He came home a changed man. They get divorced after three years

He came home a changed man. They get divorced after three years.

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What was he so butt hurt about? He was literally doing the morally right thing eradicating Cartels and the Yakuza. What is there to be all depressed about? Fuck I wish he'd been doing that before the snap.

Because being a hero means you don't play judge, jury, and executioner. He knew it was wrong to cross that line but kept on doing it.

Did he really pay his wife’s phone bill for five years?

Why not? It was half-priced.

He was irrationally mad that his family and a lot of good people were dusted instead of all the bad guys.

How was it charged? Did he leave it plugged in for 5 years?

Maybe he did? Maybe he was so distraught he left his home just as his family left it.
Or he took every precaution in the hope they would someday re-appear again.

Who's paying for the electric if he just up and left?

Just because he's traveling around slaughtering gangsters doesn't mean he can't pay bills.

There's also the chance that the remaining people in charge provided the services for free
People were grieving and it's not like there weren't more resources available

What irks me is that everything was portrayed as operating normally after the snap, despite the fact that there would probably be widespread looting all over the USA.

Who says there wasn't? The only things we see are the immediate aftermath and then five years later, when some semblance of order were enforced.

The first few months after the event must have been absolute madness.

There's only half the looters left after the snap, it's not that bad.

Depends on whom was snapped, if you catch my drift.

I want to lick his armpits

Did people where they were?
Why was noone in the avenger building?

[spoilers]>Everything was portrayed as operating normally
>A mostly dark Manhattan and a clearly long abandoned Citi Field
>Ellis Island SURROUNDED by countless ships of all shapes and sizes
>Suburbs beginning to show signs of the encroachment of nature

I'm sorry, what exactly is this 'everything' you're talking about?

Are you talking about the one scene where Hulk's in a diner?

A single lit up Japanese neighborhood being torn apart by Ronin?

... Okay I'll give you the idea that Fortnite servers still being up after an apocalypse is silly, but we didn't see enough of the world to say it was business as usual.[/spoiler]

It should've been a lot more chaotic, but they decided to go with the "don't think too hard about it" explanation. Like, for example half of the people in Parker's school are five years older now. Or remember that the infrastructure is basically fucked and would require significant restoration efforts.
Let's just pretend like everything is fine, it's like a fairytale ending.

Shit, the one time I fuck up spoiler tags.

>he bothers to close spoiler tags when he intends to end the post with spoilered text

>tfw everytime you bang your wife you keep remembering the time Natasha gave you the ol Russian Knuckle.

... Wait that's a thing? I've only ever done closed tags on spoiler post.

There were basically no avengers until they threw that together.

It kinda feels like Nat was just living in the compound sitting next to the phone like a hermit.

He is not killing them to stop a bad thing, he is just killing them because muh family is dead and not you.

A better way to look at it is he hates himself.

He's not sorry for what he did, he's sorry for what he let himself become.


I'm surprised there wasn't more doomsday cults and nations spiraling into dictatorships with governments trying to restore order by force.

True, that should have been a thing. All the paranoid shit crazy people say suddenly HAPPENED.

3.5 billion people up and vanish, really puts shit in perspective.

Especially if most of those people are the kind of people who'd start doomsday cults and dictatorships.

Iron Man's was living in a cottage in the woods which would be kind of dangerous I imagine assuming the USA descended into chaos.

But maybe it was in a fenced area in the Avengers compound or someshit.

They should have had the USA go into meltdown.

Then we could have a President Cap mini storyline.

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Hey, it could set up the show like that. Gives him an excuse to mentor Kate instead of having to share screen time with her and then his family.

I honestly wouldn't trust the nation to someone who didn't grow up and observe the social and economic changes that occurred from the 1940s. Part of why we require the president be at least 35 is because they can execute with the interests of the people they CURRENTLY serve. 70 years temporal displacement would have him running the country with outdated methodologies.

>yfw millions of people who moved on after 5 years all suddenly had their lives thrown into fucking chaos as people who no longer know them as they are just get dropped back into the universe's collective lap

What the fuck, you guys? Is this really a victory? Think about New Asgard. People weren't going to be worried about old lines on the map so much when half of everyone is gone and there's no shortage of space, but now that they're back they might be looking at some actual problems, since Thor literally just dropped his people on that cliff side in Norway because Anthony Hopkins told him to.

Just thinking about the social fucking havoc that would be inflicted by something like this happening is mind-boggling, but the movie kind of just smooths it over? It seems to be like 3.5 billion people showing up 5 years later out of fucking nowhere without any real warning would be just as catastrophic a change as 3.5 million people disappearing our of nowhere.

