So what are they gonna do?

now that endgame has closed the door to flashpoint paradox forever

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Flashpoint should be the end of the Flash trilogy and be its own thing

Sell Wonder Woman to Disney so Thor May burn calories fucking her

She can't even take cock with that skeleton build

Stick to their failing TV shows and comics and go bankrupt

Starting off with Flashpoint was always a retarded idea.

Like I said, just slowly build up to a Crisis movie for their 'Endgame'. Obviously they should focus on solos still for now, but give us a proper JL movie when they have that shit situated.

Endgame doesn't preclude DC from trying to do Flashpoint, but I'm pretty sure they gave up on that a while ago even though the latest script for The Flash still has time-travel elements.

Ezra Miller seems to be the only one hung up on doing a Flashpoint-themed movie.

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They gave up on flashpoint literally because they found out about Endgame time-travel tho

Yeah like how Days of Future Past ended time travel superhero movies

Why do you keep spamming this?

Amalgam Cinematic Universe, obviously.

Thank god.

It's really is DC's best and frankly only option

That's only if Based Disney wants to buy these shitty characters. AT&T is no doubt ready and willing to sell this drain on their bottom line to any studio that asks

I'm pretty sure they gave up on Flashpoint because it's literally undoable as a first movie lest there be heavy rewrites.

Unironically, do they even have rights relating to Access or that entire deal? Access has only showed up, like... fucking five times in the past decade, hasn't he?

Flashpoint came out in 2013. And has millions of views on YouTube retard.

Also DOFP already beat the MCU to the point.

Only Marvel Studios can actually make things happen


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Cosmic horror Darkseid, in all seriousness.

I would kill to see the Crime Syndicate on screen but the question is when would they do it? I've thought that if they were to do a Crisis movie, it'd be great to have them as extended cameos in some capacity. Ideally you'd have them in a JL movie but what JL movie could they possibly be in? You'd need Starro and/or the White Martians to properly introduce the JL, maybe do the Legion of Doom for a sequel, and then Darkseid for the last one. There's no place to properly fit them in sadly.

>"Accept the things you cannot change. Have the courage to change the things you can and have the wisdom to know the difference."
Basic time travel advice.

Do you really feel the need to post this thread 5 times in a day?

Warner Bros vetoo'd this. You're going to get Donald Trump-analogue Darkseid instead.

Imagine the GA reaction to Supes and Bat killing people left and right

>t. dicklet


That's why Captain Marvel is the first female Superhero movie and Black Panther the first black one

Not him but I'd rather get fascistic cosmic Hitler Darkseid instead. I do love Morrison's work so fucking much but I feel like they should push the fascistic leader angle more so than the cosmic horror approach.

>Supes and Bat
By that, you mean Ultraman and Owlman.

Agreed, besides the Donald Schtick is already that of GLORIOUS FUCKING GODFREY!