How Endgame should have ended. With Thanos led away in cuffs lolz

How Endgame should have ended. With Thanos led away in cuffs lolz.
"Alright Thanos, thats enough now, just come quietly"

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>Decade-spanning Marvel epic
>Ends like Monty Python and the Holy Grail

I would have unironically stood up and clapped if this was the ending.

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Thanos should've spun his sword like a helicopter blade and flown away.


That shit is why I will never take the Inquisitors from Star Wars Rebels seriously and Im glad one of them died by it malfunctioning

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Kino until the end of time if that happened.

Now I want a series where Matt Murdock and Jennifer Walters team up to try and build a case to get Thanos incarcerated against his monstrous alien lawyers.

I remember wanting the plot of Civil War 2 to veer off into Thanos bringing Carol and crew to court on "police brutality" charges since he merely showed up on on Earth with a bunch of guns, not having time to TECHNICALLY commit a crime.

They'd lose because She-Hulk was bed-ridden at the time, and Thanos would gain ownership of... whatever Carol was running at the time. Alpha Flight? The Ultimates? Whatever.

Is Fisk going to be Thanos's cellmate?

I was hoping for this myself:

Thanos closes his eyes and awaits death like in the film.
Sits there for a moment and nothing happens.
Opens his eyes and he's on the farm from the first of the film.
Trapped forever in a prison of his own making, alone with the knowledge of his failure.

how'd he fail if he on farm tho?

It's a punishment farm Tony created, in a pocket farmverse.

Him escaping with the thanoscopter would be a better ending than anything

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Only if he whipped out his Thanos-Copter and tried to bamboozle the Avengers with his mad piloting skills that would rival the galaxy's best Hotshot pilot Darkseid

Make the courtroom session a Phoenix Wright parody to drive the whole MAHVEL BABY schtick even more with Judge America as the old guy in a wig.

geez comics are so stupid. thank god I don't read them, mcu is the best!

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The new star wars game has one of these as the villain. Have fun with that.

>Fat Irish 1920s Cop just walking by at the end
"Ho, ho, ho, Tony Stark and his gang o'rascals did it again! Move along now, you scamps!"


Just replace "cube" with "Infinity Stones" and you get the last 30 minutes of Endgame.

Attached: cube.jpg (600x432, 92K)

I honestly wish it had ended that way. I love when villains get served up some justice but instead we get guys like Killmonger that die like smug martyrs.