Wasn't the age 35 thing because back in the day life expectancy was lower so in case the President was a tyrant we wouldn't have to put up with him for very long?

If half of the population suddenly disappeared, the first thing Americans would think about would be the end of the world.
Sure Captain America proably told the government what happened, and for people that where there and knew what was happening it could have put old grudges into perspective.But for the general population it would have looks like the Rapture from those Christian end of the world movies.
And not everyone would believe Tony Stark saying it was a purple alien with magic stones that killed half of the people.

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Do we see any of Peter’s friends besides his best friend? Best friend probably got snapped too. It makes me wonder if mj got snapped. If she did I wonder if they are going to have a new girl that is age. I wonder if they are going to make Gwen enter the scene and originally be about 5 years younger but the snap let her age up to Peter.

Would have been funny if Aunt May didn’t get snapped and became an old hag when Peter returned.

>And not everyone would believe Tony Stark saying it was a purple alien with magic stones that killed half of the people.

For a planet that experienced three alien invasions prior, I would say nothing is off the table.

Would be funny but also a waste of young may

Aunt May actually did survive but it's only been five years so she wouldn't get crow's feet or gray hair.

I would have appreciated it, though. Young May just has way too many "wanna fuck your aunt, Pete" jokes on the back of it. It's like low-hanging fruit.

Again. I really don't think you realize how much 3.5 billion actually is.

Pretty sure that puts an irreparable dent in every single religion on the planet, people start to choose isolation over risking losing anything ever again, so the people going to church still are doing so out of hope more than anything else.

I'm saying people would either tumble so deep into nihlism they won't organize anything... Or becomes so desperate to have anything positive that they won't generate ANYTHING that harms that truly fragile good.

It's admittedly more than probably anyone can feasibly process. I don't blame them for writing around it because I don't think the human mind can comprehend the scale of that unless it actually happened. No one could do it justice unless they were writing about a historical event.

>Currently there's estimated to be 1.2 billion Catholics

Yep, that could be the entire church gone in one snap if they're unlucky.

> I really don't think you realize how much 3.5 billion actually is.
East Asia and India. And if they were all to drop dead tomorrow we'd probably be fine, more jobs for white people even. It's the uniform distribution that can potentially screw us over.
Just saying, if you're gonna kill people as a statistic, you should definitely kill people who are already just a statistic.

Okay, but if the US descends into chaos, what non-billionaire genius is going to go into the woods to start a new life?
Or loot/pillage for that matter?

he and black widow use a bow and arrow and guns?? they killed all those hydra goons in the beginning of age of ultron

>clothes disappeared
>phone in pocket
>phone snaps away too
happened with sam's earpiece

you think...iron man....didnt have a home security system

magic avenger phone?

Steve's had to kill people too in the service of his mission.

Hawkeye was just finding thugs and slaughtering them. He's dishing out "what they deserve" as he determines it.

like they had been doing with hydra. they were a private group, they had no jurisdiction. thats why the sokovia accords even came to be, and clint was against them. he was always an outlaw and a killer (except for when he worked for shield)

HYDRA was exposed as a terror organization when Project Insight was exposed.

So losing his family made him have a midlife crisis where he got some tattoos, a new haircut, bought a katana and went to Japan to LARP as a ninja?

he infiltrated the yakuza

No, no. There's a difference in fighting back people that try to kill you during a mission sanctioned by the government (which all of the Avengers did, Thor says it in AoU) and ON YOUR OWN deciding which missions to take and hunting down folks, even killing them once they are defeated and begging.

dude he was shield black ops and an avenger. his shit was probably already paid for well in advance

it's a plot point in ultron that his house is off the grid and only fury knows about it. nick probably paid for everything for him ahead of time as a favor he owed

Why, though? Were the Yakuza not at all suspicious of a 40 something white man wanting to join their organization after the seemingly instantaneous death of billions? What were the Yakuza doing that required his attention so badly, why not hang out in the US, Mexico, or China where there are undoubtedly just as massive, if not more so, crime problems?

does the yakuza actually do anything outside of japan? who gives a shit? what is he gonna do, shut down brothels?

So he's Reynauld from Darkest Dungeon?

>Were the Yakuza not at all suspicious of a 40 something white man wanting to join their organization after the seemingly instantaneous death of billions?

To be fair that's a pretty good reason. They probably lost a lot of their ranks, they could take anyone as long as they prove they're capable.

Lucius please

You can tell this person is dumb as hell. Think entire country of people disappears and the world would be fine.
Maybe he doesn't realize how interconnected the world is now and about globalism.

>does the yakuza actually do anything outside of japan?
They get prostitutes from other countries, not to mention weapons and drugs.

If you kill Asia globalism will end. Simple as.

