Arctic Justice

does this work?

Attached: MV5BZWM1MzVhY2YtMGQ2Ni00N2NhLTg5ZmMtMWVjZTFmNjIyNTZkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyOTA4NTg4NzQ@._V1_.jpg (296x411, 29K)

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Looks like a cute movie. But the story doesn't look too good, we'll see i guess.


There was actually another trailer but they blocked it even though they uploaded it themselves.

this one has fart sound.

...wait, in the artwork im posting red one is a boy and white is a girl


Attached: 1024355-all-star-voice-cast-set-arctic-justice-thunder-squad-feature.png (1500x750, 1.28M)

They switched it. Movie was in development for years.

remember to add that white dot in the eye.

or else character looks dead inside

Attached: s-l1000.jpg (1000x988, 138K)

They are dead inside.

How long?

Looks like another one of those straight-to-video-tier movies that somehow got a theatrical release.

I dunno lol.

500 - x years.

Go back to Red dit.

Glad to know Red It invented both writing, and memes.

Also the line breaks.

I thought this was the spin off of that penguins movie.

What movie?

What language was it in originally

Most low key movies are voiced in English to help with possible international "success".

tumblr? are you there?

So am I Reddit, or am I Tumblr?

you can be both

>a man with two hearts
>a man with two brains
Jesus Christ, I'm a monster!

Looks better than Nut Job, at least visually.