talent Show a Go Go _ The Love of.mkv_20190613_223914.145.png (1034x1080, 885K)

Attached: 04 Talent Show a Go Go _ The Love of.mkv_20190613_224200.590.png (1920x1080, 1.72M)

Attached: 04 Talent Show a Go Go _ The Love of.mkv_20190613_224142.336.png (1920x1080, 1.92M)

Attached: 04 Talent Show a Go Go _ The Love of.mkv_20190613_223951.903.png (1279x1080, 1.17M)

Attached: 04 Talent Show a Go Go _ The Love of.mkv_20190613_224236.733.png (1920x1080, 1.51M)

yes, he passed of liver cancer only a short time ago.

Attached: 04 Talent Show a Go Go _ The Love of.mkv_20190613_224251.324.png (1920x1080, 1.67M)

Wow, he was ancient. I don't know why, but I thought he was some young dumb-ass like a lot of us shitposting on Yea Forums. Now I'm wondering how many people in their 40s or 50s are here.


Attached: pre.png (465x254, 98K)

Attached: Queen Tyr'ahnee reading.png (1280x720, 1.12M)