What did she hate more, the tattoo or the haircut?

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>family gets dusted
>channels his rage and sorrow into killing minorities in the most grisly way possible
Based Clint "One Man Clan" Barton

The tattoo is a piece of work. I'd be very disappointed in my husband.

>not to mention weapons
Eh, the yakuza mostly stick to blades. They have guns, but that's a special occasion sort of murder tool. They don't deal in them in bulk.

Maybe Thanos' snap made people not want to commit suicide and loot.

>Drugs and Prostitutes
>worthy of killing dozens like a self righteous cunt

What a faggot, he should have died honestly

Fucker probably just never cancelled his family plan.

So what if there was? Dead people don't need it.

Americans always freak out about looting like it's some kind of atrocity.

You have to understand something about resources, in capitalist societies lack or resources is relative. Right now in the real world, there is enough food been produce today to end world hunger.
But if you are not going to pay for it nobody is going to give it for free. Same with looting, half the world might have died, but that TV you took is still merchandise you haven't paid for.

Now what I don't understand is why the world is not completely fucked up by the snap, apart from an empty stadium and the suburbs looking a little rough nothing seem to change that much. Hell somehow amid all the chaos some company pick up Antman's stuff and put it on storage while the world was going nuts.

And it surprised me not a single "end of the world religious group" formed after the events using the event to attract new member to their cult. I mean half of the world disappearing is how those religious movies starts in the first place.
Remember how in Pacific Rim there are Kaiju churches, well something like that is sure to form if half of the population dies in a single day, I was expecting the holly church of death with Thanos as their messiah.

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Hi Frank.

>What is there to be all depressed about?
On the off chance you're legitimately autistic, he lost his entire family

In the mid 2000's a Yakuza crime boss was allowed into the US for a lifesaving kidney transplant because he would have been arrested in Japan. Some high ranking US officials were in in this. It was supposed to be very hush hush, but got leaked. I heard whispers of it when I held a security clearance, but I later heard about it on the radio a couple years later.

We don't know where he got the kidney from.

>What was he so butt hurt about? What is there to be all depressed about?
Because his kids were killed?

Same guy here. I just looked it up out of curiosity. It was more than one Yakuza boss, and it was for liver transplants, not kidneys.

Again, I only heard whispers about it before. I wasn't someone who had a need to know.

Hulk probably lived in the city doing whatever.
Rhodes was clearly traveling all the time cleaning after Clint.
Clint was awol killing thugs.
Tony was living in his little cottage.
Thor was wasting away in New Asgard.
Rocket and Nebula sounded like they were somewhere on Earth judging by what they said during the video conference, but maybe were also in space.

So basically, only Natasha and Steve were living in the compound.

he's a nazi

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Was it stated that the snap affected every planet equally, or if the balance was universe wide?

The latter would depend on how much life each galaxy had.

Hawleye isn't exactly a hero though. He is government agent. Granted he is one that went rogue and started mass murdering criminals.

> Clint becomes man of murder on crime.
> Wanda goes Chthony on Thanos.

But Schmidt thinks the Nazis are useless.

Why the hell did Hawkeye say "Whatever, he eats trash" when Nat told him Rocket wasn't technically a raccoon? Seems like a unnecessarily mean thing to say about the guy that lent him a fucking FTL space ship barely an hour after meeting him.

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He'll be the head of Nu-Shield.

Well, Rocket is an asshole, given how he treated Lang.

So how many of Pete's friends got snapped with him and have to go back to high school five years later, the fat kid, Flash and the goblin or is Far From Home a prequel to IW like Antman and Wasp was?

It's a sequel to EG, and guess that's one thing we'll get to learn

>have to go back to high school five years later, the fat kid, Flash and the goblin

But Norman Osborn would be several years older than Peter.

He was gone for five years along with many other kids, and he goes back to school, that's what Endgame shows. I guess you don't get a pass to skip formal education just because you didn't exist for a little while.

Personally, I say that human traffickers deserve whatever shit the universe can throw at them.

But he recognizes it's not an excuse to take it out on other people, no matter how vile they are.

Same, Renner is hot af

Minor operations here in the US, Usually just taking Japanese tourists to casinos and other business owened by the Mafia or Russian mob and getting a "finders fee"

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Maybe if Bendis was writing

>implying Frank is wrong either

Sorry, meant for

Wasn't Nat the one who said that?

You got this backwards, it was Nat who said the trash comment while Clint said he wasn't really a raccoon.

Ah, i remembered it wrong then. In that case Nat's a bitch to the only alien character that gave a shit about Earth and kept contacting her for five years after the snap to make sure everything was ok.

Nebula's an alien too you know, Carol also technically has alien blood in her veins.