Captain America we see on the bench at the end was always there

>Captain America we see on the bench at the end was always there
>he spent years waiting to reveal himself being careful not to tamper with the timeline
>we’ve been watching an alternate timeline the entire time
>young Steve leave to go make another new timeline
>this has been constantly happening over and over with the other plaits timelines we see happening as well
>Steve has innocently caused a multiverse of minor variations in many timelines leading to a potential disaster

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Confirmed not to be the case.

No, he's our Cap and he returned to the main timeline after living his life with alternate Peggy in an alternate timeline. Russos confirmed it.

Not in the movie. Not canon. I prefer my headcanon. Sets up other bullshit. Makes Steve regret his actions. Layers.

>I prefer my headcanon.

>Not in the movie.

But it was, people have been saying it way before the directors confirming it, you were just too dumb to understand it.

Too dumb to understand capeshit, take a minute to consider the implications of this statement.

Hulk literally explained how time travel works in this movie. You cannot get back the long way.

If you accept what actually happened, Cap could have stomped Hydra early in the alt timeline, unfrozen himself and spit roasted Peggy while giving himself a high five whatever.

Or you can take your retarded version that means Cap sat around and let his greatest enemies run the world for 80 something years.

>he returned to the main timeline

how? He didn't use the device to return to the platform, so how did he get back to the main timeline? Did he ask the Tony of the alternate timeline to make him another one to return to the main timeline? "hey I'm captain america from an alternate universe, send me home please."

Or Tilda Swinton came to the main timeline and sent him back in time with the time stone, which wouldn’t produce an alternate reality.

It’s still pretty retarded since he allowed his alternate timeline-self to be frozen for several decades instead of attempting to save him.

How do you know that? We have zero evidence of what he did ont he alt timeline. I'm just pointing out that Steve can do literally anything in that reality without fucking the main one

He is together with Peggy. And the only way that would be possible if alternate timeline-self was out of the picture. He basically cuck his alternate timeline-self

If he saved him, Loki would have won the New York invasion.

They never reveal who Peggy’s husband was so it could work. Steve could have just enjoyed the quote life in the background

>Steve eternally cucking himself in each new timeline

Right? He would know not to unfreeze himself early otherwise he could doom that timeline so he just hangs out and let’s things happen til it’s the day his young self goes back.

Did old Steve get dusted and come back?

The same way they got in the other timelines that didnt have the platform

>it could work
Except the part where that's not how time-travel works in the movie, as stated time and time again.

The movie explained how time travel works, and Old Cap presence on the bench didn't contradict anything of that. People are just making their own headcanons. The movie said time travel creates alternate timelines so you must assume that is the case. And the Russos indeed confirmed those assumptions.

What’s preventing him from having just stayed in an alternate timeline and we’re seeing an alt?

They said the timeline only skews when you remove an Infinity Stone from where it should be. No other choices matter. That is the only stipulation that the Ancient One specified which would change the history that Banner knew. So everything around the stones is irrelevant. Cap lived a full life before returning the last stone as an old man, erasing the timeline that he had with Peggy.

One timeline. No branches. All clipped. Loki and space stone was circumvented by Cap putting the stone back in the 70s.

I think they were using the stones as examples of putting back what you found to not disrupt the timeline. You weren’t supposed to take it literally.

No, any cases of time travel created alternate timelines. The problem was that removing the infinity stones and not putting them back created fucked/doomed timelines, meaning doing so would create a bunch of bad end timelines like Dormammu taking over the universe because of no time stone.

Cap going back and living his life in an alternate timeline with Peggy? History goes differently, but it's not a "nasty alternate timeline" (as Hulk puts it) just an alternate timeline. Removing Earth's defense against Dormammu or just generally unbalancing the structure of the universe by having only some of the infinity stones there and not others? Doomed timelines.

I don't see how this is so hard to understand when not only do they hammer this point home time and again, but this isn't really any different than how time travel works in the comics (DTPs aside).