This is the true version of events in Endgame

This is the true version of events in Endgame
maybe the spoiler will work this time

Attached: endgametime2.png (1844x1423, 261K)

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>Missing the one without the mitt
>Is so bad that no one dare to speak about it

Since it's appearing out of nowhere that causes the branching, arriving back to your original timeline also causes a branch where you never returned.

That doesn't violate e anything here because these are only observed timelines

With the exception of event (15), where they all arrive at the same time, every arrowhead in the diagram generated a new alternate timeline.

And since that would mean timelines where Cap never returned the Stones, I think he might have traveled to the moment of events (3), (7), (10), and (13) to return the stones, somehow overwriting those branches with one that he arrives alongside the Avengers already in possession of the Stones, effectively erasing the original branching as the Anciant One wanted.

Since he can give them the Stones he already has, there is no need to remove the Stones from their original timelines and Black Widow does not have to sacrifice herself.

So she and Hawkeye can return to point (15) together with the Soul Stone, rewriting the ending of the movie.

I guess that this just makes things more complicated than they need to.

You don't erase timelines you just create new ones

That's possible, but maybe you manage to all arrive in the same instant in time, you only create one branch, as might be the case with everyone returning together to event (15).

I'm assuming that it's the effect of showing up out of nowhere that creates the branch, since that is the starting event that is different from the original timeline, not the individual travel to there.

What I'm trying to say is that, for example, it could be possible to alter event (3) from being the appeareance of Black Widow, Hawekeye, War Machine and Nebula in 2014, to include the appearance of Captain America already in possession of the Power and Soul Stones, thus completely altering the Branch Timeline 1.

umm actually it would be more like they never left. You see you are thinking more of a multiverse theory where timelines and multiverse are one in the same, which by all accounts you are correct.
However when you point out they dont come back then you have to take into account that they dont take the stones making another time split with in the split.
So that being said, in Mcu and marvel verse in general the time lines and multiverse are 2 seperate things. Timelines create different timelines when something actually happens to create a new timeline. Where as Multiverse is all real time, like happening right now, but with a different possible decision and what if scenarios are brought to life.

think of it this way. Each branch where everyone gets the stones already had a cap returning them. So you can say it was an endless cycle of time lines splitting or you can think of it where timelines merged back to a single one because of the power of all the stones. Because Time travel will always have a way show up when ever they want even the instant something was taken it was put back.

Several people suddenly appearing might count as something different from what happened in the original timeline, so that could be enough to create a new timeline.

but who is to say that had already happened in their original timeline. The time line they left from already was altered by themselves creating not a time line, but a spyrograph that is rotating around it self in a forward motion, much like how our solar system spins around the sun while the entire system is moving through the milky way galaxy.

Also, the Ancient One was Obviously wrong about the removal of the Stones being the cause of the branching, since Cap was able to grow old in an alternate timeline without taking any Stone from there.

well here is the thing. Maybe the timelines did split only for cap to meld them back together because of the power of all infinity stones. Literally the deus ex Machina.

Except we all know what would be the explosive consequences of Cap using the Infinity Stones.

not exactly, if anything what we have to go on is that undoing people and undoing the snap at all is what causes a feed back like that. Simply putting back that was once taken might not have the same consequences. But that's a flimsy theory if anything.

GotG clearly contradicts that.

well didnt Steve have Thor's hammer with him?

He also had a limited number of travels available by the Pym Particules. And even if he returned Thor's Hammer last, he would have less Stones with each travel.

unless the command was to send all the stones and the hammer and himself all at once. The stones do give you the power of God, I think giving them a command upon returning is very possible.

I just want to see the wacky hijinks Steve had to do returning all the stones.
Re-injecting Jane with the Aether and tossing the hammer back to past-Thor, convincing the Hydra agents that he was wrong and they have to take the spear back, the whole awkwardness that would come with seeing Red Skull again.

So far in the movies you are only able to use the Stones if you are holding them or wielding an object they are attached to, so your theory doesn't sound possible even with the power of God.

I would like that to be a special episode in the What If series they annouced.

how so? I didnt see the movie yet so I was spoiled by it, werent the stones put in to the gauntlet?

> I didnt see the movie yet
I see your problem then.

They end up in a new Infinity Gauntlet, but are removed in the end of the movie so Cap can return each one to its respective timelines.

In the movie they mention that even Thor might not be able to safely use all the Stones at the same time. Hulk offers himself to do it because much of the radiation they emit is Gamma.

but how did Steve take them back? where they set in the gauntlet again after tony... you know... toney'd?

I don't think that's what she was saying though. I think she was just using the stones as the most relevant example because that's the one change she knew he was going to make.

They were in a special briefcase

Using Pym Particles and the Quantum Realm. The same way they traveled through time during the whole movie.

Oh then never mind then. I thought that Steve was using the stones to go back. Now its obvious they used pym particles.

Except that traveling to the past already caused a changed. Everything you do after already occurs in an alternate timeline. It's not like the multiverse where every decision creates alternate realities.

The Ancient One was only concerned with protecting the world from Dormammu, which could only be done with the Time Stone. Any time Time Travel occurred, it was a visit to an alternate dimension, changing that timeline. TAO was simply stating that removing the Stone would cause Dormammu to win, to which Hulk suggested they could return the stone as soon as it was gone so that specific path would not come to pass. Her only priority is Dormammu, so she doesn't care how else the world is effected by the time travelers altering things (Loki steals the tesseract, creating a significant divergence, but it doesn't effect her goal at all).

Cap was in an alternate timeline by virtue of having used the watch to go back in time. The stone being involved there is incidental. Plus, IIRC the timeline he stayed in was the same they took the Tesseract from. I thought the title card said 1970, not 1950. Could be wrong there.