ITT: Childhood crushes

ITT: Childhood crushes

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I was into her butt when I was in university

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40 year old boomer pedo

why the fuck did they make ariel so sexy?
what the fuck were they thinking?

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Even as a kid I had goth fever.
Plus she was also into bugs so that just made everything better.

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they want to groom the audience in to sexualizing kids. It's where the whole disney style came from. All of the characters have massive eyes so that they look more like babies, because all humans subconsciously feel kindness towards babies. Sexualizing these baby faced cartoon characters is just social engineering.

You are out of your pathetic little mind.


i had a crush on a girl from 5th grade to freshman year of hs who looked 1 to 1 like katara, she was mixed and thick.

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This is now a Roxanne thread.

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What would be considered zoomer age?
I was in 6th grade when this came out, if that means anything.

taught me to love goths

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That's a good one. Also short chicks, she needed a stack of books to reach the foot pedals.

her being short is one of her finest qualities.

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It means you're too young.

I remember very vividly that I had some confusing feelings about her

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And me.

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Anyone remember that one copypasta?

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She was damn curvy for a patched-up doll.

prolly what got me into Gothic styled girls and midriffs

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literally my first love

Shut the fuck up, boomer.