Everything is going to be just fine

Everything is going to be just fine.

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How costly could it be to reanimate or redesign now that most of the film is done?

>redoing the entire Sonic CG instead of making a decent design in the first place

it comes out in November so there's probably plenty of time and if not they can always push it back

How much of a fuck do you have to be to do this?

They should have just opened up for feedback earlier

There is literally nothing wrong with doing this you dipshits.
>Yea Forums complains because REE CORPORATIONS DONT LISTEN TO US
>every now and then someone listens and responds in a not hateful way

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But I don't give a shit about sonic and was pretty excited for the dumpster fire.

this is maybe the worst decision they could have made, uncanny valley nightmare sonic is the only thing they had going for them

So guess what


The movie is going to suck regardless of how sonic looks, but at the same time they could at least make him look like he has for the last 30 years. Its not asking for much.

Thanks I hate it.

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Should have gone with this.

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thats not how developing works, shows how much you know

I'm not even mad. I just like reeing.

It's sad how even abomination that is an improvement to the design they decided to go with.

Does no one at Sega or Paramount have eyes? You don't need an audience to tell you what's wrong with that design.

It's safe to say that Sega has no say in the film whatsoever, I imagine they're as unhappy with the design as everyone else is. This is 100% the result of Paramount executives, there's no other way you'd see Sonic sporting nike shoes.

Just make Sonic's eyes look like his videogame counterpart, as well as Jim Carry Eggman have a huge ridiculous mustache and that would be a great start to make this trainwreck a masterpiece.

Chances are it'll still suck ass, but this'll help

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That still looks awful. The eyes need a complete overhaul. This example is truer.

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I'm all for this movie keeping the current design and angering the Japanese so much that they decide to make their own movie a la Roland Godzilla.

I hope they not only keep that design, but also make him trans

This is how he needs to look.

No you dont. You're just trying to bait people into being angry.

They'll just force their animators to work overtime and unpaid, as always. No biggie.

>mono eye


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I hope someone mails Chris Chan tickets to the movie.

It’s weird how adding socks and making his white hands gloves are such a major improvement.

nobody is reeing because of the redesign you stupid faggot

realistically this is probably all theyre gonna do considering the movies this close to release and this is all he really needs

Just noticed Movie Sonic was wearing Nike's. Ooooh the product placement.

What baffles me is that Sonic looks great in Wreck -It Ralph and everyone was happy with him there and yet they managed to fuck it up with this movie.

They aren’t reanimating anything. They just made a fake trailer and model to cause controversy.

Sonic controversy is a marketing PSYOP won't you please stay woke?

It just shows that a blended CGI/live action movie was a terrible idea from its inception, and they should have just made a fully animated film. Sonic is a cartoon-based character, his visual design takes cues from the classics of funny animal cartoons, as does Mario's design. This movie would be like if they tried to release a movie with Mickey Mouse or Felix the Cat in photo-realistic CGI and had him walking and talking with realistic humans.

Can't wait for those artists and animators to be worked to the bone for the next six months because of the incompetence of the execs

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>Sonic has the worst fan base ever
>every single comment on the director’s Twitter post about this is super respectful and thankful.
Color me surprised. Other fans would still lynch someone for even trying.
Worried about the animators though. I honestly think they’re probably just making minor changes if they can and calling it a day.

That sucks. I'd rather see the movie in November with low quality animation than have to wait months more for some better looking rendering. It's not like animation quality has anything to do with the actual plot.

Anyone working in the VFX field should be used to that by now.

>force their animators to work overtime and unpaid
After the results they give us they're lucky they were not dragged into the street in shot point blank. Amateur hour should never be rewarded.

Isn't this their fault? I'm sure the person who did the designs should be launched into space but surely someone in charge of Sonic's look would've realized it wasn't going to go over well.

it's because just the act of conceding something like this shows how the leadership on this movie is completely fucked. Show some fucking backbone and stand behind your product. And if they aren't happy with the design themselves, then they should've put more effort into making a quality product in the first place.

According to Wikipedia Sony was in charge of the movie originally, and hired 5 different writers to work on the movie, then after sinking tons of money into the pre-production, they took a tax write-off to recoup the lost money and passed off the project to another movie studio, getting picked up by Paramount, who kept the same production team and actors already chosen by Sony. Essentially this was Sony's trainwreck that was in place back when they were doing shit like Ghostbusters 2016.

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>The internet finally does something worthwhile by bitching hard enough

It's about time

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Nike are probably the people who made them re-do it.

So... it WASN'T intentional?
Maybe take this initial step BEFORE you start the movie, next time.

Fella, this is like stepping in dogshit and finding a piece of chocolate. It's a step in the right direction, but it's still awful and downright baffling.

Look, I'm just gonna say it
when I was a kid that was what made Sonic Sonic. white-toed shoes is what made Tails Tails, and I remember thinking it was interesting Doug had the same thing. If they had sold shoes with a stripe in the middle back then, I would have bought them.