This Justice League issue:

This Justice League issue:

Darkseid IS the best hotshot pilot in the galaxy, suck it Hal Jordan

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Just look at that smirk, he knew somebody was going to give him that opportunity.

Is that a fucking Pelican from Halo?

Attached: LoTLoL.gif (355x200, 3.16M)

Between this and DCeased it's been confirmed Darkseid sits and waits for the exact right moment to make his entrence.

Darkseid, you smug sonnuvabitch.

Kek that smug face.


Darkseid is a god of taste

I love everyone's reaction to his dumb pun

Why don't they have speeders be pilots more? They'd be able to react practically instantly and aren't affected by g-force.

But the passengers are and not all hardware could keep up. Speedsters are also scouts. You want him available to run back and forth, get there first and provide intel. Even in space where he couldn't just go ahead first, youd rather have a speedster mechanic/engineer fixing damage than as a pilot.

Its like asking why dont they just get into a shipping container and have Superman carry everyone.

Why not just have the entire flash family pilot an extra large batplane?

Because they are more valuable unencumbered. You are literally slowing them down. If you wanna lend speedforce attributes to a transport, Flash only needs to lend speed, theres no added bonus in reaction time if the vehicle can move only so fast regardless.

Then it's simple, we turn a speeders into a spaceship.

Why don't they just strap one of them to the engine like Red Death Batman did?

So Marvel rip off Warhammer 40k Tau and DC rip off Halo Pelicans. Even in plagiarism they are divided.

Page of the week.

Darksied's been waiting all day to show the League his sick piloting skills.

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Because, again, they are more useful than simple fuel. They can lend speed regardless, but you want them free to move about because they react fastest to any emergency. Its like having a fast response vehicle and realizing your main transport could be faster if you gut the faster vehicle for parts. You got a faster main transport but now you've lost versatility and reach within the bigger operation.

Yeah but imagine like a C130 powered by a flash corpse.

I want him to split me in half


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