Why can't american audiences appreciate football?
Why can't american audiences appreciate football?
That movie was about cavemen football?
you mean run around, flop and tie?
Too aerobic. Americans are fat so long running is scary and confusing to them.
But we do, though. Now soccer on the other had, that's shit.
>why did the internet not like this literal who movie
>oh it must be americans
I doubt there's enough Americans aware this thing exists to give it that many reviews.
most sports movies are garbage, no matter what gimmick they try to attach to them. Fuck, especially the ones with gimmicks stapled to them.
Shaolin soccer is a notable exception. Fucking love that movie.
tie at 0, even
the marketing for this movie was a lie, i took my niece and nephew to see it because I thought it was just about cavemen, not football. they were bored shitless and it was a waste of money. lesson learned is that i should always search up what a movie is about before taking two children to see it.
Oh please, American football is so lame. You spend more time strategizing than actually playing the game.
soccer is associated with poverty and americans avoid hobbies and interests that make them look poor.
also it is a boring and a shit sport.
I don't see how you can say that with a straight face when cricket exists, the sport that had to introduce rules requiring teams to actually play the game during matches.
Football requires a little bit of basic problem solving unlike soccer
It's called soccer yah poof
As opposed to "fall over and cry before rioting poverty ball"?
>b-but american football has more scoring!
According to teamrankings.com, the 2018 NFL season had an average of 5.3 touchdowns per game.
According to the LA Times, the average NFL game lasts 3 hours and 12 minutes.
That equates to an AVERAGE of 1.65 touchdowns an hour.
The 2018/19 Premier League saw 1072 goals over 380 games, a total of 2.82 per match.
With 90 minute games, plus a 15 minute halftime break and about 5 minutes of added time per game, a regular football game lasts 1 hour and 50 minutes.
That equates to an AVERAGE of 1.54 goals an hour.
But let's delve deeper and exclude breaks. The NFL has a 12 minute halftime break and two 2-minute quarter breaks. That knocks off 16 minutes of non-game time. Football has a 15 minute halftime break and that's it.
>NFL game time = 2 hours and 56 minutes
>EPL game time = 1 hour and 35 minutes
Therefore, per hour of game time, there are
>1.81 touchdowns in the NFL
>1.78 goals in the English Premier League
Conclusion: NFL is literally as boring as sawker.
There is literally nothing wrong with Cricket
Soccer is boring shit
As opposed to "stand around and stand around and stand around sponsored by Burger King"?
Touchdowns are not the only way to score in football.
because they like overpaid niggers humping to each other with obnoxiously long and cringy advertising in the middle. truly the embodiement of unbridled consumism, mindless entertainment for the masses and megalomania. on the other hand, euros like to see tattoed smelly sandniggers kicking a ball and constantly faking and bitching to the ref. two different ways to panem et circenses, they're both disgusting but since those two continents have different shoddy modern traditions, it's difficult to appease everyone
>b-but field goals!
>b-but safeties!
Don't count. They are literally the "shots on goal" of real football.
Movie was fucking boring
Soccer is a shit sport
It's not that we don't appreciate football.
It's that the marketing promised caveman shenanigans, and the focus was instead on fucking sports.
It could've focused on anything other than what was promised and we still probably wouldn't have liked it.
Why ya gotta bring nationality into this?
I don't think it's fair to blame Americans. I had no idea that movie was about football until I heard people on Yea Forums say so; the posters had made me assume it was about cavemen going into war or something. I don't mind football, but I would've been kinda annoyed if I'd gone to see a movie that had a sports arc out of nowhere.
>dosen't have a ball
But still, nu-ardman kinda suck.
You really are going to be that idiot aren't you
Enjoy bribeball