Would you had cucked your alternate timeline past-self or would you had saved him so that he could live the life that...

Would you had cucked your alternate timeline past-self or would you had saved him so that he could live the life that was denied to you?

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Defrost him so we can both fuck our gfs fat tits

Keep him frozen til I leave then wake him up

*so we can fuck each other

but wouldn't that steve wake up in 2011 and then go back in time anyway to fuck another peggy?

How many threads about this do we need

Nope, that timeline's Thanos was dusted. No Thanos, no snap, no snap, no Endgame.

Don't forget they actually created 2 additional timelines
1. The one where Loki escaped with the Cube
2. The one where the Cube was stolen from storage

>The one where the Cube was stolen from storage
That one got fixed when Cap put it back immediately after Tony took it, that was the whole point of Banner and Swinton's talk.

It was a fluke I got out in the first place, I’m taking my time with my girl and he can plow our NBR niece who’s been nursing a crush on us since she was a little kid.

I'd tell myself to brush his teeth.

I swear to god, my whole life would be a whole lot different if I had better teeth

oh right

True. But the one where Loki escapes MIGHT still be fucked. Not in the way that TAO was worried about, but just because Loki escaping might change how a lot of things play out.

For example, if Loki not being in jail changes the outcome of Thor 2 in any way, all of the stars in the universe might go dark in as soon as a year after that. That would be bad, actually even worse than if Thanos wins.

That's not how Endgame time travel works.

Every modification crates a new time line, the time line where there just isn't a Thanos because he went to our future and got killed and the one where Cap Marries Peggy are two different timelines

Now that I think of it, if every trip potentially crates a parallel tieline that can't be reached by the avengee's time machine, shouldn't cap go back in time to find that the cube is still in his place? Because the reality where they took it it's not their actual past, but another completely different time line.


yes that one got fixed, but the other one didn't

The timeline still exists though. It's just not in disarray because of what the avengers did

Multiple timelines existed before during and after the avengers. This has been established at least as far back as the dr strange movie

>He hasn't gone through the suffering
>Even if I save him from some suffering there will be more to replace it.
Better to leave him be. Suffering is a universal constant and made me into who I am. Unless I hated who I was I wouldn't deny him of that.

Time branches out continually at any point to create infinite timelines.

it does raise the question: what besides time travel/time magic creates alternate timelines? We know that anything that dicks around with the nature of time results in a split timeline rather than a paradoxical change, but if there were no time anomalies at all, would there be only a single timeline or do natural phenomena create split timelines too?

I don't see a dilemma, he's you so no harm done

My theory is that the avengers didnt create the timelines they just had influence on them. They seemed push the idea of an existing multiverse which is spacetime physics stuff and over my head. The avengers not only went back to another dimension in spacetime