
Nice comeback, Duane.

Attached: ch14_36[1].jpg (600x900, 271K)

Fuck, that really makes you think at how incredibly badass a Jet warrior can be. Centuries to hone their craft and get better. The best ones must be one-man armies.

what the hell is wrong with his eye?

Magnus is a sleepy baby, Duane needs to put him to bed.

Holy shit you can't get more smug than this.

Attached: Smug.jpg (138x219, 14K)

They can master dog-spearing in less than 2 centuries.
That's pretty fucking impressive.
In reality their long-ass lives probably drain them of a lot of urgency. Dwayne's feeding a Plat toddler who can warp reality, while some doofus who's probably 2 centuries old is bragging about his dog-spearing prowess.

Attached: 1384395184693.png (505x477, 270K)

he says this as a boast but Crescian dogs are fucking huge

And armoured. Hurling a spear clean through the chink in an armoured dog coming right at you is... pretty metal.

Considering the scarring around it, my guess is either it got hit with a stray spell that damaged the skin and altered the eye color... Or maybe the injury also took out his eye, and this is a pymaric replacement that doesn't match the other's color.
Of course, this guy probably doesn't not rank high enough for a functional replacement eye, so it may just be glass.

Liking this friendly intercaste banter

Has Ashley ever indicated which of them are best at getting along, culturally enforced segregation aside?

Duane removing the crust is too cute
His dad powers being so strong is why he had to die

I remember a tumblr post saying eye replacement pymarics are often made from First Glass which is cheap as fuck

Could be just scarring of some sort as well, don’t know. I guess he’d have plenty of time to learn how to fight with only one eye being a jet and all

It’s kinda funny with Will because he DOES go on to try learning pymary AND he’s carrying a spear in the flashback chapter

So maybe he takes both of them to heart. That’s wholesome, kinda

Apparently he's comically horrible with pymary, though.

Or a stronghit can send the iris flying and leave it husky blue. It happened with my father after a golf ball hit him in the eye. Brown and blue now.

That poor dog.

That's pretty cool, user. I learned something new today thanks to you.

>that poor dog

300 paces is damn far to throw a spear, let alone accurately. Seriously how much does this guy work out?

it's a bit of a shame that everyone is already capable of impossible physical feats since it's a fantasy comic. the guy has been in his peak physical prime for over a century. imagine an aldish swordsmaster who has practiced daily for the last 150 years going up against a regular cresce conscript.

Has anyone actually done stuff that is beyond real-world physical limits? Other than pymary, of course. I never got the impression that anyone in Unsounded was physically superhuman, except for Duane and maybe glut abusers like Knock and Toby.

Probably enough to learn how to lie believably about his prowess

>Has anyone actually done stuff that is beyond real-world physical limits
The most egregious examples are the war hounds. Dog muscles are different from horses as are the lungs and for dogs to function at those sizes they'd have to be biologically different in ways that would probably alter the way they look past 'big ass dog.'

Ashley likes dogs so thats why they are dogs

She's mentioned the logistics of having carnivore beasts of burden being unlikely to actually be viable irl on Tumblr before but dgafs because dogs are cute and fun to draw

Considering she will sit there with Tumblr asks and mathematically go through a million hypotheticals about pymary and castes and the khert I feel like we can let a couple things that she didn't feel like autistically dissecting for us slide for the sake of enjoyment, but if it comes down to it for you just pretend Kassylnian dogs are fundamentally different from Earth ones and move on

giant wan wans are fine

oh my god he's taking

Attached: tumblr_inline_phcmbwyGzG1wo4mo8_1280.png (747x749, 36K)

I know, Duane makes my ovaries burst too.

Jets and Coppers don't get along, Silvers and Plats don't get along, everybody thinks Souds are untrustworthy. However, Ssaelism is mostly adhered to be Jets, Silvers, and Souds, while Geffies are mostly Copper, Plats, and Bronzes. Thus, I figure Jets, Souds, and Silvers "get along" best as an axis of misfits while Coppers, Plats, and Bronzes "get along" best as the extremes of society.

What I like about Ashley's work with Alderode is that it's an entire society crafted around the idea of "what would a society have to look like to make the idea of universal human equality seem rather silly". This guy has spent damn near a human lifetime throwing spears and coming up with snarky insults and is presumably still just a grunt; Claggart has spent a similarly long time being snobbish and leading men. Meanwhile, Magnus is having his crust removed from his bread but is basically a human nuke despite being still a child.

Yeah it’s crazy. I think Silver Commander is 40, having a pretty damn high rank, but he’ll be dead in another ten years tops. Claggart could be stuck as a captain for several of any silver’s lifetimes. None of those plats will get far past 25. Alderode is nuts, and without any of the other cultural shit

>kicked out
He killed a plat (a plat, at an academy! imagine how promising he must've been!), fucked a Third Option hottie, and after being let off the hook for BOTH of those things voluntarily left to join the military. I'm not sure if that's better or worse than just getting kicked out.

My god. The guy paying for his education must have been SO PISSED.

His wife is lucky

Daddy as fuck

DO NOT lewd the spellmaster

Try to stop me.

Attached: ravioli ravioli.png (529x998, 619K)

Almost made Composer too

That hadn't happened yet, though.

Magnus is the cutest plat and must be protected

Pretty sure dogs can eat (processed) plants as their main food source without too much trouble, as long as they also get enough protein and such. It doesn't seem too far-fetched that giant fantasy dogs have simply adopted to have more omnivorous traits to make up for it, especially since you can probably get Beadman's Better Dog Food™ that's mostly grains and such Pymary'd to taste like meat to dogs.

He is a man of god

He sinned before, he can do it again.

I like the permanently smug one.